Date: February 18, 2012
Planned Parenthood's XXX Rating
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Hooking Kids on Sex! - You can be proud of your tax dollars at work.
The disturbing short documentary below conclusively shows that if Planned Parenthood made a movie today about its agenda for America's youth it would be given a Hollywood rating of XXX. The six-minute troubling presentation reveals another major part of Planned Parenthood's agenda you may have not known about.
But what is even more disturbing, from the folks who run and support Planned Parenthood in America, is that they also openly discuss anal sex to youth, an act that easily spreads AIDs along with the act of "fisting," the video showing actual kits that can be purchased for this lifestyle sex act.
Add to this a supporting photo from Planned Parenthood's Web site of a young boy with an adult male, and you have damning echoes pushed for decades by NAMBLA, the National American Man / Boy Love Association, an organization that has been lobbying for consent for sex for boys down to ten-years old.
Be aware if you dare to complain about Planned Parenthood's content in this documentary video, the Democrat Party's well-worn talking point will be parroted at you squawked from the brains of well-programmed liberals to the point of bordering on fascism;
What? You're against women's health?
Note Some Critical Facts About This Important Video!
The Web site Catholic Answers reports this video was stopped by a Planned Parenthood & NARAL abortion activist Jessica Faerman. She is obviously actively working with YouTube to have this information video taken off the Web that shows actual images and copy from Planned Parenthood's own Web site that is hooking our kids on sex.
Catholic Answers reports Michael Hichborn, researcher for American Life League, created the video that Planned Parenthood now doesn't want American parents to see.
After YouTube took it down, he put it up on YouTube again. Then YouTube took it down again. However, I found a copy but it takes about a minute to load, so please give it time.
Secondly, the server can be slow so the six-minute video may stutter at times. If it does, allow it to fully play then try again once the video is on your hard drive. No matter what, it's important to see how Planned Parenthood, with the help of YouTube, has now entered the realm of fascist tactics against your right to know.
Planned Parenthood is ACTUALLY claiming copyright infringement of some of its vile cartoons and images shown in this video, images it has produced on the Web or using other sources made available for our kids' consumption without your knowledge. This is like the Third Reich claiming copyright infringement on images of Jews in concentration camps to hide their existence.
Again, please tolerate the video's stuttering if you encounter it. The message is now more shocking with Planned Parenthood trying to hide the content it has pushed on our children. We have now entered a new age in America where our right to know is being shut down by people so evil, it demands a new definition! |
Click Here to watch if taken down by YouTube's "community standards."
Source: American Life League
Photo Source: Experiencematters |
It's Planned Parenthood that has PINK blood on its hands! |
Planned Parenthood: How advocacy writers open your wallet with a deceptive key
This attack on Susan G. Komen for the Cure has Planned Parenthood laughing all the way to the bank, increasing their already considerable wealth. They were very grateful for the advocacy. That was the whole object of the game. Planned Parenthood couldn't have cared less about a paltry $700 thousand grant.
Susan G. Komen for the cure made two fatal mistakes. When nothing happened in December, they thought the coast was clear. They did not prepare for the publicity blitzkrieg. They were defenseless. Komen was rolled over and flattened . . . Read More (Have a vomit bag nearby.)
Disaster! Komen Loses Nearly Half Its Walkers Following Last Year’s Planned Parenthood Scandal - June 2012
Americans were warned in this speech from 2007! But life continued on the Titanic.
- The abortion giant, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, had a total income of $1.02 billion - Planned Parenthood Web Site Promotes Porn to Teens
"Why aren't we discussing this in the 2008 Presidential elections with Obama?" - Webmaster
Here is Obama's July 17, 2007, speech that gives his rock-solid support to Planned Parenthood while he also demands the implementation of Socialize Medicine, the removal of the conservative supreme court, and openly applauds Planned Parenthood's founder, Margaret Sanger, along with the writings of Ruth Bater Ginsburg (.pdf.)
Obama's glorification of Ginsburg is very disturbing, this Supreme Court Justice and former ACLU executive is the one who demanded extreme socialized changes for America such as the combination of the Boys and Girl Scouts into one organization while wanting the reduction for consent to sex for children down to 12-years old.
This reflects Ginsburg liberal agenda to demand America emulates Europe's Progressive Justice System. She is a very radical, far-left secular Jew who has pushed her singular beliefs upon the American people through her close activity in the ACLU and its active support in continuing to sue Christian values in America where ever and when ever it can.
Obama's speech sounds wonderful, doesn't it? But history has brought us here before. Hitler was seen as if a God by the German people, Adolf receiving 96% of the vote in 1932 with his telling the people they would be under a socialized government for the benefit of all and the Fatherland.
Fifteen years later six-million German Jews would be dead and German cities in rubble. So will America go with Obama just as it has tried to do with the vile Al Gore and his global warming hysteria, followers threatening the careers and the lives of those that dare to disagree, some followers with Communist ties, many of his leaders saying "The debate is over."
In America, the debate is never over! If it is, then so is our freedom as an independent people. If this is the year of change, what exactly is that change and at what cost to the independence of the American people and the promise of their Constitution.
Americans could be looking at the end of everything they had known as good, the famous American way of life neutralized by arrogant liberal socialists who have sacrificed little for the security of this country, too many the children of arrogant boomer brats.
|, the Planned Parenthood Web site that says it was created "to provide medically accurate sexual health information for teens on the Internet," is advising teens that viewing pornography is a normal and "safer" way of enjoying sex.
In a 2007 article, "Birth Control Choices for Teens," the writer for the Planned Parenthood site tells readers about "Outercourse."
Under the subtitle, "lower-risk forms of outercourse," in addition to kissing, masturbation, erotic massage and body rubbing, or frottage, is "fantasy."
"Many couples can read or watch sexy stories or pictures together," the article states. "They can also share or act out sex fantasies. People do it in person, on the phone, surfing the Internet or through e-mail instant messaging."
Another advice piece, "Porn vs. Reality," warns that federal law makes it illegal for anyone under 18 to view pornography; "however, not everyone follows the rules, and you may run across some porn before you turn 18. There are a few things you should know about the images you might see. First of all, many people enjoy pornography alone or with a partner as part of sex play. People have different ideas of what is arousing, and there are many different kinds of porn that appeal to people's different interests."
On the Web site's "Ask the Experts" page, young readers pose questions about pornography.
"Dear Experts," one young reader wrote, "I look at porno sites but I got all A's for my subjects. People say looking at those sites affects your school work, but since I think I'm not affected, should I stop it? If I should, how?"
The answer given by experts includes the advice that "many people enjoy using pornography as a part of their sex play -- alone or with a partner." And "there is no correlation between using pornography and getting bad grades in school."
The experts also told a young male viewer of pornography that masturbating while looking at pornography was not cheating on his girlfriend.
Repeated requests for interviews with Planned Parenthood and staff by CNS were not answered.
Note: In 2008 CNS provided another story titled, Porn-Maker Praises Planned Parenthood's Teenwire Web Site.
Note: Obama is already putting 2012 election ads on these old YouTube videos

And the Bottom Line? Planned Parenthood Will Now Get Richer Thanks to Obamacare
Planned Parenthood: 2012 Record Year For Abortions, Taxpayer Funding
Worth repeating . . .
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It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
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Background photo source: President George Washington