The Shepp Report
Special Edition
Did Dems Set A Trap, Capitol Police Leaders In On It?
Democrat Washington D.C. leadership going after power at any cost before the election of 2022.
February 25, 2022
For three months in 2020, Washington D.C. Democrat leadership opened a door for antifa & BLM to loot and burn down private businesses as they chose from coast to coast in Democrat run American cities.
The rioters murdered over 30 Americans during that time, including retired St. Louis police captain, David Dorn, his dying live-streamed on Facebook by his BLM killers. Democrats and their spoon-fed media, in many cases, successfully buried Dorn's murder from the eyes of the American public.
Democrat mayors and governors obeyed their corrupt D.C. leadership, watching those thousands of looters and killers go shoulder-to-shoulder without masks, marching down main streets back in the good old days of COVID cover ups by the DNC run media.
These are peaceful protestors, Democrat leaders passed onto their fawning media hosts. They are more important than the worry of COVID infections. Constitutional rights important expressions of freedom!
That is what leaders like Pelosi claimed for the awaiting cameras of MSNBC, CNN and other progressive alphabet "state-run news" outlets in 2020. These outlets were ready to suck in every word to push day after day in progressive-run echo chambers and approved by the CEOs who own the networks, such as AT&T, Comcast and Disney.
These willing media outlets and others promoted the lie across the nation while cowardly corporations fell all over themselves to be the first in line to donate tens-of-millions of dollars to a BLM they knew to be self-identified Marxists.
However those blood-covered corporate donations disappeared into the night over the next two years, BLM leaders going out and buying personal homes that included a six-million dollar mansion in Canada, once the headquarters of the Communist Party.
Walmart's CEO and others were taken for a justified ride, having enjoyed a "woke" dump on their corporate founders. Sam surely must have been turning over in his grave along with Walt Disney and others, as these bloated CEO millionaires forced willing HR departments to push the BLM's critical race theory / Marx message onto blue collar workers across the nation. One of Walmart's partners even trashed individual achievement, the heart of America's success, as destructive to other Walmart employees.
Pelosi of course shrugged off the violence of 2020, saying to the press, People will do what they do. In 2011 for Obama's OWS violence, Pelosi gushed, God will Bless . . .
She has even gone off the rails to protect the Democrat Party's huge failures, allowing America to grow weak in the eyes of its enemies, saying to the media today that Biden has been brilliant in his decisions concerning Russia's attack on Ukraine's 40 million people. She is so used to the dumb and dumber of our society.
So it is not surprising her gestapo-like D.C. police had took over on January 6, 2021, and beat the crap out of several Trump supporters, who in some cases were lead into the Capitol building by police on video seen pointing toward the openings. A video also showed the seven-thousand pound entrance doors of the Capitol opened from the inside, allowing supporters in. Was it another video the Democrat's committee tried to hide?
One Trump supporter outside the Capitol building looked at several fully dressed Capitol police and asked them, "Why are you standing there." (See below)
The whole event smelled of a set-up with Nancy refusing Trump's offer of the National Guard to protect the Capitol on January 6, Trump knowing tens-of-thousands would be there for his morning speech and wanted to protect the huge building from the Democrat's false plants in the crowd.
But Nancy [people will do what they do] Pelosi, would actually want Trump's supporters to come into the Capitol building, knowing a major election was coming in 2022 and that 'this day might be her get out-of-jail card' to convince voters to push Democrats back in power for another two years. It would allow them to complete the weakening of the people's Constitutional government.
But what would you expect from a Democrat party that created the "Wilmington Massacre of 1898," and never looked back, murdering over a dozen black Republican businessmen while chasing away over 2,000 blacks from their home and businesses in that North Carolina successful black business city? - Webmaster
Article by Jim Hoft, July 18, 2021, publisher of the GatewayPundit
Click On any photo to listen to the original testimony that Rosanne Boyland was crushed and then her body beaten by police.
"Philip Anderson: Capitol Police Killed Rosanne Boyland on Jan. 6 – 'She Was Holding My Hand When She Died.'” - GatewayPundit
Yet Dem's Medical Examiner Said Boyland Died Of Drugs?
Click On image to watch video. Warning: Video is disturbing as we watch law enforcement beat senseless a woman lying on the ground.
"FBI’s Operation To Infiltrate Right-Wing Extremist Groups Lies At Center Of Transparency Lawsuit." - EpochTimes
Meet Rosanne Boyland, Struck Multiple Times By One Of Pelosi's Capitol Police Officers On January 6, 2021, As She Lay Helpless On The Ground.
Photo Source: NewYorkPost
"A police officer’s [Lila Morris] beating of Rosanne Boyland with a steel baton and a large wooden stick while she laid unconscious in a packed U.S. Capitol tunnel on Jan. 6, 2021 was 'objectively reasonable,' according to a D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) internal affairs investigation.
‘Morris was hailed as a hero and traveled to the Super Bowl in Tampa as a guest of honor.’
Video footage reportedly taken after Boyland had fallen unconscious in the tunnel shows MPD Officer Lila Morris beating Boyland with a steel baton and what appeared to be a wooden walking stick.
Morris can be seen on bodycam footage picking up the stick, raising it over her head and striking Boyland several times in quick succession before being pulled back by other officers." - WorldTribune
D.C. Police Beating Of An Unconscious Boyland Was ‘Objectively Reasonable,’ Department Rules. - EpochTimes
Why Were Police Just Standing There, Watching Trump Supporters Stream Into The Capitol After A Welcoming Wave From An Officer Or Someone Dressed Like One? Why, Nancy, They're Your Cops.
Trump supporter outside of Capitol building, looking at three fully dressed police officers, asks, Why are you standing there?
Click On photo to watch video.
If police were standing around doing nothing, as proven by this video, something is 100% out of line with what's being said . - FreedomHeadlines
Video Source: FreedomHeadlines |
Newly Released Video From Jan 6 Shows A Non-Charged Person Changing Clothes, Putting On Mask And Utilizing Hand Signals Directed At Others Behind Her - GatewayPundit
Black Lives Matter Activist Who Tried To Kill Jewish Mayoral Candidate Put Anti-Semitic Posts On Social Media. - LawEnforcementToday
In Canada: Trampling The Truckers
"The Great Reset becomes the Great Awakening." - ZeroHedge

Graphic Source: ZeroHedge
Did Biden Encourage Canada To Go 1984?
- 30 -
All Americans Whose Relatives Fought In WWII Need To Ask, . . .
. . . why do the CEO's, who run the globalist corporations seen below, want to destroy the values fought for by the greatest generation winning WWII? These post-American CEOs can't deny it, as we watch the hosts of their hateful media holdings try to indoctrinate American citizens to view that generation of 1945, not as heroes, but as racists and white supremacists. - Webmaster
"Do not eat the bread of a selfish man, or desire his delicacies; for as he thinks within himself, so he is. He says to you, 'Eat and drink!' but his heart is not with you. You will vomit up the morsel you have eaten and waste your compliments." - Proverbs 23

AT&T owns CNN. In 2006 CNN was referred to as the "snuff" network when its host, Anderson Cooper, ran a terrorist video around the world of the shooting of a GI in Iraq. Among other things, CNN went after a teenager for standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial wearing a MAGA hat. While the PTC is accusing AT&T of promoting porn to kids, AT&T's Warner Media blacklists J.K. Rowling from Harry Potter 20th Anniversary on HBO. The approving AT&T CEO is John Stankey. |

Source: TheInformation |

Comcast owns MSNBC, a network originally tied to Microsoft. MSNBC reporting stands firm with the agendas of the Democrat Party. One of its hosts even attacked a conservative black woman, (a former Marine who won the Lt. Governor office in Virginia), as a white supremacist. Reid (photo on left) graduated from Harvard. The approving Comcast CEO is Brian L. Roberts. |

Source: BizJournal |
Disney / ABC

Disney had been Walt's dream for family programming. To that end Disney has purchased an amazing list of properties, which include Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm, 20th Century, Search light Pictures, FX Network, A&E Networks and ESPN. Another Disney property includes ABC and its weekly program, The View, hosted by Joy Behar, who attacks conservatives 24/7. Disney has allowed the hateful weekly program to continue for over a decade. Disney's Chairman is Robert A. Iger. |

Source: Variety |

Netflix is now referred to by some as the Obama Network. It also has been attacked for running an animated program called, "Big Mouth," which provides sexual programming and porn images aimed at teens. It displays images similar to those Planned Parenthood showed in public school classrooms over a decade that promoted sex toys and fisting kits. Netflix CEO is Wilmot Reed Hastings Jr. |

Source: CNBC |

Walmart openly donated 100 million dollars to the concept of "equity" started by the BLM-instigated riots of 2020, calling for the defunding of police. BLM attacked only in Democrat run cities, burning and looting allowed while police were told to stand down. Democrat leaders and media outlets such as MSNBC and CNN identified the carnage and murder of 30 people as "peaceful protests." And Nancy Pelosi? She said, People will do what they do. Walmart CEO is Doug McMillon. |

Source: TIME |
It's shocking that the five white male CEOs seen above, millionaires filled to the brim with wealth and stunning white privilege, are financially hosting media outlets that wage daily attacks on kitchen-table white American citizens as racists and white supremacists. The outlets are also allowed to attack conservative blacks as white supremacists. Many of those citizens under daily attack follow the same values fought for by relatives who gave their lives and sacrificed limbs to win WWII.
However these five are only the tip of the iceberg of other CEOs who are at the helm of many of today's corporations, which have bowed down to the political correctness of Democrat leadership for over a decade. In fact several years ago many attacked Indiana's legislature as homophobic. So this corporate movement away from American values is not new and in fact has grown more anti-American as it adopts the views of the late Karl Marx and followers such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and attacks white employees in the workplace as privileged.
These CEOs also support CRT taught in classrooms by far-left union teachers supported by corrupted school board members and the National School Board Association. The goal is to divide public school students to see each other not by human character but by skin color. These so-called educators dotted across the country have also adjusted reading, writing and arithmetic to display racial components, allowing the attack to continue throughout the school day.
A sage once commented about leaders like these post-American CEOs. Their observation was simple; The fish always stinks from the head. - Webmaster
Oh look, that's where they've been hiding!
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On December 7, 1941, Americans didn't surrender like they did in 2020.

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It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of "Men who wanted to be left Alone".
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the 'Men who wanted to be left Alone' are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these 'Men who wanted to be left Alone', fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.
True terror will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the 'Men who just wanted to be left Alone.'" - Martin Geddes
Freedom is Knowledge