First it was BLM fascists burning down businesses on main street U.S.A. in the summer of 2020. Years earlier they were caught singing, "fry cops like bacon" while blocking expressways.
Then came antifa.
Democrat mayors stopped cops from going after the group's generated violence. In fact it was New York City Democrat Congressman Nader, who protected antifa. When asked about their month-long riots in Portland, Oregon, he said it was "just a myth!"
Biden's first few minutes in office on January 20, 2021, changed women's sports. He signed an executive order, guaranteeing men who said they were women to now compete against women. Throughout the campaign, Biden never mentioned a single word he was going to enact this policy against women, giving Trans an opening to take over.
Also, Washington D.C. Democrats would not recognize those martyred Christians, three of them 9-year old children while the legacy media would not even use the word!
An example of the attacks on private property is shown in the above photo of person property vandalized while on the right proof the media is a lap dog for Democrats.
If you remember, Democrat Party Brown Shirts, BLM and Antifa, were encouraged to control the 2020 summer riots.
VP Kamala Harris, said on late night TV that those riots should go on for years. She obviously did not care they had caused 20 billion dollars in damage with more than 20 Americans murdered.
Through these actions the Democrat party is like a communist block, which we see in Cuba under Castro. To prove the point, the U.S. House Democrat Congressional leader, Pelosi, remarked on the $20 billion damage of the 2020 riots and the over 20 Americans murdered, simply saying, People will do what they do.
Washington D.C. Democrat leaders and those who approve their actions at the ballot box have become the antithesis to American justice and independence for individual rights and protection from the mob, as guaranteed by the Constitution.
Communists want to control people. But the Democrat-approved Trans movement wants to radically change the entire human race while erasing America's traditional culture, literally removing the Biblical two sexes, a man and a women.
And while Communists will not allow the practice of Christian tradition in their countries, it is America's leftist party that has made a mockery of Christ, the Cross and his followers. The party has become demonic almost overnight in the human ritual of sacrifice allowed to some of America's children.
The ancient goddess of sex, Ishtar, reflects Trans movement of changing women into men and men into women.

Satanic Temple opens new abortion clinic in America to sacrifice babies in ritualistic abortions.
England and Sweden have warned against these surgeries on children in the U.S., saying they destroy more lives than they help. They have already stopped the carnage in their own countries. But for Democrat leaders it is not about life, but about power. using violence to effect change.
NOTE: While communists want control over citizens, Washington D.C. Democrats have become demonic, wanting control over what citizens eat and buy, the home they live and the kind of energy they can use.
While at the same time the party backs changing men into women and women into men, surgically ripping the genitals from children not unlike the acts from the goddess Ishtar, an ancient demonic spirit worshipped before Christ walked the earth. In 2023 she is worshipped again by the left.
Don't believe it? Look at the demonic statue to the left that was dedicated to Ruth Bater Ginsburg earlier this year, celebrated by New York City Democrat officials.
It was Ginsburg in her earlier writings that wrote the Girl and Boy Scouts should be under one organization while wanting the words wife and husband removed from marriage certificates in all states. As a supreme court justice she had also called the United States a "Lone Ranger" in front of radical groups.
However this demonic spirit in the U.S. is being countered by discoveries from new technology that the Shroud of Turin is actually one of a risen Christ, a 3-D / laser / holographic image burned into the cloth. impossible to create even with today's technology!
Scientific investigations discovered that individual strands within the cloth itself created the 3-D image, with specific strands being browned in their own individual way to form the image. The density of the color is based on how far each strand is located from the body, again a 3-D image found on no other cloth in the world.
All this demonic change comes from the Obama / Biden candidacies in 2008, where the two politicians promised to fundamentally transform the United States of America.

"Zhang Yangzi says he spends around a third of his monthly wage on his appearance. (Supplied: Zhang Yangzi)" - ABCNet Austrailia
But their sexual agenda of today endangers young boys in other countries through the massive amount of woke entertainment content sent around the world from America's corrupted media corporations. In fact China has already fired a shot across the West's bow, saying young Chinese boys will not be feminized!
And it is not only China or Russia that is becoming furious with the American left. Recently African nations are rejecting gay movements, too, from coming into their countries, keeping their sexual traditions between a man and a woman.
So how did the Biden administration react to the independence demanded of those African leaders? It wants to "punish" them (their words.)
- Click On images to watch videos -
Gay 'Power Rangers' Star Brags About LGBT Content - WesternJournal
Megyn Kelly Goes Off Over ‘Trans Rights’ Debate: ‘I’m Done!’ - GatewayPundit
This punishing is what President Obama did to force new abortion language into Kenya's Constitution several years ago, using taxpayer money to do it while president. Many protesting in Kenya were killed over the change Obama wanted for their constitution.
While this demonic spirit has taken over the western world, nations are openly rejecting what the American government under Biden has become, now pushing away from a dangerous and sick American society run from Washington D.C.

Army Investigating Officers For Wearing Fetish “Pup” Masks While In Uniform After Secret Army Pup Kink Patrol Exposed. - GatewayPundit
It was candidate Obama back in 2007 that started this change to America, openly spitting on the nation's traditions by giving what some in the military would call Obama's "Crotch Salute" to the country. (See photo below and to the left.)
The murders and crime today from criminals being released back onto the streets, (with the blessings of Obama / Soros* supported DA's), was actually started when Obama served as president with Biden as VP.
His policies would result in the murder of high school students in south Florida by creating a race-based program, allowing problematic high school students to not be reported to law enforcement.
It was this program that would cause the murder of over a dozen high school students in what would be known as the Parkland Shooting.
The teen shooter, Cruz, had previous criminal activities that could not be reported to the authorities because of Obama's program. Cruz's growing violence would go under the radar of police and the FBI.
So it would be Obama, who in the end allowed the murder of innocent students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Click here for the timeline.
Below is a brief overview on the early events from the Obama administration that caused the murders of those high school students.
It would later become an early blue print for the massive crime wave that is allowed today by Obama-supporting Democrats in major Democrat run cities.
Here is how it worked.
"Broward school Superintendent Robert W. Runcie – a Chicagoan and Harvard graduate with close ties to President Obama and his Education Department – signed an agreement with the county sheriff and other local jurisdictions to trade cops for counseling.
Students charged with various misdemeanors, including assault, would now be disciplined through participation in 'healing circles,' obstacle courses and other 'self-esteem building' exercises.
Asserting that minority students, in particular, were treated unfairly by traditional approaches to school discipline, Runcie’s goal was to slash arrests and ensure that students, no matter how delinquent, graduated without criminal records." - RealClearPolitics
It was also Obama and Biden, who with appointed Czars in 2009, would rewrite the training manuals for America's security agencies that protected Americans from crime. That dangerous activity of Obama and Biden was warned at the time by Admiral "Ace" Lyons.
This has caused the FBI and other agencies to become weaponized to the point any American who flew the Betsy Rose circle flag could be considered a potential traitor to the United States. It could even include Catholics who had attended Latin services!
Only the people can stop demonic administrations like Obama and Biden. When a corrupted legacy media misinforms millions of voters, as in the 2020 election, it is only a matter of time that the nation's Republic can no longer stand.
You should know his demonic outbreak is not only in America but also in Europe. You can see below what is happening in Denmark. Located in front of a Women's museum, now renamed a Gender Women's Museum, is a statue of a man breast feeding a baby he had given birth to.
Click Here to view the full image (warning) of nude figure of artist's 3-D image.

Photo Source: Your News
A U.S. Marine, who fought in WWII, warned us on a video when celebrating his 100th birthday, saying, We didn't fight for this!
And they didn't. Too many woke universities teach students that those brave heroes were only racists and white supremacists. It is a sad commentary on the corrupted educational system in America.
America can no longer be the light of the world. It is a place sometimes so dark that nothing like it has been seen since the days of Sodom, a place where brimstone fell from the sky. This is not an allegory. They are actual sulfur stones.
And that brimstone still sits there in the ash today, 4,000 years later, undisturbed except for those picked up by tourists, former fences now removed. The purity of a brimstone cannot be created from a meteor explosion or a volcano. In other words it cannot be created by nature.
But for those woke Americans who don't believe, I can help! You can buy a 4,000 year old brimstone on eBay, saving you a flight to Israel and rental car to what remains of Sodom.