"Treatment of Ron DeSantis Vs Andrew Cuomo Is Why People Should Hate the Media."
Article by Stephen Kruiser, May 21, 2020, PJMedia
Media Malpractice At Its Worst
"As I have written on more than one occasion, my already intense dislike for the mainstream political media in America has managed to deepen during this pandemic insanity that we have all been going through. I have been writing about liberal media bias for almost two decades now and I really didn’t think the MSM could sink any lower in my estimation but they’ve really been plumbing the depths of dereliction the past couple of months.
One need look no further than the disparity in the treatment given to two governors of heavily populated states: Andrew Cuomo of New York and Ron DeSantis of Florida.
For reasons that defy any rational explanation, Cuomo’s handling of the coronavirus crisis in New York has been lauded by the American media, even though it has largely been an unmitigated disaster. Some have recently attempted to approach the subject but you won’t see a lot of full-on condemnation of Cuomo, which is what he deserves.
Foreign media outlets are under no obligation to cover for American Democrats, however. A Wednesday article in the U.S. edition of the U.K. Guardian said that Cuomo’s “handling of the crisis should get him thrown out of office.”
Contrast that with the treatment the press has given him here for the past couple of months. They’ve been slobbering over Cuomo so much that he became the number one choice to replace Crazy Joe the Wonder Veep if the Democrats finally reached a point where they had to get rid of him.
That’s right, despite having the highest body count of any governor and being responsible along with New York Mayor Bill de Blasio for worsening the problem in the rest of the country, the American media has been pushing Cuomo as a legitimate consideration to be the next president of the United States.
Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, on the other hand, has been vilified by the mainstream media for a variety of reasons. His greatest sin thus far has been NOT turning into a petty tyrant and proving that giving citizens some freedom isn’t the death sentence that we’ve been told it is.
Here’s an example of some of the treatment he’s gotten. Go to the bottom of this tweet and see Jennifer Rubin’s unhinged comment.

Rubin — and many other media hacks — also said that Floridians were going to die because DeSantis didn’t issue a statewide stay-at-home order. Didn’t happen.
Yesterday, our sister site Twitchy had a great post featuring a Twitter thread that details just how awful the media has been to DeSantis — and how wrong they’ve been.
Well, DeSantis got in front of a microphone yesterday to blast the media idiots and it was glorious:

He’s right, of course, the all-precious narrative must always be protected by the MSM and anything that challenges it must be destroyed. The current narrative that reopening will be deadly and continued lockdowns are saving lives is currently being blown out of the water, especially by Florida.
The media have been deserving of all of the scorn heaped upon them as they’ve thrashed about in the throes of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Their treatment of DeSantis after having worshiped at Cuomo’s feet while he was infecting the country deserves extra helpings of it from all good Americans though."
Above Photo Sources: PJMedia
Article written by Stephen Kruiser, May 21, 2020, PJMedia