The Shepp Report
Special Edition
2020, The Year That Will Live In Infamy
May 17, 2022

Graphic Source: BenGarrison
When leaders of Washington's Democrat Party weaponized America's medical institutions under an evil cloak to hide a coup for President Trump to lose the 2020 election, it would cause America to pass a tipping point it might never recover from.
It was the same dark force that caused fear in the lives of several Supreme Court Justices of the United States with the purpose to affect their decision for abortion of babies up to their arriving in the birth canal. It could be seen only as a satanic act, lead by a forever-senator from the State Of New York.
The attempt was so evil the leaders of the Democrat Party believed it would affect pregnant women and pregnant men. By doing that the Washington D.C. Democrats would provide the world a prophetic sign of a return to the Days of Noah and later to be followed by upheaval according to the Word.
Brimstone is another prophetic sign of those coming days, already sitting on the earth for around four thousand years and hidden in the ash ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah. The brimstone that fell is so pure it is about 97% sulfur, which cannot be found in nature. But if you want a brimstone, you can still buy one on eBay for about $150.
With Senator Schumer also descending from the original tribes of the Bible, adds an interesting dimension of what is being seen in 2022 as the coming of the end of days. In fact an early "Mark" has already been designed for sale for $299 to individuals who desire it from the London firm, Walletmor. It literally is injected into the soft part of the hand, the size of a grain of rice, as predicted by the Book of Revelation from 2,000 years ago.
But it would be Dr. Fauci, who would symbolize the infectious disease of greed. Progressives on the left gave themselves permission to dismantle America's trust in its one-of-a-kind medical system under a planned medical emergency.
U.S. Taxpayers unknowingly have been paying the price for this COVID's development in a lab in China, thought to be going on for almost a decade before released in 2019. The planning was no accident. Democrat leadership was obviously ready to take down a U.S. President that their Chinese partners wanted removed from office.
During that time the CDC was becoming filled with payoffs and "good old boy politics." Globalist elite like Fauci would discover later that tens-of-millions more would still not be enough to satisfy their greed.
To that end, the following three headlines will help you understand who stole your medical system from you and how in the process national media elites willingly murdered millions of families while laughing all the way to the bank.
They sensed power never conceived in a Constitutional Republic while Americans obeyed like little puppy dogs, putting on masks with some fighting each other.
Because of their intense evil planning, they could never look back. But they didn't need to, with Marxist ideology ruling most of Gotham city's corrupt and dirty media. - Webmaster
1. Dr. Martin Kulldorff . . .
. . . on how to dismantle the ‘cartel’ of public health funding and rekindle open scientific inquiry.
Click On image below to watch introduction to interview.
American Thought Leaders
By Jan Jekielek, American Thought Leaders, March 31, 2022, EpochTV
"In this episode, filmed at Hillsdale College’s Censorship of Science conference, we sit down with Dr. Martin Kulldorff, an epidemiologist, biostatistician, and former professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. He’s a co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration that argued for “focused protection” of the vulnerable instead of lockdowns.
Kulldorff breaks down what he sees as the 'power hubs' controlling policy, research funding, and career advancement in the scientific world.
'Dr. Fauci sort of sits on the biggest chunk of infectious disease research money in the world. So it takes a bit of guts to contradict his view on pandemic strategy.'
Kulldorff is the scientific director at the Brownstone Institute and a founding fellow at Hillsdale College’s Academy for Science and Freedom.
'I’m very concerned that 400 years of enlightenment or scientific progress may come to an end. And I think we have to work very hard to avoid that.' - EpochTV
Video / Photo Source: EpochTV
2. Congressional Hearing On COVID You Probably Never Knew About. But Now You Will!
Joins HighWire in-studio talk through some of the most eye-opening statements made at the 5-hour long Congressional hearing, which featured some of the greatest medical minds in health science. - BitChute, January 2022
Watch two part interviews with top doctors who were called into Congress in January of 2022 on the COVID corruption inspired by federal agencies. They had been protected by major news journalists WHO KNEW THE AGENCIES WERE LYING, those reported lies well hidden from the general public compliments of ABC to NBC and all in between.
Senator Johnson called the meeting. And the testifying doctors?
They were the exact same ones who had been banned on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other communist social media outlets, tightly aligned with the filthy leadership of the Democrat Party. Protected journalists could make up any stories they wanted to demean anyone or any doctor that didn't accept their place in the new society created by the left during the pandemic.
So if a loved one died of COVID because they couldn't get the inexpensive medication early in their infection, these Marxist journalists, ghouls for a better word, from MSNBC and CNN and others knew they were helping to murder members of families for the "better good." It was like it had been made for Joseph Stalin and his former followers over at the ACLU.
The corruption created by the feds ran so deep, be it the CDC or the FBI, doctors early on could not even mention the name of drugs. And if you did, the Marxists at these media outlets sprang into action like lions ripping flesh from innocent sheep.
Now that we know what was going on in the last two years, videos of these journalists protecting the corruption during COVID need to be gathered up. Then once investigated, the journalists with intent to protect the corruption, knowing people were dying, need to be brought before a jury and sentenced.
Seeing how many Americans died from the misinformation, life sentences should be common. Then turn to those who ran social media and do the same.
Once justice is done, maybe journalism can return to what it was intended to be, information for citizens by a Fourth Estates to protect the Republic . . . not crush it. - Webmaster
NOTE: To watch the first part, click above the red arrow. When video stops, click below the red arrow to complete watching in the second part.
"During the COVID-19 pandemic, standard protocols for finding treatments were thrown out of the window, says Dr. Richard Urso, a co-founder of the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists, which organizes Global Covid Summit events.
'There is a way to mitigate damage in every disease, whether it’s COVID, whether it’s cancer … We look for the things that have the most evidence, the most biologic plausibility, and then we go from there,' says Urso.
Urso is a drug design and treatment specialist, an ophthalmologist, and former chief of orbital oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center.
We discuss how science has been corrupted and we also take a look at many alarming trends he’s seen primarily in individuals who have received their third or fourth vaccine booster shot." - Jan Jekielek, April 21, 2022, EpochTV
Video / Graphic Source: BitChute / HighWire
One Million COVID Deaths: Here’s The Real Reason Why More People Died From COVID In The United States Than Every Other Country. - GatewayPundit
Are The COVID Shots Killing People? - EpochTimes, April 18, 2022
3. Big Pharma Makes Billions By Rebranding Existing Drugs As . . . Wait For It . . . ‘New’Drugs.
Click On image below to watch the full interview of how the left and its fascist media tried to silence doctors in 2020 to the point they were not even allowed to mention the name of drugs. Yet these corporate whores would rename existing drugs for more profit during the Pandemic. - Webmaster
Corrupt Pharma
“'We have seen the ultimate demise of our health care system when it’s in the hands of bureaucrats,' says Dr. Richard Urso, a co-founder of the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists.
Previously, in part one of our interview, we discussed alarming post-booster trends he’s seen and how usual protocols for identifying treatments were thrown out during the COVID-19 pandemic. Now in part two, we discuss how big pharmaceutical companies can make billions by essentially repackaging existing products.
'Basically they took almost the exact same drug as Kaletra, dressed it up, they put a box around it, and they’re selling it for what, [$]5 billion?' says Urso, referring to the Paxlovid COVID-19 pill.
We also discuss Urso’s work with other prominent doctors to create both a national telehealth system as well as an entirely new infrastructure of doctor-led medicine, where power is decentralized and less easily corrupted.
'Once doctors became employees during this pandemic, it made them very reluctant to speak out,' Urso says.
Urso is a drug design and treatment specialist, an ophthalmologist, and former chief of orbital oncology at MD Anderson Cancer Center." - Jan Jekielek, April 21, 2022, EpochTV
Video / Graphic Source: EpochTV
Key NIH Research Executive Received Million Through 70 Secret Royalty Payments From Outside Firms Between 2010 And 2014 That Included Former NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins And Anthony Fauci. - EpochTimes, May 2022
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"If we want freedom of religion, then We the People must defend it. Otherwise, we resign ourselves to be subjects of those we hired to protect our rights." - Paul Engel / Constitution Study
All Americans Whose Relatives Fought In WWII Need To Ask, . . .
. . . why do the CEO's, who run the globalist corporations seen below, want to destroy the values fought for by the greatest generation winning WWII? These post-American CEOs can't deny it, as we watch the hosts of their hateful media holdings try to indoctrinate American citizens to view that generation of 1945, not as heroes, but as racists and white supremacists. - Webmaster
"Do not eat the bread of a selfish man, or desire his delicacies; for as he thinks within himself, so he is. He says to you, 'Eat and drink!' but his heart is not with you. You will vomit up the morsel you have eaten and waste your compliments." - Proverbs 23

AT&T owns CNN. In 2006 CNN was referred to as the "snuff" network when its host, Anderson Cooper, ran a terrorist video around the world of the shooting of a GI in Iraq. Among other things, CNN went after a teenager for standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial wearing a MAGA hat. While the PTC is accusing AT&T of promoting porn to kids, AT&T's Warner Media blacklists J.K. Rowling from Harry Potter 20th Anniversary on HBO. The approving AT&T CEO is John Stankey. |

Source: TheInformation |

Comcast owns MSNBC, a network originally tied to Microsoft. MSNBC reporting stands firm with the agendas of the Democrat Party. One of its hosts even attacked a conservative black woman, (a former Marine who won the Lt. Governor office in Virginia), as a white supremacist. Reid (photo on left) graduated from Harvard. The approving Comcast CEO is Brian L. Roberts. |

Source: BizJournal |
Disney / ABC

Disney had been Walt's dream for family programming. To that end Disney has purchased an amazing list of properties, which include Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm, 20th Century, Search light Pictures, FX Network, A&E Networks and ESPN. Another Disney property includes ABC and its weekly program, The View, hosted by Joy Behar, who attacks conservatives 24/7. Disney has allowed the hateful weekly program to continue for over a decade. Disney's Chairman is Robert A. Iger. |

Source: Variety |

Netflix is now referred to by some as the Obama Network. It also has been attacked for running an animated program called, "Big Mouth," which provides sexual programming and porn images aimed at teens. It displays images similar to those Planned Parenthood showed in public school classrooms over a decade that promoted sex toys and fisting kits. Netflix CEO is Wilmot Reed Hastings Jr. |

Source: CNBC |

Walmart openly donated 100 million dollars to the concept of "equity" started by the BLM-instigated riots of 2020, calling for the defunding of police. BLM attacked only in Democrat run cities, burning and looting allowed while police were told to stand down. Democrat leaders and media outlets such as MSNBC and CNN identified the carnage and murder of 30 people as "peaceful protests." And Nancy Pelosi? She said, People will do what they do. Walmart CEO is Doug McMillon. |

Source: TIME |
It's shocking that the five white male CEOs seen above, millionaires filled to the brim with wealth and stunning white privilege, are financially hosting media outlets that wage daily attacks on kitchen-table white American citizens as racists and white supremacists. The outlets are also allowed to attack conservative blacks as white supremacists. Many of those citizens under daily attack follow the same values fought for by relatives who gave their lives and sacrificed limbs to win WWII.
However these five are only the tip of the iceberg of other CEOs who are at the helm of many of today's corporations, which have bowed down to the political correctness of Democrat leadership for over a decade. In fact several years ago many attacked Indiana's legislature as homophobic. So this corporate movement away from American values is not new and in fact has grown more anti-American as it adopts the views of the late Karl Marx and followers such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and attacks white employees in the workplace as privileged.
These CEOs also support CRT taught in classrooms by far-left union teachers supported by corrupted school board members and the National School Board Association. The goal is to divide public school students to see each other not by human character but by skin color. These so-called educators dotted across the country have also adjusted reading, writing and arithmetic to display racial components, allowing the attack to continue throughout the school day.
A sage once commented about leaders like these post-American CEOs. Their observation was simple; The fish always stinks from the head. - Webmaster
Oh look, that's where they've been hiding!
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On December 7, 1941, Americans didn't surrender like they did in 2020.

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It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of "Men who wanted to be left Alone".
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the 'Men who wanted to be left Alone' are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these 'Men who wanted to be left Alone', fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.
True terror will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the 'Men who just wanted to be left Alone.'" - Martin Geddes
Freedom is Knowledge