Image Source: GatewayPundit
NOTE: This post is the beginning of a special seven part series. Each one will have a smaller version of the above image near the top of the page so you will know it's one of the seven.
This image or symbol of the weed that is taking over the fruit is used to show the trans movement's effect on American culture since January 20, 2021, the day Joe Biden and his cultural Marxist Party took over the federal government in Washington D.C.
That was the day the trans movement was suddenly pushed on citizens across the country. There was no forewarning before the election, the dark Edgar Allan Poe like movement seeming to take over the White House while a truly disturbing and willing legacy media danced around in joy.
Human civilization is at a watershed moment and could explode into war if the trans movement tries to take over the world's youth . . . that is children of other countries.
Freedom Is Knowledge has been warning for several years that the American freedom our fathers fought for eighty years ago in WWII is now gone. Just two years later after the Democrat Party's took over of the White House, American voters are beginning to realize they have been lied to and led down a dangerous path by an extreme narcissist president and his giggling VP, both supported by a herd of progressive Democrats from hard-left blue liberal states.
These far-left extreme radicals see their goal, since the election of 2020, to overthrow the federal government through Sedition, which would include the Constitution and its founding documents.
Once gone those historic items would be replaced with a progressive new world culture of Marxism and not unlike the first ones introduced to this country in the 2008 election of Obama with a gaff-filled Biden by his side.
This Marxist movement should be called "demonic" in nature. Under Obama, it continued to show image after image from fists-in-the-air supporting groups . . . from teacher unions to far left communist organizations blessed through full support from a giddy legacy media.
The support from a corrupted media comes from many sources that includes Disney's ABC to Comcast's MSNBC while not forgetting WarnerMedia's CNN and beyond. Supporting print outlets include the Washington Post, New York Times and Rolling Stone Magazine to name a few controlled by Marxists.
This can then be viewed as a perfect storm in an emerging age of AI control of human information, as Biblical prophesies suddenly come to the surface not just for 2023 but possibly any day based on those prophetic warnings.
Since 2021 the Democrat leadership from America's Capitol has become dangerous to the human race itself, even more so than Russia's communism or China's CCP on general populations.
While those two major dictatorships suppress freedom to tens-of-millions of individuals in too many inhumane ways to mention, America on the other hand has decided to take the cake of all three and redefine what a human is, removing a man and a woman identified in the Book of Genesis from an estimated six thousand years ago.
Some trans and their Marxist brothers believe the Bible itself needs to be changed, rewritten or maybe even outlawed.
Through a rogue Democrat Party that follows the ancient demonic practices of Ishtar, changing women into men and men into women, America's left has decided to allow the creation of "other" living things that are not a man or a woman . . . individuals to be given special names, "pronoun names."
In some circles these pronouns are to be honored through the rewriting of law, depending on what liberal city you may live in. These new beings may even be provided different sex organs, added or changed for their new bodies which in some cases might be paid for by taxpayers.
If not so serious one could say it has come to the edge of silliness. Why? Because most of these trans are males and therefore still have a penis and testicles. This creates an annoying "bulge" for them whenever they might wear tight women's clothing.
Citizens are then expected to accept "the bulge" . . . or as President Biden's favorite trans, Mulvaney, sings it, let's normalize the bulge. Mulvaney has been welcomed by many Washington D.C. elected Democrats and possibly one Supreme Court Judge in pushing the trans movement on American citizens in the name of DEI, diversity, equity, and inclusive.
Our veterans in WWII would have been horrified to see the grip a political party has around the neck of America's historic documents that protect freedoms and individual rights in 2023, which they so bravely fought for eighty years ago.
However in 2023 other parts of the world are finally fighting back, with the Muslim World firing a shot across America's bow the other day as it joins with the Russians, Communist Chinese and African nations to warn about America's new obsession with changing men into women and children into whatever they feel they might want to be.
In fact even Japan has openly complained about the new American wokeness, seeing it endangering its society. This is while France is moving closer to the politics of China, watching the U.S. lose world power and therefore potential control of world currencies.
To address this dangerous ideology coming from America, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi recently made a rare visit to Africa with stops in Kenya, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. There he praised the leadership of those counties in not accepting LGBTQ individuals into their societies. He well understands these heads of state regard the sexual movement of America and the West as dangerous to local values.
This damning and growing riff between other societies and the West has become obvious, the leader of the nuclear Iran proclaiming for the world to hear, and I quote,
“The West today is trying to promote the idea of homosexuality, and by promoting homosexuality they are trying to end the generation of human beings.”
China has already warned the West about feminizing its youth. If a war broke out today, America's military would be forced to give their lives, not for freedom but the acceptance of sodomy related lifestyles?!
Read below for yourself comments from the far east posted just a few years ago, anger continuing to grow as progressives in the U.S. try to push their woke entertainment onto unsuspecting children who are online overseas.
Article written by Jack Kilbride / Bang Xiao, September 14, 2018, ABCAUNews

Article written by Jack Kilbride / Bang Xiao, September 14, 2018, ABCAUNews
Where Are The Adults In The Room?
Protecting the children of the world!
This push of trans values onto other world cultures could lead to aggression, these counties protecting their youth at all cost from a western society they see as gone mad.
They must be stunned that America dares to stream its madness using Disney-like characters, wokeness intended to go around the globe and into the homes of unsuspecting foreign children.
However many of these other countries are finally catching on to what the West's legacy media calls "its narrative!" In fact the Biden administration in June of 2023 was discussing how the U.S. government, or maybe even its military, could in their words "punish" African countries for not accepting America's gay life styles.
These countries, which by the way know all too well what a man is and what a woman is, see the trans lifestyle as so offensive to their people that they don't want it in their country and will do whatever necessary to keep it out.
The sheer madness of changing men into women brings us almost to the point of fulfilling prophesy from the Book of Revelation . . . and just as the "Mark" is beginning to appear around the world. Again, it is as if a Perfect Storm is approaching human kind.
Below is a warning about this change in human activities from Martin Geddes.
He writes the world needs to protect its children from this new madness coming out of the West. Geddes is the one who the legacy media attributes to QAnon, many legacy media journalists going nuts over the name. They see QAnon as helping to stop the progressive left from a take over of the Constitution and its related documents. It is also why they hate January 6, 2021.
The attempt by progressives to rip up the founding documents was made obvious several years ago when the communists running the New York Times tried to remove 1776, (July 4th), as the beginning of our nation and replace it with the Times' error-filled "1619 Project," promoted by the wicked Pulitzer Foundation!
As you can see QAnon is now warning how the woke narrative is endangering the lives of children around the world, which is also coming from the Middle East, the Far East and much of Africa, all against an America that openly spits in the face of the Bible and its writings about the creation of man and woman.
Has the legacy media forgotten that the stories of Abraham and Lot and the City Of Sodom serve both Christian, Jew and Muslim from ancient times?
Democrats are pushing the trans movement to become a standard in the nation, gays recently seen marching down American main streets for Pride month and proclaiming, "we're coming for your children."
You see this clearly explains why recent progressive legacy news sites, specifically CNN, Rolling Stone Magazine and the UK Guardian, have been aggressively protesting against a documentary movie on the "sex trafficking of children and their rescue from sex gangs."
Many thought it was strange that journalists at these media outlets would not support an attack on child trafficking. That was until it was understood these far-left individuals have moved on to protect the left's growing "narrative" of a Pride movement and its takeover of children. They suddenly want to openly support a new addition to the gay movement, "MAP," with its plus + symbol being added to LGBTQQIAAP+.
Allow me to explain. You see the plus + now adds "pedophiles" to the Pride movement. Pedophiles are the ones basically interested in sexual activities with underage children. Their new brand, "MAP," stands for minor attracted people. Or as the Times might write, Move along, nothing to see here.
However in spite of the Pride movement and cultural Marxist such as the Obama's calling it "brave," other societies around the world are beginning to protect their underage children at all cost from this COVID-like invasion with no counter medication. This is the basic stuff that can lead to conflicts and if not resolved, morph into wars.
For instance a few nukes put into the right places, trucked secretly around America, and if used could lead to a mass panic and the end of America's civilization literally overnight. America represents the new civilization that depends on streaming data for its survival, literally sometimes by the hour in these modern times.
And because those nukes would be trucked in without notice, American leaders would not know which country brought them in across the border. You may laugh but China's leader is not amused by what he sees online going to Chinese kids from streaming in America.
It reminds me of the story from the movie, "Sum Of All Fears," the U.S. holding back its attack not sure where or who to strike. In the case of the movie, a nuclear bomb is detonated from a cigarette machine in Baltimore's football stadium during a game. If you haven't seen the movie, I suggest you check out the possibilities of how fast lives can be changed.
It's ironic that 2,000 years ago Rome, too, was literally shut down in 24 hours to similar streaming issues. But in their case it wasn't streaming data from satellites. It was streaming water from aqua ducts!
It is also ironic the LGBTQQIAAP+, which wants to run a new campaign to change the basics of the human body, is totally ignoring the four-thousand year old "brimstones" that still sit in the ash of Sodom as I write this.
These brimstones are white and reported to be around 96% sulfur. They are not found in nature, volcanoes or asteroids exploding in the atmosphere. These simply fell out of the sky and sit where they landed 4,000 years ago.
For those who follow the Bible-hating radicals that have taken over the trans movement and think the "brimstone" mentioned in the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation is a silly metaphor, they can go online and actually purchase one from eBay.
Once they get it, they need to be careful. Lighting it with a match instantly turns it into a melting ball of an almost invisible 800 degree flame, vaporizing in front of their eyes, the sulfur smell almost overwhelming. Again, these are white, not yellow.
Maybe when seeing and holding one of these in real life might help them put their house in order and seek out the grace of the Lord they hate, as foretold in the Old Testament and provided in detail in the New Testament . . . a grace that cannot be earned and only given to those who wish to seek it. - Webmaster