Chinese Parents With Others Around The World . . .
April 5, 2022
. . . are starting to see a serious need to protect children from the political correctness of the West's male feminine movement. They are watching traditional family values continue to be attacked, including women's / girl's sports as feminine males compete against their smaller female competitors.
In America the left uses code words such as Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity to mock or shut down parents at local school board meetings across the country. They have even contacted Washington D.C. Democrats to get the FBI involved so those parents might be treated like domestic terrorists and tossed into jail.

"Dr Yu added that the marketing push from Western Brands like L'Oreal and Nivea and Asian-based products like South Korea's Laneige has been key to the wider adoption of male beauty in China." - Lawrence Wong, ABC Streaming News
Photo Source: ABC Streaming News, September 2018
These active "progressives" have been quietly infiltrating online streaming media services once considered to be the backbone of traditional family values such as Disney and Nickelodeon.
But it is reported Disney's corporate executives have gone so far to the left they now feel comfortable openly attacking the Governor of Florida because he supported the passage of a law to stop sexualizing children from K - 3rd grade.
By attacking the governor's protection of young children, Disney seems to have aligned itself with the agenda of the North American Man / Love Boy Association (NAMBLA) from two decades ago.
One Florida teacher received attention from the left's media, reporting he was upset because he could no longer discuss his sexual partner to K - 3rd graders.
We should never forget it was China's president who fired a warning shot across America's bow about how the West's feminine movement was changing young boys in China's culture. He reports to have watched young Chinese and Japanese boys appear on television for children's entertainment and didn't like what he saw.
In response he ordered Chinese media outlets to stop providing destructive content for consumption by China's male youth.
NC Lt. Governor Mark Robinson: There Are Only Two Genders
Click On Photo to watch part of Robinson's speech, April 2, 2022

"You can go to the doctor and get cut up, you can go down to the dress shop and get made up, you can go down there and get drugged up, but at the end of the day, you are just a drugged-up, dressed-up, made-up, cut-up man or woman," Robinson exclaimed. - TheBlaze
Photo / Video Source: TheBlaze |
We need to remember it was the fascists who ran Germany's Third Reich 80 years ago and also went after the country's children to turn them against their parents. However those adults wore uniforms so everyone knew their agenda . . . they couldn't hide it.
But today the ones attacking parental rights look the same as the parents. You can't tell the difference until they open their mouths.
Then there is the self-proclaimed Marxist leaders of the BLM, who were welcomed into the Obama / Biden White House in 2015. They also push for disruption of the education of public school children with what they referred to as Critical Race Theory (CRT.) CRT was started decades ago at Columbia University and then later at its Teachers' College.
This is the same BLM that blocked interstates, shouting "fry cops like bacon," while ignoring the actual very low police shooting via reliable federal statistics. They then lied about the number of deaths, as if it had been in the hundreds or thousands, when it had not. The purpose was to cause riots across the country, which we saw in the summer of 2020.
During these times people of faith continue to be under direct attack because they support law & order and traditional family values, be they Christian, Catholic or Muslims.
"UK's Clown World." - GatewayPundit
"UK hospitals are now being encouraged to ask ALL men under 60 if they are pregnant before getting medical procedures." - GatewayPundit
!["New guidance from several National Health Service trusts, which are similar to U.S. State Hospital Associations, is telling UK hospitals to ask the pregnancy question to 'all patients under the age of 60, regardless of how [they] may identify [their] gender,' before treatment for certain conditions, according to the UK Telegraph." - Gateway Pundit](ukclownworld600.jpg) |
"It’s 2022 – up is down, right is wrong, the sky is green, and, yet, men still cannot become pregnant – but don’t tell that to the so-called ‘medical professionals in the UK.
Hospitals across England are embracing the woke new age and are now being encouraged to ask everyone – man or woman – if they are pregnant or not before they can get certain medical procedures." - GatewayPundit |
Trans Study Cited By Biden Funded . . . Wait For It . . . By Trans Drug Makers! - WND
When the Supreme Court ruled to change marriage in June of 2015, after 2,000 years of tradition between a man and a woman, justices were told that it could be just the beginning of more attacks on the family unit, which protect our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
The left's intention, the justices were warned, was to move onto other areas of the society until ALL demands were met. We see this today, only seven years later, with attacks on the basic male and female role models since the dawn of time.
One marriage partner in another state tried to deal with the situation in a peaceful manner, not pushing his lifestyle into the face of students or saying parents had no business in classroom content. However that attitude seemed so rare it's almost just a sub note to the movement.
In circa 1998, the PR director of a large national organization released a memo proclaiming any discussion of the sexual ideology of the organization's membership was off the table. At the time she reported members already had jobs in over 1,500 newspapers across the country and now held the high ground for content.
It was strange she released her memo soon after a 13-year old Arkansas boy was found tortured and murdered. The boy's death was so horrific the local police were needed to verify the details were correct. The police also volunteered that the only national news outlet that cared to cover the trial of the boy's murderers was FOX News. Again that was over 20 years ago.
And to no surprise it was a FOX News cable news host at the time, Shepard Smith, who noted that the story was unusual not because of the boy's murderers but because the entire national TV news networks and newspapers had walked away from it.
And they did it in rank step, proving that the PR manager was correct, her membership did own the high ground in the media that could now protect its own. In other words, conservatives need not apply. That was also going on at our major universities, hiring committees evolving to only giving tenure to their own.
It's what professor Mike Adams saw, the handwriting on the wall and why he may have committed suicide, even after winning a court case where the University of North Carolina Wilmington had tried to deny him tenure because he had become a Christian. In other words, what was the point if the battle was won but the war lost?
That was the objective of the former American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE), which had also changed its rules to managing editors of newspapers on the hiring of journalists.
In 1998 the ASNE moved people of faith to the back of the bus under Other and replaced them at the front of the bus with those who believed in sexual orientation.
The ASNE's end goal, since it founding in the late 1970's, was to ensure newspaper editors across the country would use the same words when reporting on the same social issues to their readers.
Conservatives saw through the ASNE's mission and called it coloring the news, which is exactly what it was. But it was already too late to stop the corruption.
In 2020 it all came together for the left and why our media has become an "echo chamber," burying the news that doesn't support its agenda. They have renamed this agenda a "narrative," so confident in their control they no longer even try to hide it.
Why are they able to get away with it?
From 2009 the Obama / Biden administration was reported to have compromised our security agencies. Additional reports came out that in eight years Obama / Biden had also weaponized the CIA and FBI.
Admiral "Ace" Lyons tried to warn Americans, (turn your volume up), about the attack on America's security documents. But after Obama and Biden fired 50 top patriotic generals and officers in the military, the fix was sealed.
That put conservative American hopes in 2022 on the Supreme Court, which seems about to topple, too, not forgetting the outright personal attack by Senator Schumer on members of the court. This is as his Democrats make ready this week to put a new justice on the bench reported to be more radical than Ginsburg.
It was Ginsburg who promised to move to New Zealand if Trump was elected, the court supposed to stay out of politics. It was also Ginsburg who referred to our Constitution, our way of life, as if a Lone Ranger while defending globalism.
Ginsburg also admitted she ruled on decisions looking a European court cases. So much for an oath of office to protect our founding document. It seems useless today with progressives that see oaths like choosing what candy to eat on Halloween. Our early founders warned only a Christian population would protect and keep the Constitution. They were right.
And then there is this very disturbing report hitting the headlines about security officers who worked for our government:
A CIA former officer wrote on Twitter he was proud to have helped steal the election from Trump by signing a letter that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation. That put Biden and Kamala into office, bringing all the misery to our country from trying to destroy women / girl sports, to sex changes for children to shutting down America's independence on energy with Biden buying oil from Russia as it was getting ready to attack Ukraine.
The Epoch Times reported, "One of the former CIA officers who signed a letter claiming stories about a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden were disinformation says he helped swing the 2020 election away from President Donald Trump."
The Epoch Times went on, "John Sipher, who served for decades as a senior operations officer at the CIA, wrote in a recent post on Twitter."
The former head of U.S. intelligence. Grenell, blasted Sipher, who signed the [Hunter Laptop] letter casting doubt on Hunter Biden’s laptop — calling him a lying 'phony' and igniting a Twitter war over the weekend.
"The spat erupted Saturday when Richard Grenell, the former Trump-appointed acting director of national intelligence, reacted to a post from John Sipher, who retired from the CIA in 2014, about ethical behavior among public servants," reported Newsbreak
So to Xi Jinping, the leader of the Communist Chinese Party, when looking at the top photo of one of his young male citizens in pink surroundings, it is not America he should fear.
It is the executives of Disney and others like them he should fear, knocking on his back door to get to his young boys and change his culture. He needs to understand Disney and Hollywood are very good at what they do to deceive children.
For instance what looks like one thing could very well be something else. Just check out a children's cartoon movie from 2007 produced by the popular production company, Dreamworks, run by several directors at the time including Steven Spielberg.
They called it A Shark's Tale. - Webmaster