Date: April 7, 2013
Week In Review - Top Ten News Stories You Might Not Know About
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Source: MRCTV
Obama Openly Mocks What He Swore To Protect. Duh! |
Source: MRCTV
Usual Obama Optics Aimed Directly At His Low-Educated Voters
Obama Loves Planned Parenthood: Why, Because It Left Him Standing.
Source: YouTube
1. Obama: Your Constitution Constrains Me
President Obama took his gun control push a step further: He admitted that only the Constitution stands between him and full gun confiscation. (Stay still. If you're real quiet maybe you'll hear a peep from establishment Republican George Bush defending it? Shhh, don't breath. Hear anything?)
"In his pursuit of overarching gun control legislation in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre, President Barack Obama has been dogged. He’s been relentless. He’s been demagogic, too, whether flanking himself with schoolchildren (the implication being that his political opponents don’t care about dead kids) or suggesting that if just one life can be saved by his legislation, we ought to buy into it wholeheartedly (a proposition that would justify almost any sort of government overreach)." . . . Read More
Denver Cops Criticize Obama In Advance Of Denver Speech . . . Don't Want To Be His Props - CBS4
Homeland Agents Failed To Stop Fast & Furious Guns Crossing Border - WashingtonGuardian
Obama’s California Fundraising Trip Irks Left And Right - DailyCaller
Judge Roy Moore To Preside Over Obama Eligibility Case - GodFatherPolitics
2. ‘I Don’t Give a S**t’ - Teachers’ Alleged Bullying Of Conservative Student Launches School District Investigation
Student claims progressive teachers denigrated him while labeling Republicans as racist
“'If teachers expect bullying to end with homosexuals, they should want it to end with every type of bullying possible, including political views,' Backer, who served as the Wisconsin co-chair for Young Americans for Mitt Romney, wrote.
Ben Vogel, an assistant superintendent for the Appleton school district, told FN that an investigation into the allegations of harassment has been launched and that they are taking it seriously. 'I’m always going to be concerned when a student comes and shares that they feel they are being treated unfairly in a classroom,' Vogel said. 'We want all students to feel like they are safe at their school and in the individual classes.'
Vogel maintained that the district has a strict policy relating to politics in the classroom and that it will pursue those in breach accordingly." . . . Read More
Judicial Watch / Family Research Council Sue Departments Of Education And Justice Over Controversial Anti-Bullying Settlement - JudicialWatch
Teachers Who Stomped On Jesus On 'Administrative Leave' - NewMediaJournal
Stunning! Stanford Drops Popular Pro-Capitalism Course From Roster - NewMediaJournal
Lawmakers: Anti-Bullying Conference . . . Wait For It . . . Bullies Christians - OneNewsNow
Butter-Knife Wielding Girl Stopped by School Officials; Pear is Shaken but Unharmed - GodFatherPolitics
New York's Common Core-Aligned Lessons Use Scientology Videos To Teach Students They Have Right to Food, Housing, Clothing, Medicine, And Even A Job - TheBlaze
3. Yes, You're Reading This Correctly! Obama Administration Ready To Push Banks Again To Give Mortgages To People Who Can't Afford Them
Remember what I wrote in 2008?! In the late 1990's an attorney and community organizer named Barack H. Obama, the son of a Marxist and mentored at a young age by Communist Frank Marshall Davis arranged by his mother's parents in Hawaii, was training members of ACORN on the South side of Chicago to harass bank CEO's and their families to force them to give out mortgages to people who couldn't afford them. So how did that work out? Now he's president. - FreedomIsKnowledge
"The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.
President Obama’s economic advisers and outside experts say the nation’s much-celebrated housing rebound is leaving too many people behind, including young people looking to buy their first homes and individuals with credit records weakened by the recession.
In response, administration officials say they are working to get banks to lend to a wider range of borrowers by taking advantage of taxpayer-backed programs — including those offered by the Federal Housing Administration — that insure home loans against default." . . . Read More
OMG, The Fabric Is Coming Unraveled! - Webmaster
Nearly 50 Million Americans In Poverty, Worst Since LBJ - Breitbart
41% in Bankrupt Stockton Don’t Speak English at Home; 21% Can’t Speak It Very Well - CNS News
Toxic Government By Democrats In Minneapolis - FrontPage
People Not In Labor Force Soar By 663,000 To 90 Million! Participation Rate 1979 Levels - ZeroHedge
Fast Food Giant Lobbied To Get Into Food Stamp Game - Breitbart
Scientific Organizations Promote Leftist Social Causes - CreationRevolution
Communists In The Thick Of The Immigration “Reform” Movement - TrevorLoudon
4. Colorado Democrat Rep. Diana DeGette Demands Ban On Gun Magazines
But typical of a Democrat that only reads the party's parrot talking points, she has no idea how gun magazines work . . . the blind leading the blind
"Asked how a ban on magazines holding more than 15 rounds would be effective in reducing gun violence, DeGette said:
'I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.'
What she didn’t appear to understand is that a magazine can be reloaded with more bullets. According to the Shooter’s Log, only early on were magazines for AR-15s designed to be disposable, but the military changed that and now magazines are used several times. In handguns, a magazine is designed to be reused hundreds of times." . . . Read More
Magpul Reveals Plans For Colorado Exodus - GatewayPundit
Another Gun Manufacturer Announces It’s Leaving Colorado - HotAir
Gun-banning Mayor Allegedly Uses One To Intimidate Young Man For Sex - LastResistance
Conservatives Behaving Like Liberals - BernardGoldberg
Connecticut Elite Progressives Agree To Sweeping Gun Laws After Newtown; Stick It To Legal Gun Owners While Allowing The Mentally Ill To Run Wild - BBC
These Dumb & Dumber Elites In Connecticut Need To Move To The Magnificent Mile In Chicago Where It's Safe For Them And Their Children, eh?
View more videos at: NBC Chicago. |
More than two dozen teens arrested after dozens of groups began randomly attacking pedestrians on Chicago's Magnificent Mile . . . Read More |
Source: NBC Chicago |
CBS 60 Minutes Gives It's All To Obama To Take Guns Away From Law Abiding Citizens. The Third Reich Would Have Been Proud Of You, CBS, For Your Loyalty To The State - CBS News
5. Smart Leaders Protect Their Cultures: Putin Orders Ban On Adoptions By Foreign Same-Sex Couples
President Putin is against the adoption of Russian orphans by foreign same-sex couples
"Most likely the order will be fulfilled by the Ministry of Education and Science, which deals with issues concerning orphans and adoptions, according to Izvestia daily. But the ministry says it has not yet received instructions on the matter.
Tensions over the issue arose in mid-February, after the French National Assembly approved a sweeping bill to legalize same-sex marriage and allow same-sex couples to adopt children.
Soon after that children’s rights ombudsman Pavel Astakhov vowed he would do everything possible to ensure that Russian orphans are only adopted by traditional, heterosexual families.
In February, the Russian Foreign Ministry reported that it planned to verify the possible “psychological damage” inflicted on Russian orphan Yegor Shabatalov.The boy was adopted by an American woman, who lived in a same-sex marriage with another US citizen. However, she concealed her relationship from Russian authorities when she filed the adoption request." . . . Read More
6. New Fatwa Permits Rape Of Non-Sunni Women In Syria
Islamic cleric recently made it permissible for the Islamic fighters waging a jihad in Syria--politely known as "the opposition"--to rape the nation's women.
"Salafi Sheikh Yasir al-'Ajlawni, a Jordanian of origin who lived in Damascus, Syria for 17 years, posted a YouTube video last week where he said he was preparing to issue a 'legitimate fatwa' making it legal (in the eyes of Islam) for those Muslims fighting to topple secular president Bashar Assad and install Sharia law to "capture and have sex with" all non-Sunni women, specifically naming Assad's own sect, the Alawites, as well as the Druze and several others, basically, all non-Sunnis and non-Muslims.
The Sheikh used Islam's legitimate Arabic term for these hapless, non-Muslim women, melk al-yamin, a phrase that appears in Islam's sacred book, the Koran, and which is simply a reference to non-Muslim sex-slaves. For example, Koran 4:3 commands Muslim men to 'Marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four… or what your right hands possess.' . . . Read More
Cleric in Egypt vows: ‘Islamic flag will be raised above the White House’ - WashingtonTimes
Lego Pulls 'Jabba's Palace' Set Following Racism Accusations, Says Criticism Not The Reason - Huffington Post
7. Good Old George Stephanopoulos Features Atheist On Easter Sunday Discussing Religion
As religious people are bludgeoned with secular views by America's media practically 24/7, it would be nice if they could be given a break on their holiest days. But never hold your breath for progressives.
"You wrote a fascinating article, Susan Jacoby, in the New York Times coming out of Newtown called 'The Blessings of Atheism,' and one of the things you write about is that atheists and nonbelievers often feel intimidated from speaking out on public issues as atheists." . . . Read More
American Atheists Lose Lawsuit Over 9/11 Cross - ChristianPost
8. ABC Ignores Own Scoop. Prefers Political Correctness To Protect Obama
Network skips latest on Fort Hood victims being denied Purple Hearts
"It's not often that media outlets ignore their own scoops, but that's what ABC is doing. The network has (thus far) relegated to its website the latest details on the decision by the Obama Defense Department to deny Purple Hearts to the victims of the Fort Hood massacre. The rest of the networks have also skipped this story. ABC 'obtained' a Pentagon position paper on the subject, but still failed to give it network coverage.
It was ABC alone that highlighted the story back in February. On February 12, Brian Ross explained the impact of the decision to deny Purple Hearts: '...Former Staff Sgt. Shawn Manning, who still has bullets lodged in his body, says he has lost almost $70,000 in benefits otherwise available to those with combat-related injuries.' So far, World News, Nightline and Good Morning America (as well as NBC and CBS) have failed to cover the newest details of the story. In fact, ABC has done nothing since February." . . . Read More
Liberal Critics Slam ‘G.I. Joe’ Movie. It's an ‘Anti-Obama Conservative’s Fantasy’- TheBlaze
9. Trenton New Jersey Councilwoman Falls Prey To 'Blue Waffle Disease' Internet Hoax
It's more contagious than HIV/AIDS, a sweeping epidemic with the power to turn women's genitals blue. (Proof again the people always get the government they richly deserve - Webmaster)
"'Blue waffle disease' deserves the city's attention, Councilwoman Kathy McBride said at a City Council meeting last night.
During the councilmember comment period of the meeting, McBride said she received a concerned call from a city man asking what Trenton was doing to combat 'blue waffle disease,' and said she hoped health and human services director James Brownlee could provide her with more information on the mysterious disease she had never heard of.
'It's already claimed 85 lives and there's a case here in Trenton,' McBride said. 'It is a virus that is 10 times greater at this point than the AIDS virus.'" . . . Read More
10. Global Warming? Oops! Never Mind!
What was the Earth's temperature yesterday? Nobody knows. In fact, it's a ridiculous question.
"Almost every place on Earth today has a different temperature from that of any other location. So, is our planet's temperature rising? Do we even know?
However, it is officially admitted: Global warming stopped 15-20 years ago. The mainstream media is struggling very hard to explain this away. They admit that the Earth stopped warming 15 to 20 years ago. But just you wait -- disaster is coming unless we vote liberals into office. They cannot explain the pause. Yet they "know" global warming will kill us all unless we vote Democrat. So was global warming ever real? Or is this hysteria a hoax, like the Y2K computer disaster that never happened?
Just concerning today's temperature first, we would have to measure hundreds of thousands of locations and then average temperatures from all over the planet. We don't have that many weather stations. So we don't even know what yesterday's temperature for the planet was. We certainly don't know what the temperature was a hundred years ago or a thousand years ago." . . . Read More
Source: YouTube
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Background photo source: President George Washington