The Shepp Report News Summary Is Best Viewed On A Standard Monitor For Full Understanding On This Week's Important Stories. - Webmaster |
Still Get News From An Elite Media That Sees You As Part Of A Basket Of Deplorables?
Stories buried by the progressive mainstream press propaganda leftist outlets, America's PLO. It's Germany in 1933 and Google, Twitter and Facebook are the new Third Reich.
Photos from 2011 when the DNC was pushing Marxism hard to get progressive corporate news outlets to agree to promote it 24/7 onto the public.
Famous Quote: "In some respects, Mr. Obama is far more experienced than other presidential candidates," Nicholas D. Kristof, reported for the New York Times on March 6, 2007. A few months later at a Democrat fundraiser, Obama gave a "crotch salute" to the singing of the National Anthem followed in 2008 to proclaim to "fundamentally transform" the country.
Then as president in June of 2009 he would refer to the killing and wounding of 33 at Fort Hood by a Jihadist as only an act of "workplace violence," refusing to give them Purple Hearts. Obama would then become involved in the murder of our human treasures in the attack on an American embassy in Benghazi in 2012, better than other presidential candidates, right?
The Weekly Shepp Report
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Your Conservative Online Source For A Summary Of The Week's News
The Shepp Report accesses over 70 conservative Web sites for weekly stories to identify the progressive culture that smothers your freedoms.
October 31, 2021
UN Agenda 2030 Equity Flag?
Easily stored in a glove compartment, night stand or pocket. You can even put it over your face to show others you support the UN's flag of "equity."
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: The Coming Dystopian Nightmare; On The Potential Dangers Of Coming COVID Vaccines. - Children's Health Defense
Note: Robert F. Kennedy Was Kicked Off Of Instagram As A Conspiracy Theorist On The COVID vaccine.
Top News Stories Of The Week
Three Stories Perfect For Evil At Halloween
School Taught Third Graders On Chopping Off Their Genitals
Click On photo below to watch exchange about indoctrination to gender studies in "Third Grade."
"Megyn Kelly announced earlier this year she pulled her sons from their school when the school went too woke. On an episode of The Megyn Kelly Show, she gave more details just HOW woke.
It centers around a transgender education program. The Kelly kid's school was teaching third graders about taking puberty blockers and having their penises chopped off." Kelly is also speaking with middle Rhode Island school teacher, Ramona Bessnger. - Washington Examiner
Graphic / Video Source: LouderWithCrowder
Russian Leader, Putin, Blasts America's Cancel Culture, Calls Gender Fluidity 'Crime Against Humanity.' - TheHill
Rhode Island Instructor Warns Public School Students Are Being Weaponized Against Non-Woke Teachers By School Administrators.
Click On photo below to watch her stunning testimony.
Rhode Island teacher talk about being attacked by other teachers for having white privilege, students listening to books on audio books rather than read the actual books, not able to teach the Declaration of Independence nor the Holocaust, with the school weaponizing students against teachers who don't fall into line. She explains what others can do to combat this or in eight years we may not recognize our country. - Webmaster
Graphic / Video Source: LouderWithCrowder |
Biden Appoints National School Board Association's President, Viola Garcia, To A Federal Board Overseeing Student Progress
This was reported to have happened just days after Biden asked his attorney general to get the FBI involved in treating parents as domestic terrorist. It was over a letter that the NSBA's President and the White House worked together on for justification to target parents as ‘domestic terrorists.’ All that seems to be missing in the photo is a broom and black hat. But that's just me. - Webmaster
"Garcia signed the controversial letter that asked Biden for federal assistance in reviewing threats against schools and administrators to determine if they violated the Patriot Act and other hate crime laws. The NSBA’s letter followed clashes between educators and upset parents over coronavirus policies and critical race theory being taught on campuses.
As Breitbart reported, 'Citing threats to school officials and local school board members that have been received in the mail and via social media, NSBA ‘asks that a joint collaboration among federal law enforcement agencies, state and local law enforcement, and with public school officials be undertaken to focus on these threats.’'
According to emails obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, the NSBA was in talks with Biden administration officials in the weeks leading up to sending their letter." - GatewayPundit
Photo Source: GatewayPundit
[Apology Not Accepted!]; National School Board Association Apologizes For Letter to Biden Admin Labeling Parents Domestic Terrorists. - GatewayPundit
Chappelle Posted Video On Instagram, Firing Back At His Critics Claiming That The Backlash Against Him Was Driven By Corporations, Having Little To Do With LGBT Community. - Dailywire |
'Your Papers, Please': Feds Announce Plans Requiring Fliers To Show COVID Documents: 'The Mental Picture Of CDC Officers Lurking Around Is Enough To Make A Person Cringe.' - WND |
The California Attorney General’s Office Changed Its Long-Standing Regulations After The U. S. Supreme Court Handed Down A Landmark First Amendment Decision. - ThomasMore |
Gender-Fluid Teen Raped Girl, Judge Rules, After Barack Obama Dismissed This Act As 'Fake Outrage' Over School Boards. - PJMedia |
"Unvaccinated People To Be Banned From Berlin Christmas Markets. Option To Provide Negative COVID Test Removed." - SummitNews |
NYC Firefighter Union Boss Calls On Members To DEFY City’s Vaccine Mandate & ‘Report For Duty’ Regardless Of Vax Status. - RTNews |
State Of Washington Has Turned Aggressive In Its Politically Correct War Against Live-Saving COVID Drug, Ivermectin.
"The action comes despite the fact that the National Institutes of Health features ivermectin on its website as a treatment for COVID-19.
In fact, ivermectin is the second drug listed – under the highly touted, expensive COVID-19 drug with many side effects, remdesivir – on an NIH page titled 'Antiviral Agents That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of COVID-19.'
Ivermectin has not been approved by the FDA as a COVID-19 treatment. But it is approved by the FDA for other treatments and has been successfully used off-label for COVID-19 patients.
From 10% to 20% of all prescribed drugs are used off-label. Ivermectin has been shown to be effective in an least 65 controlled studies and 32 randomized controlled trials as a preventative and early- and late-stage treatment. Studies have demonstrated its ability to inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 as well as its strong anti-inflammatory properties." READ MORE - WND
"Sweden, Denmark Halt Use Of Moderna Vaccine For Younger Age Groups Due To Side Effects." - EpochTimes
Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, Signs Bill Into Law Banning Biological Males From Female Sports In Schools. - DailyWire |
Fairfax Mom Says a "Department Of Homeland Security" Vehicle Was Present In The Parking Lot. - Powerline |
Other News Of The Week
Click on graphics below to go to selected videos.
Is Climate Emergency Real? |
"The climate is the most complex system on Earth. Is it really possible to project with any precision what it will be like 20, 40, or even 100 years from now?" - PragerU |
What's Up With New Game? |
What is the symbolism behind the Squid Game. - SummitNews |
U.S. Issues First Passport . . . |
". . . with "X" for gender not female or male,," as Russia's President calls America's new movement a "crime against humanity." - NTEB |
And Then There Is . . .
Things You Don't Touch, Especially If You Work For The FBI.
"Notably, it illustrates a partisan divide that now defines so much political debate and news coverage. Though much of the story was reported even-handedly and in-depth by some news outlets, including RealClearInvestigations, it was suppressed at crucial times by anti-Trump Democrats; left-leaning legacy media outlets relying on inaccurate or dishonest and probably partisan intelligence sources; and social media giants Facebook and Twitter.
The greatest consequence was the stifling of an October surprise of potentially historic proportions: Emails from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop, suggesting an aspiring president mixed up in corrupt foreign dealings by his son, did not break through to wide public awareness during the 2020 presidential campaign, as polling indicated. To this day, the Wikipedia entry for Hunter Biden makes a single passing mention of 'a laptop purportedly belonging to Biden.'
The Hunter Biden story was suppressed in several ways:" - READ MORE - ZeroHedge
Want To See How Divided Our Country Is?
50% will hate this. 50% will love it.
Click On the photo below to see (50+50 = 100%) proof.
This November, Will Black Voters In New Jersey And Virginia Forget What Democrats Did To America's Success In January Of 2018?
"All Democrat House and Senate elected reps sat in the Capitol building and gave their Thumb's Down to record low unemployment, employee bonuses, National Anthem, secure borders, etc, at the State of the Union address in 2018." - GatewayPundit
Click Here to see photo. - GatewayPundit, January 2018
New Testament Warning To America:
But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead. - Luke 16:31

Democrat Joe Biden Marked 20th Anniversary Of 9/11 Criticizing ‘Dark Forces’ In America Against ‘Peaceful Religion’ Of Islam. - Breitbart
In 1941 they didn't surrender, the "Greatest Generation." - Webmaster

Fascist education of America's college students, by vile Marxist professors hired by many of our universities, has trained them to hate our founders along with those who won WWII, not as heroes but instead as racists.
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Click here to visit JamesPlace for advice on weapons. All content shown is selected by James, a non-commissioned U.S. Army Officer who has passed away.
Thank you for considering to pass these along. |
On Facebook
It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
Click On photo below to watch this ad from IBM over a decade ago predicting our future!
This is an ad from IBM about a decade ago, predicting the new technology for every day life in the near future that will change even the way we shop at a grocery store. - Webmaster
Video Source: IBM |
| Fascism Comes To America | It Doesn't Matter?! | America Facing Evil | Whistleblower | Flawed People |
| Obama's 1990 article - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.” | Print Page |
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Too many of the Americans in this May 2013 video had a problem understanding what a Benghazi was, maybe a new popular drink at a local bar near Times Square? It proves that the mainstream media has morphed into the useless media, one that Washington, Jefferson and Adams would have probably spit on.
Why? Because with today's information technology, our media has no excuse for not having the details of a news story that would help educate the general public with their right to know the truth. Video source - FOXNews - Video: URL |
Defining The Low-Information Voter |
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