Date: November 30, 2014
Obama's Pimping Media
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Obama's Pimping Media
It Ain' t News Until WE Say It Is!
Pariah Inc:
New York Times, (that protected candidate Obama in 2008 when he privately sang to them The Islamic Call To Prayer with perfection), publishes Officer Darren Wilson’s family street and marriage certificate:
"Breitbart News will not link the story or give out the specific information, but the New York Times had no qualms whatsoever about publishing almost all the information needed for Officer Darren Wilson’s enemies to track him and his wife down at home: [New York Times: Officer Wilson and [his wife] own a home together on XXXXXXX Lane in XXXXXXXXXX, Mo., a St. Louis suburb about a half-hour drive from Ferguson.]" - MinuteMenNews
"The Times also published an unedited version of Wilson’s marriage license, removing it after noticing an address printed on the document. That address, however, was for a law firm based in Missouri where the license appears to have been issued, according to the Examiner." - TheBlaze
New York Times Reporter Who Published Darren Wilson Address Calling Cops Nonstop - GotNews
Ferguson … And The Time Machine To The Glory Days - Bernard Goldberg
But Then There's The Strange Case of Ferguson Witness 40
"On the face of things, Witness 40 fully corroborates the testimony of Officer Wilson. I leave the grammar uncorrected.
'The cop was wobbling,' she wrote from her anxious perch in a silver Pontiac stopped behind Wilson’s car, 'the big kid turned and had his arms out with attitude. The cop just stood there dang if that kid didn't start running right at the cop like a football player, head down.'"
"Further down the article: 'The little one, wrote Witness 40 wrote referring to Brown’s partner Dorian Johnson, 'punched the mirror something gold fell on the ground.' Not long after the shooting, sharp-eyed Treepers noticed that Johnson had been wearing a gold bracelet during the store robbery but not afterwards when interviewed.
And yes, a gold bracelet was found next to the car. That Witness 40 saw the bracelet fall and thought it worth a diary entry seems highly unusual."
Finally, the conclusion to the American Thinker article.
"On three occasions in her diary entry, Witness 40 made reference to a specific individual wearing a 'green shirt.' The man in the green shirt was 'really sweet.' He gave her directions. He yelled 'Stop' at either Wilson or Brown. Then finally, he grabbed her arm after the shooting and told her, 'Get your ass out of here.'
What intrigues about this repeated and oddly precise description of a man in a green shirt is that in evaluating the many crime scene photos, the Treepers referred frequently to the 'green shirt guy' before they were able to identify him as provocateur Anthony Shahid.
The writers at MSNBC and the Daily Kos missed all of this. Like most of the media, they satisfied themselves much too easily with the dubious claims spun by the opportunists and ideologues on the scene in Ferguson.
The dissection of this case remains a work in progress at the Treehouse. Given the scrutiny, I would bet that the diary entry is authentic. But given the stakes, I would not rule out fraud.
It would make no sense for the pro-Wilson forces to fabricate a racist eyewitness, but it would make great deal of sense for the anti-Wilson forces -- perhaps those within the DOJ -- to do just that. The Soviets and their spiritual heirs have been manufacturing incendiary racial documents for a century." - AmericanThinker, Jack Cashill, November 28, 2014
(Note: Thanks to MinuteMenNews for the link.)
Can we all say, Amen! - Webmaster
A picture of two worlds, like oil and water, that cannot exist together. Will blacks follow their own path or one carved out by Karl Marx?
Ferguson Rioting and Looting. Still waiting to overcome - Johnathan Gentry |
"Change comes within. When it finally does, and who knows the date, the only political party that will get the black vote on that day is the one that gives blacks the opportunity to succeed and climb up the same ladder as the Vietnamese, Hispanics, and others found on their own without riots, burnings, or loving victim hood, which is the great destroyer of human self-achievement." - Webmaster |

"We want to really let the world know that it is no longer business as usual," Chenjerai Kumanyika, an assistant professor at Clemson University in South Carolina, said at a rally at a Wal-Mart in Manchester, another St. Louis suburb - AOL
(But professor, this is business as usual for you socialists. - Webmaster) |
No Race Riots. No Looting. Four Murders. Black On White
Because it's not about race. It's about culture.
Obama's PIMP media just skimmed over these murders, if reporting them at all.

Why Is Joshua Chellew Less Important To Obama's Progressive Media?
"Prosecutors contend the four men were gang members who beat up Chellew after he taunted them about their gang affiliation. Store video captured the initial four-against-one fight, before Chellew ran into the darkness on Mableton Parkway. He was then beaten unconscious and later run over by a car, according to authorities." - WSBT

'He Died Like A Dog'
The white soldier who was killed by three black comrades on Saturday morning 'died like a dog' a friend has said, as an autopsy revealed he was stabbed fatally through the heart. Spc. Tevin Geike, 20, and two friends had been walking away from a confrontation with another group of soldiers in Lakewood, Washington when he was allegedly stabbed by Jeremiah Hill, 23.
Geike suffered a deep stab wound to his chest that cut through a rib and plunged through his heart following a confrontation near Tacoma, Washington, the autopsy showed. - DailyMail

Photo Source: AustralianNewsSBS
American Teens Murder Australia Student ‘For the Fun of It!’ - TheBlaze
With two teens facing life in prison for Australian Chris Lane's murder, some locals in the small U.S. town of Duncan say the real killer remains free. - AustralianNewsSBS

Photo Source: GatewayPundit
"Blacks Screamed 'Kill the White People.'” - GatewayPundit
When Begic got out, he was attacked with at least two hammers. Zemir Begic was a Bosnian in town to visit friends or family. St. Louis has a large and law-abiding Bosnian community." - GatewayPundit
Videographer Reports She Heard Shouts To Kill Whites
Police say not related to Ferguson, but still black on white. |
Source: YouTube |
But Do You Know About One Of The Most Famous Teen Murders?
I'd be surprised if you did. The story was buried by a progressive media marching in rank-step, literally hand in hand, over a decade ago to the call of the ASNE to prevent all their readers from knowing about this thirteen-year old's torture, his murder, and then the treatment of his dead body.
William McGowan, in Debate [2002], Urged Repeal of Diversity Incentives - MaynardInstitute
- Ten Years Later! Liberals Evolve To Fascism -
The Progressive Media Treated The American Viewer As Cattle. It's The Only Way They Could Get Obama Elected In 2008.
Watch America's low-information voters in action, proving they got their censored news from trained corrupt reporters at ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, and CNN.
Source: HowObamaGotElected |
Media Malpractice |
Video on Oath Keepers protecting businesses in Ferguson. |
Where was the support from the Governor of Missouri, Obama (who gets involved in everything), DOJ's Holder, MSNBC's Sharpton, black leaders of the CBC, and the NAACP that did NOTHING on the night of rage by Marxists who know how to "never let a crisis go to waste?" And where were the Ram NFL players? - BenSwann |

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Looking around America today, George Bailey did get his wish.
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Western North Carolina
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This domain collects news stories each week to help make it easy for anyone to learn what's going on around them. Either we wise up or we give up.
Too many of the Americans in this May 2013 video had a problem understanding what a Benghazi was, maybe a new popular drink at a local bar near Times Square? It proves that the mainstream media has morphed into the useless media, one that Washington, Jefferson and Adams would have probably spit on.
Why? Because with today's information technology, our media has no excuse for not having the details of a news story that would help educate the general public with their right to know the truth. Video source - FOXNews |
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