The Shepp Report
Special Edition
Could You Have Handled The Real "State Of The Union?"
February 11, 2023
Without a shot being fired, Washington Democrat leaders and their fawning nation media decided to ignore that our union could have been on the edge of instant destruction last week.
As voters across the country watched the activity on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives on their television screens last Tuesday night, they couldn't have missed the number of elected Democrats busy genuflecting in front of President Biden, wide smiles all over their faces and telling him what an amazing speech he gave.
They danced around him like little butterflies in a nest of flowers on a warm summer's day, one Texas Congresswoman even buzzing the president like a bee, taking selfies on command. It was Washington D.C. at its best, putting the middle finger up to patriots across the country in what used to be the people's house, now Nancy's and Chuck's Roman stone fortress.
The attending Democrats seemed totally unaware that most of the promises given by Biden were almost the exact same ones President Trump gave in his State of The Union speech a few years back. It was that same printed speech, by the way, Nancy Pelosi purposely ripped into shreds while sitting behind Trump while he spoke in front of live cameras. America could watch torn sheets of paper fall like snow where Pelosi, one of America's proudest progressive Catholics, sat behind the president.
Democrats couldn't get close enough to Biden that night after his speech, one good old preacher congressman from Georgia trying to squeeze in front of other Democrats so he could tell his supporters back home he had touched the hand of God.
They were all raving in front of President Biden, knowing he was literally in the process for the last two years of destroying womens' sports not to mention creating an opportunity for American hospitals to have new profit centers over the allowed removal / destruction of sex organs of American children thought to be of the wrong sex.
Joe also lied about COVID, pushing troops from their ranks while demanding their sign-on bonuses be returned for not getting his COVID jab. He even allowed doctors and nurses to be fired, who months earlier were Biden's COVID warriors. Then today Climate Depot writes the madness continues in the great medical reset, reporting the left will restrict anesthesia to save the climate; "Harvard Med to ‘integrate climate’ into M.D. curriculum as American Cancer Society frets ‘carbon footprint of cancer care.’"
Of course COVID lies weren't enough, Biden bringing America families to their knees through some of the highest energy costs across the country seen in the history of the United States.
For Biden's huge COVID reset, he must have been a huge supporter of the UN's reported gangster-lead Team Halo. According to the Epoch Times, the thug-like reported team of Team Halo is supported by organizations that include the socialists of the Rockefeller Foundation.
If you remember it was the Carnegie Foundation that funded the CAC in the early 1990's, the CAC hiring Barack Obama and Bill Ayers to start indoctrinating America's school children with the teaching of Karl Marx's Social Justice. After 30 years, Marx's poison flower has fully bloomed across the nation's classrooms in union-run state schools.
Biden also gave his blessing to allow drag shows in neighborhoods across America where participants have been caught making strange gestures while dressed in women's clothing, parents and kids present for these shows subjected to stunning comments.
Yet knowing all of Biden's new social demands, Democrats still couldn't get enough of old bumbling Joe, their hero, the one who lied to them decades ago he had three college degrees and graduated at the top of his class. They also knew he recently allowed illegal aliens by the millions to cross our southern border, knowing some were infected with COVID. Biden did this while American pilots couldn't fly commercial jets without the jab, released from their jobs as naughty boys and girls.
So I guess with the DNC it's going to continue to be . . .
Good job, Mr. President, Washington D.C. peers are praising you for your leadership in promoting their new progressive values onto millions of traditional families across the nation for another two years.
That seems to be the real state of the union the president somehow forgot to mention in his so-called amazing speech of February 7, 2023. - Webmaster
A Huge Balloon Story That Suddenly Evaporated From View On The Evening Of The State Of The Union Address
A large, instrument-filled Communist Chinese Party balloon was allowed to fly over the United States last week with President Biden's permission, passing over several military installations while having the ability to change course or to just float over the same spot.
It was allowed to travel across our country without interruption, from west to east for over seven days, while Washington Democrats on the night of the State of the Union acted as if the flight never occurred, sitting there comfortably in the U.S. House of Representatives waiting for Joe's speech on the state of the union.
How serious could the balloon event have been to the security of our nation? Check out the video below for an answer.
In 1958, America Attempted To Drop An Atomic Bomb From A Balloon.
Click On photo below to watch video of exactly how dangerous a high-flying balloon can be. One balloon from the CCP allowed over our country would be capable of taking down the entire infrastructure of the country within a second of time from an unexpected pulse bomb hidden in the array. - Webmaster
Sometimes Reality Can Come From A Truly Unexpected Source.
"Was this Chinese spy balloon a test run for an EMP detonation? In this video, we examine some history of nuclear weapon-equipped balloons and the potential consequences of a balloon-launched EMP event." - EndTimesProductions
Video / Graphic: - EndTimesProductions
- Hats off to Tom of Washington State for the heads-up. -
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Claims U.S. Blew Up Nord Stream Pipelines, White House Vehemently Denies Sabotage Accusations. - TheBlaze
The Reality Of "One Second After!"
"New York Times best selling author William R. Forstchen now brings us a story which can be all too terrifyingly real...a story in which one man struggles to save his family and his small North Carolina town after America loses a war, in one second, a war that will send America back to the Dark Ages.
A war based upon a weapon, an Electro Magnetic Pulse (EMP). A weapon that may already be in the hands of our enemies.
Months before publication, One Second After has already been cited on the floor of Congress as a book all Americans should read, a book already being discussed in the corridors of the Pentagon as a truly realistic look at a weapon and its awesome power to destroy the entire United States, literally within one second.
It is a weapon that the Wall Street Journal warns could shatter America. In the tradition of On the Beach, Fail Safe and Testament, this book, set in a typical American town, is a dire warning of what might be our future...and our end." - Amazon
Yahoo News Writes, "GOP Response To Biden's Lies In Speech Illustrates A Decline Of Civility In Politics." Really?
So the CIA, FBI, 51 retired intelligent agents along with an advocacy media, (including Yahoo News), trying to take down a sitting president through lies within a fake document was fair game? Then if the president's supporters didn't like it, well it was just too bad . . . boohoo?
Many Americans are looking forward to some of these people actually going to jail, attempting sedition against the U.S. Government. But maybe we shouldn't hold our breath, knowing the dangerous corruption that plagues our time. - Webmaster
Article written by David Knowles, February 7, 2023, YahooNews
Think there's a war being created by advocating media elites against America's Christian traditions from 1776? Progressive Marxist at the Huffing Post must think so, writing, Sarah Huckabee Sanders' 'Normal Or Crazy' Challenge Backfires Spectacularly. - Source: Yahoo News
And Then This From Our Fascist, Advocacy Media; The New York Times Leading The Charge For The CCP Again?
Article written by Joshua Klein, January 23, 2023, Breitbart
While In America, Walt Must Be Turning In His Grave.
'Do Something With Your White Privilege!' Disney Cartoon Rants About Race, Has Children Protesting Against Riot Police And Topples City Founder's Statue. (Shades of 2020 riots!) - TheBlaze
Mother Reads Shocking Porn Content From Books Given To Kids In New York City Schools. - SummitNews
Why Is DEI Like Kudzu?
Kudzu's DEI of inclusiveness & equity smothers everything it overtakes. It removes the life-giving freedom of sunshine to all life that is growing under it on the forest floor. In other words, ironically inclusiveness & equity destroys diversity instead of creating it. - Webmaster
The goal is to incorporate DEI into every aspect of medical schools. - College Fix

Photo is the property of its respective owner.
Background photo source: Our State / Lydialyle Gibson
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"If we want freedom of religion, then We the People must defend it. Otherwise, we resign ourselves to be subjects of those we hired to protect our rights." - Paul Engel / Constitution Study
In 2009, Obama's cult organization required on FBI Web site as an authority on anti-American hate groups.

TKS to Peggy of WNC
All Americans Whose Relatives Fought In WWII Need To Ask . . .
. . . why do the CEO's, who run the globalist corporations seen below, want to destroy the values fought for by the greatest generation winning WWII? These post-American CEOs can't deny it, as we watch the hosts of their hateful media holdings try to indoctrinate American citizens to view that generation of 1945, not as heroes, but as racists and white supremacists. - Webmaster
"Do not eat the bread of a selfish man, or desire his delicacies; for as he thinks within himself, so he is. He says to you, 'Eat and drink!' but his heart is not with you. You will vomit up the morsel you have eaten and waste your compliments." - Proverbs 23

AT&T owns CNN. In 2006 CNN was referred to as the "snuff" network when its host, Anderson Cooper, ran a terrorist video around the world of the shooting of a GI in Iraq. Among other things, CNN went after a teenager for standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial wearing a MAGA hat. While the PTC is accusing AT&T of promoting porn to kids, AT&T's Warner Media blacklists J.K. Rowling from Harry Potter 20th Anniversary on HBO. The approving AT&T CEO is John Stankey. |

Source: TheInformation |

Comcast owns MSNBC, a network originally tied to Microsoft. MSNBC reporting stands firm with the agendas of the Democrat Party. One of its hosts even attacked a conservative black woman, (a former Marine who won the Lt. Governor office in Virginia), as a white supremacist. Reid (photo on left) graduated from Harvard. The approving Comcast CEO is Brian L. Roberts. |

Source: BizJournal |
Disney / ABC

Disney had been Walt's dream for family programming. To that end Disney has purchased an amazing list of properties, which include Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm, 20th Century, Search light Pictures, FX Network, A&E Networks and ESPN. Another Disney property includes ABC and its weekly program, The View, hosted by Joy Behar, who attacks conservatives 24/7. Disney has allowed the hateful weekly program to continue for over a decade. Disney's Chairman is Robert A. Iger. |

Source: Variety |

Netflix is now referred to by some as the Obama Network. It also has been attacked for running an animated program called, "Big Mouth," which provides sexual programming and porn images aimed at teens. It displays images similar to those Planned Parenthood showed in public school classrooms over a decade that promoted sex toys and fisting kits. Netflix CEO is Wilmot Reed Hastings Jr. |

Source: CNBC |

Walmart openly donated 100 million dollars to the concept of "equity" started by the BLM-instigated riots of 2020, calling for the defunding of police. BLM attacked only in Democrat run cities, burning and looting allowed while police were told to stand down. Democrat leaders and media outlets such as MSNBC and CNN identified the carnage and murder of 30 people as "peaceful protests." And Nancy Pelosi? She said, People will do what they do. Walmart CEO is Doug McMillon. |

Source: TIME |
It's shocking that the five white male CEOs seen above, millionaires filled to the brim with wealth and stunning white privilege, are financially hosting media outlets that wage daily attacks on kitchen-table white American citizens as racists and white supremacists.
The outlets are also allowed to attack conservative blacks as white supremacists. Many of those citizens under daily attack follow the same values fought for by relatives who gave their lives and sacrificed limbs to win WWII.
However these five are only the tip of the iceberg of other CEOs who are at the helm of many of today's corporations, which have bowed down to the political correctness of Democrat leadership for over a decade.
In fact several years ago many attacked Indiana's legislature as homophobic. So this corporate movement away from American values is not new and in fact has grown more anti-American as it adopts the views of the late Karl Marx and followers such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and attacks white employees in the workplace as privileged.
These CEOs also support CRT taught in classrooms by far-left union teachers supported by corrupted school board members and the National School Board Association.
The goal is to divide public school students to see each other not by human character but by skin color. These so-called educators dotted across the country have also adjusted reading, writing and arithmetic to display racial components, allowing the attack to continue throughout the school day.
A sage once commented about leaders like these post-American CEOs. Their observation was simple; The fish always stinks from the head. - Webmaster
Oh look, that's where they've been hiding!
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On December 7, 1941, Americans didn't surrender like they did in 2020.

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PragerU: The Stories Of Us
Sample Below A Few Important Archived Links
| Fascism Comes To America | It Doesn't Matter? | America Facing Evil |
| Obama's 1990 article - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.” | Print Page |
It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of "Men who wanted to be left Alone".
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the 'Men who wanted to be left Alone' are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these 'Men who wanted to be left Alone', fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.
True terror will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the 'Men who just wanted to be left alone.'" - Martin Geddes

TKS to Peggy of WNC for memes., original source unknown.
Freedom is Knowledge