The Gray Lady Under New Leadership: The 1619 Project
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In my line of sight at 80 years old, raised by the men and women who won WWII, the New York Times in 2022 reminds me of AOC promising change using the socialist policies of Karl Marx with a fresh coat of paint.
To Marx, being at the top was great while those at the bottom were snubbed, crushed or starved to death, today's potential middle class.
It's why one of Marx's most famous quotes hits home of who he really was, referring to his voters as useful idiots. Like Marx, AOC and the New York Times love being at the top while AOC makes the lower class that serves her wear a COVID face masks.
It was like the Obama campaign for office in 2008, attacking America as racist, folding his hands over his crotch during the singing of the National Anthem in 2007. It was at a summer Democrat fundraiser, Obama saying putting your hand over your heart had no meaning for patriotism. Some in the military called it the "president's crotch salute."
Well now we know that was a lie. It did have meaning and revealed the dark side of Obama if he was to become president. And in 2022 it has become disastrous for the future of this country's national security. As Plato warned, born 400 years before Christ, no successful democracy can ever survive.
Plato noted in a democracy odd and strange ideas would enter into the society through the arts and literature, go mainstream to the point one day even puppy dogs would be standing on their hind legs to demand their freedoms, too. But we shouldn't be surprised by that in America today. It's already true in some places.
During the eight years of Obama /Biden, they started in 2011 to literally transform the country, attacking the 1% wealthy in America for owning Wall Street. It was called the OWS riots. Pelosi even said God would bless it, as if the abortion queen knows what the Lord is thinking.
Yet in 2017 as Obama left office, somehow he didn't see a problem in 2017 sailing on a yacht down to Tahiti. It was owned by one of the richest men in the world, Obama sipping drinks between conversations with quests Hanks and Springsteen.
It's what an everyday community organizer wishes for in their early days when being taught how to teach Marxism to the fools who have taken their free society for granted, like what happened to the founders of the BLM.
And what did the progressive media outlets say on that contrast of Obama's values? You know what they said! They fawned over Barack, as if licking his copper skin, watching him take photos of Michelle on the deck of a yacht that took the shape of a small ocean liner. Even Wall Street 1% couldn't afford that boat. But Obama's friend could and Obama knew it.
However it didn't stop there.
Obama's wife, before becoming first lady, complained about the cost of piano lessons for her daughters. But after being president, her husband had purchased several private homes for the family, each reported to be worth around 10 million dollars. They sit-on-land around those so-called racist whites Obama said he hated when running in 2008.
There was even an ocean view to die for of each ocean, the same oceans Obama supporter AOC claims is rising and that unless addressed could end human life in ten years. (By the way, AOC, are you counting? We are, seven to go.)
Not surprising, the New York City's "newspaper of record," the New York Times, continues to spread the doctrine of Karl Marx and communism across the country with its support of its 1619 Project, destroying the education of many American children many behind their parent's back.
The Times also ignored Yale's Red Guard, college students treating professors like the cultural revolution of the Red Chinese in the 1960s, where tens-of-millions of Chinese were murdered by Mao's Red Guard.
Now the New York Times is caught running yet another attack on one of the most popular cable news shows in America, Tucker Carlson Tonight on FOX News.
It was Tucker Carlson's wife who hid in a kitchen closet while Antifa was beating drums in front of her house, antifa drawing symbols on the driveway and literally slamming their bodies against the front door . . . cracking it. Think the Times cared, knowing antifa and BLM were Obama's official brown shirts of the Democrat Party?
But the most unforgivable is when the New York Times stood aside as school after school lowered requirements for the education of minority students, saying whites high achievement levels were racist and needed to be removed with no standards needed
So let me understand this.
Instead of demanding high standards for black students, the Times exploits them as pawns to lower the standards in some state schools over political correctness, resulting in the children of labeled "white" Asians and other immigrant families receiving a substandard education because the standards had been cut for all their districts, too.
But Asian parents are always persistent. They're proud of their heritage. And the Times editorial staff needs to stay out of their way. They will seek what they want for their children's self-achievement until it is found. Period.
For over two decades the communists at Columbia University Teachers College have been attacking student self-achievement, teaching that it only promotes white power. It also has influenced some public school superintendents to encourage graduating seniors to remove offensive color tassels of achievement at graduations from their mortar boards, symbols of hard-earned "white" self-achievement for many decades they said.
Of course to this end, it would be no surprise that years ago the communist professors Cloward and Piven would be welcomed with open arms at Columbia University to push their attack on freedom in America.
Then there are the Marxists at Harvard, radical Professor Derrick Bell hugely admired by Barack Obama. And let's not forget the politics of Frank Marshall Davis, the mentor Obama self-identified with while on video during a book reading several years ago. Our commie left media of course called it a lie until a university found the video, putting it up as a historic document of Obama's life.
Since the 2020 election, the Times has purposely built up the Biden family to keep Democrats in power, as if 50 years wasn't enough for what some call a crime family. Why? Because the Times knows Obama can't run again. That annoying Constitution gets in the way.
The Times editors know Obama only needs Biden's arm and hand for signing all those Obama-driven executive orders while the rest of Biden's body, for all they care, could stay at home in the basement, sipping hot chocolate.
But the fact the Times continues to attack Tucker says he is beginning to represent the new high ground for American journalism in America. The destroyed and raped newspaper / TV profession is ripe today for another Edward R. Morrow to emerge along with all the "gum shoes" he inspired that served middle class families from legal immigrants across America with raw and time consuming investigative truth.
Those middle class families were the same ones who came through Ellis Island in the 1920's to find freedom on another shore, demanding their right of self-determination and self-achievement.
Those early immigrants built the America we live in today . . . while the Marxists at the New York Times keep ripping it apart. This so-called sophisticated newspaper even supported a recent appointment of a Supreme Court Judge, who in a hearing, was unable to define when asked a simple question, What is . . . wait for it . . . a woman?
Change is knocking on the door of the New York Times. Maybe it's time for a come-to-Jesus moment for its owners. - Webmaster