As we saw in the Ukraine, when a leader is filled with conviction the people can follow with drive and passion to try to protect their lives when attacked by a foreign predator.
However on the other hand, as we have seen with the the leadership of America's Democrat Party, when you lead with fear you have a population living in fear . . . and more importantly obeys in fear.
And that's critical to the current Democrat Party's leadership in Washington D.C. Why? Because it knows fear is one of the most destructive forces to a free Republic . . . or what the Democrat leadership tries to refer to as a "democracy."
A democracy does not represent freedom. It is in a democracy where a society can be lead by thugs and goons with a single miscounted vote.
But a Republic is not lead by thugs and goons. It is lead by the rule of law with the promise that no one is above the law, a place where fear has no place at the table.
To that end is a wonderful observation below from the folks at Louder With Crowder. They are reporting on an event in Florida at a place where we should expect the development of leaders, a school of higher education, or in this case the University of South Florida.
Governor DeSantis came to speak, the university having students lined up behind the microphone and proudly wearing their masks in abeyance to what I call the Order of the Collar & Leash.
It is what we too often find at some universities across the country, students falling on their knees instead of standing up on their feet, what you would expect trained leaders to do.
The governor, as he approaches, tells the young adults you don't have to wear the mask. He didn't say you can't wear the mask. He said you don't have to wear the mask.
The students seemed stunned, like they didn't know what to think when suddenly their dog collars were removed: What, I'm free? What do I do now? Run, hide, cry, jump up for joy, wet myself?
Well the left media of course attacked the governor, his daring to say something the media itself had forced upon the population back in April of 2020, finally caught in their seditious act.

See video below. |
One other point. When watching a video below notice what news network is "pimping" the story college kids can't think for themselves and must keep the diaper draped across their faces.
It was NBC News, once a leader in solid reporting now filled with employees who have sadly lost the mission of our founders.
The attack was the same with NBC national network show, Morning Joe, angry the Florida governor dared to tell future leaders they could take off their dog collars. Morning Joe was once a congressman, which may speak volumes for today's failed leadership.
This station, NBC Channel 8 Tampa, is the same one that recorded a mother upset with the governor's comments, which is the video you will see below.
Notice in the copy posted about the event from NBC 8, the channel's conditioned writer reported the governor scolded a group of students.
"DeSantis was at the University of South Florida to announce funding for cybersecurity education.
Before taking the podium to address the audience, the governor scolded a group of students behind him who were wearing face masks.
'You do not have to wear those masks,' Gov. DeSantis said. 'I mean, please take them off. Honestly, it’s not doing anything and we’ve gotta stop with this COVID theater. So if you want to wear it, fine, but this is ridiculous.'" - NBC News 8, Tampa, FL.
So in the future when you see copy from the left's media, be sure to carefully check out the words they want you to read, such as "scolded."
It was no accident the word was sitting there. The responsibility of the left is not to inform you but corral you into following the "narrative" directed by their bosses. You know the drill, shut up and obey, the same people in 2021 who trashed America's doctors that didn't buy into the COVID bait.
How did we get to this place in America where some citizens treat others as if a second class? It actually was easy. Check out the story, "Do You Know How To Catch Wild Pigs?" - Webmaster
Click On the photo below to watch a mother getting upset her "university" son had to take his mask off. Again, the interview is provided to you by NBC news. Adults like this mother are sometimes called "helicopter parents," always right there flying above their child, even some have reported, in job interviews. - Webmaster