Retired Major John Haviland, U.S. Air Force, is interviewed in the above video by YouTube medical professional John Campbell, of England, talking about a new pathology the FDA, CDC and NIH . . . don't want to talk about.
Looking at the above jars, you will note they're filled with something that hasn't been seen before by embalmers. Since 2021 they have been killing people around the world, especially between the ages of 36 - 50.
The researcher reports the percentage of added deaths to what we would normally expect in the United States would equal around 300,000 lives a year.
These new clots have been found by funeral-home embalmers around the world being pulled out of the arteries of the deceased, string-like clots that measure 6 inches to three feet long. A terrible fear among some medical professionals is that there could be a new killer in the world brought about by the new mRNA from the COVID vaccine.
It has become all too clear that America's legacy media is no longer interested in protecting John Doe or the middle class, which our Constitution "hoped" for in a Fourth Estate that would help people be better citizens through unbiased information.
But looking at today's on-screen talking heads and the journalists who work for major progressive print outlets, it seems many have become involved in a deception that is murdering humans around the world in serious numbers.
As people between the ages of 36-50 are reported to be the most affected (a group you would not expect to die unexpectedly because of normal health) it looks like America's FDA, CDC and NIH along with the major leaders of the western world and the elite class may know exactly what is going on.
These added deaths have been occurring in many countries except for Africa. That is where the drug Ivermectin has been easily available to citizens for years to treat several diseases including Scabies. COVID -19 has therefore not been able to take hold on the continent as it has done around the rest of the world since 2020.
The question needs to be asked then why have a few billionaires (who own the major social media platforms started in the United States and have spread across the world) seem to be the most guilty of abuse to our right of freedom of speech and sharing of information.
It was their platforms that have actively pulled down posts by professional individuals, who question what has been going on with COVID-19 vaccines, and then actually tried to have them silenced . . . removed from society by ruining their reputation or convincing governments to take away their license to practice their profession.
Stunning stuff, proving our freedom of speech has become conditional while our Supreme Court seems to have no interest in this potential new attack on the founder's document to hide the murder (or elimination) of millions around the world.
But it doesn't end there. This includes an unexpected increase of still-borns or losses during pregnancies, stats that might delight organizations such as Planned Parenthood or its biggest advocate, the leadership of the DNC . . . aka the "party of death."
This fear created by the legacy media and its social media counterpart may have spread to embalmers, it believed many not wanting to reveal their finding in the arteries of deceased individuals that could cause their state licenses to be revoked . . . not unlike the challenges to doctors who dared to post concerns over the COVID-19 vaccines on their Facebook or former Twitter accounts.
Independent embalmers are reported to be extremely concerned, seeing a new phenomena that's killing humans before their time started in serious numbers around 2021. Many of them have been active in their professions for twenty years or more.
In fact these long clots, and also what is referred to as "coffee grounds" in the blood, is said to have increased by around 30% then a year later settled down to 20%. It is so prevalent, it adds an extra hour to their embalming. They're finding these long clots mainly at the entrance areas for embalming at the neck or the legs.
These clots seem to grow from nothing and over months "take the shape" of the interior of the arteries along with their junctions. They grow large enough that the blood can no longer flow and then the person unexpectedly drops dead.
The government's medical institutions falsely reported that the mRNA component of the COVID-19 vaccine was harmless and would stay in a muscle in the arm for about a week or so where the shot was given, doing its job and then going away. However that turned out to be an outright lie, the mRNA instead discovered to have progressed so far into the body it has been found in mother's breast milk.
In other words, it went all over the body . . . everywhere!
Well-respected professionals are now demanding a moratorium on future shots, producers of the vaccine already planning to add the mRNA to all kinds of shots starting at the end of 2024. That means your normally safe flu shot would now be put into question if you would dare to take it anymore.
Again we need to ask why is there little to no interest by the U.S. government's FDA, CDC and NIH in investigating these extremely troubling findings that are on-going in 2024? And why is dangerous biased reporting still allowed on the lips of a well-protected legacy media, not only making COVID-19 vaccine proponents look safe but burying stories that attach real names to the front line of these lies post 2020 such as Fauci, Gates and others?
What better way to accomplish a global agenda like this than to hide it in a vaccine where humans are forced to be injected for "their own benefit." But why protect a world's population, outside of Africa, from a virus that has already moved on in 2024. . . the human immune system already dealing a blow referred to as herd immunity?
New Insert On How British Officials Are Handling A "New Disease" Of String Clots In Arteries. The Answer? They're not!
Click On the photo below for a stunning NEW update on authorities in England not allowing a professional embalmer to discuss his discovery of string clots in the deceased, telling other members to avoid him.
Because of this new finding, we can discuss actual concerns over the COVID vaccine killing humans. We can also call the lack of interest by government officials as a "cover up." In this case it is by English authorities along with those they report to in the British government.

Video / Graphic source of new release. - JohnCampbell
The above segment is from a longer February 10th interview from John Campbell of England. The segment discusses the findings of string clots in deceased individuals from an embalmer who has been told by authorities to shut up.
The police will not talk with him nor those who govern the trade, their only saying, It's government policy. The embalmer says the increase in deaths in England from these string clots starting around 2021 is running near a stunning 25%!
This well-respected embalmer reported that all those deceased, who had strings pull from their arteries after death, also had the COVID-19 vaccine shot.
He reports there are also new concerns over cancers from the shots, where individuals are very healthy and then after around 12 weeks can wind up dead from an unexpected cancer or another aliment. Dr. Campbell says these strings can be considered as a new disease that started to appear in mid 2021 from individuals who had received the COVID-19 vaccine.
On the other side of the issue, British government officials have shown zero interest in what is happening to their citizens. Should I repeat that? Sounds like America's social media in 2021 and beyond, doesn't it. The above segment was pulled from John Campbell's complete February 10th video starting at 8:30 minutes and ending around 13 minutes later.
This professional is reported to have been in embalming for 18 years and reports he has been pushed aside by the heads of the British Embalming Society, which he reports has advised its members not to talk with him (or lose their license?)
Again, the above segment was pulled from a longer video, which I recommend you watch in its entirety. - Webmaster
Finally outside of England (revealed in the above insert), our U.S. government is also ignoring people who have questioned the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine. For proof we need to go no farther than a discussion of what has happened to a famous American patriot, one who has for decades pushed against unproven vaccines for children around the world. He is also currently running for President of the United States.
His name is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the son of the late Robert Kennedy assassinated in the 1960's. But there is more!
We need to ask why does the Biden / Obama Regime STILL refuse to give secret service protection to this candidate, running for a federal office, the legacy media applauding its decision in silence? In fact the media's lack of interest in his candidacy has become so blatant most Americans might not even know he was running!
Do you finally get it or do you need to drop dead, too?
We now need to keep our eye on the 17 objectives for the world promoted by the UN and its Agenda 2030, named so by the year the UN hopes to achieve these objective, which if you are counting is less than six years away.
Watch the top video with John Campbell and make your own judgment on the information he provides, a well-respected medical professional in England. And then review the new insert shown within the copy.
Again, the one on top
shows him in a discussion with a retired major of the Air Force, who wonders why is it up to him to investigate this new killer while those responsible for information to the public, from federal medical institutions to a legacy media, stay obviously silent.
Below is a trailer, along with its one-hour documentary from 2022, which first sounded the alarm. But with a pay-to-play media, the warning has been obviously ignored. It also has been posted on a lesser known social media platform.
Why? So it couldn't be deleted. - Webmaster
Movie Trailer; Died Suddenly

Click Here to watch full documentary movie (around one hour), asking why were people dying since COVID-19 vaccines have found their way into the world's population, well over 50 percent of the world's population estimated to have the vaccine in their bodies.
Click Here to watch the full documentary if the movie has been taken off the Web.
TKS for the heads up to Tom of Washington State for the lead video.