"Still Get Your News From The Liberals Of The Democrat Party?"
The New York Times believes its ideology is more important than what America's Founders had envisioned, writing: "But that view is myopic. In some respects, Mr. Obama is far more experienced than other presidential candidates." - Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times, March 6, 2007
The Shepp Report
A Summary Of The Week's Conservative News
November 30, 2014
Conservative News Stories |
How many more conservative news stories were buried this week by the Progressive Media? |
- Reviewing over 60 conservative Web sites for the week's news, every week. - |
Saul Alinsky's President: Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste
Photo Source: NBC |
Ferguson Protesters Degrade Slain Officer's Memorial - ClashDaily
Ferguson Grand Jury Witnesses Often Cited Fear In Testifying - LATimes
Farrakhan On Ferguson: ‘We’ll Tear This G**damn Country Up!’ - MinutemenNews
Black Ferguson Residents Armed With AR-15S Save White Owner's Business - Breitbart
Elderly Man Attacked, Carjacked, And Then Run Over By Ferguson Protesters - EagleRising
Loathsome Protesters Crash Seattle Christmas Tree Lighting, Make Children Cry - JammieWearingFools
St. Louis Teens Bash Car With Hammer, Kill Driver. Not Ferguson Related? Give Us A Break! - TruthRevolt
Watching America Reduced To An Ugly Third World Country
America is in a meltdown when its citizens blur the lines that sometimes it's okay to steal what others own simply because it's there to take. Harvard's Obama gave it a name; Social Justice.
So why didn't struggling Vietnamese-American fishermen steal after Katrina? That's the first question that needed to be asked years ago. But Obama's socialist agenda is always focused on divisive race baiting, not poverty.
It's Not About Race. It's About Culture - Webmaster
"Our children need to learn our values not only at the level of seeing the political problems they face, but also being able to navigate their lives." - Pastor Voddie Baucham

"In early August my wife and I, along with seven of our nine children, left for a month-long ministry tour in Africa (Kenya, Zambia, and South Africa). It was a couple of days before we got settled and had any access to media. As such, I was taken aback when I began to receive Google alerts, emails, and Facebook and Twitter messages either demanding that I comment on 'Ferguson,' or condemning me for failing to do so.
The only problem was, I had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. Who, what, or where was Ferguson? Why was it such a big deal? Why was I being condemned (along with other 'high-profile' evangelicals) for 'failing to speak out on such an important issue'?" - TheGospelCoalition, Pastor Buacham (Read More) |
Whether it is White privilege or any other kind, you should feel grateful to God for it, not guilty
"And the fact is, when it comes to raising our children, his statement is so true. In fact, we should extrapolate a bit as “Tea Party Conservatives” or whatever: Our children have far more to fear from making bad choices than they have to fear from the NSA, the mainstream media, the TSA, and even a Democrat majority.
We really can and do destroy ourselves. And the easiest path toward that end is to be naive about our own power to do so—or to be distracted by monsters in the world so that you don’t watch the one closest to you." - PoliticalOutcast |
Obama Can't Fix Our Disabling Culture If He's Been Engrained In It
"All change is not growth; as all movement is not forward." - Ellen Glasgow |
The making of Lean - YouTube |
To Ferguson Store Owners:
MSNBC Allows Their Paid Host To Fan The Flames. Will Someone Sue The Socialist-Friendly Cable Channel?
MSNBC's Sharpton Doing What's Best For The Obama Channel |
Source: GatewayPundit |
So The MSNBC Reporter, (Who Expected Darren Wilson To Be Attacked Again My Michael Brown To Prove He Wasn't A Racist), Can't Be Counted On To Do The Same? - HateTheMedia (Video Source: HuffingtonPost)
Just One Disturbing Story Out Of Many . . . Natalie's Cakes Shop

Source: Money / CNN
"Natalie Dubose has no choice but to carry on, one day after rioters smashed the windows of her Ferguson bakery. 'I'm baking today,' Dubose told CNNMoney, as the sound of broken glass being swept up can be heard over the phone. 'We have orders to go out for Thanksgiving. I can't tell the people -- I won't tell the people -- that I'm canceling.'
Like many other small businesses, her bakery Natalie's Cakes and More was vandalized Monday night in the wake of the grand jury decision not to charge Officer Darren Wilson with killing Michael Brown. The shop's main window is 'busted out completely. They threw a chair in it to bust it out ... It's a big mess,' said Dubose, who opened Natalie's Cakes as recently as June.
Despite the mess, however, Dubose says she will continue to bake. She can't afford to give up now, having invested all she had into a business that was funded through bake sales at flea markets.
'I am a single mom, a mother of two,' she said. 'This is everything that I own. I can't walk away from it. I just got to start up and start baking again." - Money.CNN |
Progressive Media: More Race Baiting
Charlie Rangel: I Called Tea Party ‘White Crackers’ As ‘Term Of Endearment’
"New York Democratic Congressman Charlie Rangel sat down for a wide-ranging interview with Huffington Post Live, during which he defended his earlier use of the term ‘white crackers’ as a 'term of endearment.' Rangel began by standing by his earlier comments that the Southern GOP believes that 'slavery isn’t over,' and that they won the Civil War. 'Take a look and see, what are the symbols that the majority of slave-holding states, if they identify with the tea party, and if they do, where are the warriors of the Civil War, the Confederates?' he said, 'They’re all over these states and even today are denying it!' - PrisonPlanet
Liberal Professor Marc Lamont Hill of the Huffington Post to Charles Rangel:
You said, "The Tea Party is the same group we faced in the South with those White Crackers and the dogs and police."
Hill then goes on to Rangel:
"Maybe the observation is right,"having only a problem with the word Crackers. Watch.
The Democrat Party's Pimping Media Wants To Be Sure You Remember Only Two Names, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. But there are more of a different color.
Here Are Names Buried Or Downplayed By Obama's Pimping Media

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Looking around America today, George Bailey did get his wish.
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