CBS must have known the Tebow Ad celebrated a mother's life with her child, but had agreeed not to show it until it ran in the Superbowl. It caught Planned Parenthood in showing its true hate machine and support of abortion on demand for profit. A black representative of a woman's group going on O'Reilly, (see Impact Segment Graphic below to watch), saying Focus on the Family's ad was about hate. Then to make matters worse for this vile organization that kills black babies because they might grow up to be failures and go to jail, they get two black athletes to support Planned Parenthood against the Tebow ad that had never been seen. These two black athletes for abortion wind up instead talking about celebrating the life of a child, which they had no intention of doing agreeing to do this ad with Planned Parenthood. Shame on them, buying into the lie! You can't make this stuff up!
See Webmaster comment

And here is the ad Planned Parenthood made to counter the Superbowl Tebow ad that Planned Parenthood never saw, which in their lust to make money off abortions exposed their hate machine, a supporting black woman going on the O'Reilly Factor and other venues. Note the actors in the above ad are both black, while Tebow is white. These actors, by their use, are supporting the genocide of black babies and buying into the Planned Parenthood mission statement that blacks will probably wind up in jail, getting rid of these potential useless human beings following their founders mission, Margaret Sanger. Sanger was praised by candidate Barack Obama at a Planned Parenthood meeting. The link to his talk and support of Sanger's mission is below.
(Candidate Obama speaking at Planned Parenthood.) |