The Shepp Report
Special Edition
The Left's "Fascist Temper Of The Times." - PJMedia
September 16, 2021
We Have Been Warning About This Growing Movement
The Patriot; "The New Jew At Risk Of Disenfranchisement."
Photo Source: AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes / PJMedia
Article by David Solway, September 15, 2021, PJMedia
"One does not wish to join the pandemic of viral fear whipped up by our political leaders, collusive medical 'experts,' and the grossly irresponsible and programmatically ignorant media conglomerate. And yet, there is good reason to fear being inscribed in the category of “the unvaccinated”—the New Jews at risk of disenfranchisement and worse in the increasingly fascist temper of the times.
From my perspective, this is not a frivolous analogy. Growing up Jewish in a small town in the north of Quebec under the sway of an ultramontane clergy, I know what it is to be publicly mocked, prohibited as an undesirable from entering certain local establishments, and fighting my way out of ambushes when walking to school. I am familiar with epithets like maudit Juif (damned Jew), which I heard so frequently that for some time I thought it was one word, mauditjuif—which in effect it was.
Now, as a member of the tribe of the unvaccinated, I sense once again that primal fear of exclusion and imminent violence. As I wrote in an earlier article for PJ Media, my wife and I are under virtual house arrest, prevented from crossing our provincial borders, forbidden to attend a wide range of public activities and venues, including movie theaters, plays, sporting events, gyms, swimming pools, night clubs, concerts, conferences, and university seminars, or to dine in restaurants. I am back in the Quebec of my youth. We are still permitted to walk abroad and to visit the supermarket (masked), but how long these sparse exemptions will last is an open question.
Public intellectual and author Charles Eisenstein has written an extraordinary essay, Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed, in which he anatomizes the ancient narrative of blood libel, of removing pollution from the body social. 'There can be little doubt,' he writes, 'that some kind of totalitarian program is well underway,' shrewdly conscripting a public that wishes above everything to belong to a pervasive consensus while consigning a portion of the population to a social leprosarium.
When corrupt forces hijack group norms, values, rituals, and taboos 'through propaganda and the control of information, these good folks can become instruments of totalitarian control.' A form of 'violent unanimity' is created, targeting 'the heretics of our time: the anti-vaxxers…ideal candidates for scapegoating,' in this way 'investing a pariah subclass with the symbology of pollution.'
This is what is now happening in the current cultural context. We may be observing a kind of ethnic purge in the making, for 'this primal mob energy can be harnessed toward fascistic political ends.' When politicians get a savor of unlimited and incontestable power, most cannot withstand the allure. It is the devil’s offer to Christ on the domestic plane, and they have neither the character nor the moral fortitude to resist the temptation.
The state then proceeds to forge an alliance with the corporate world to enhance its control of the public atrium, knowing that corporations will assist the government in refusing service to medical dissidents. Given the symbiosis between political power and corporate enterprise, we have the core definition of fascism. The issue is complex and hotly contested, but state corporatism remains the crux and organizing principle of the movement, as Paul Gottfried’s excellent Fascism: The Career of a Concept makes clear.
Meanwhile, the multitudes are mobilized and confirmed in their weakness for the comforts of righteous proxy, completing the political trifecta. It is a human-all-too-human phenomenon. The meld between state, business and populace explains why we now find ourselves living in what has come to resemble a fascist collective, a police state in all but name seizing on the COVID event to justify the arrogation of collective authority.
As editor Paula Bolyard writes in PJ Media, 'The Great American Nervous Breakdown has captured the hearts and minds of a once-sane nation and turned it into a fascist regime in a matter of months.' The same atrocity applies to other Western nations, particularly Canada and Australia. The vaccine passports become the 'papers' we are commanded to show in order to demonstrate our ritual purity as loyal denizens of the state.
The vaccine passport is in many places now pretty well a fait accompli. But there is surely more to come. 'Imagine needing to go shopping, drive a car, or exit your home,' Eisenstein muses, 'The flimsiest pretext will suffice once the ancient template of sacrificial victim, the repository of pollution, has been established.' It appears that a new tyranny, grounded in an act of social cleansing, is in process of announcing itself.
Is there a silver lining in a very dark cloud? As the vaccines become ever more problematic, as new variants continue to emerge accompanied by an endless supply of enforced booster shots, as adverse events continue to mount, as the CDC expediently changes its definition of 'vaccination' to account for its perceived inadequacy as a reliable COVID suppressant, and as the vaccinated are shown to be increasingly prone to 'breakthroughs' irrespective of disclaimers and despite the enormous proportion of vaccinated individuals, will it gradually begin to dawn on a pharmagandized people that something is genuinely amiss?
Will it become evident that guilt can no longer be logically assigned to the minority of 'hesitant' and 'resistant' when those supposedly immune amount to 70-90 percent of numerous national populations? Will people see through the rite of excommunication we are now witnessing?
And if not, one wonders if a secular version of the Benedict Option is somehow feasible. Will the exiled community of the unvaccinated build a viable alternative to the prevalent cultural hegemony and 'construct a resilient counterculture,' to quote Rod Dreher in his seminal book The Benedict Option?
Will small “monastic” communities of the independent-minded, local or individually dispersed like flares of reason, spring into existence? Is 'going Galt,' as Ayn Rand put it in Atlas Shrugged, a rational option, recognizing that one is being punished not for one’s vices but for one’s virtues and resisting the urge to submit to ideological pressure, even if necessary by isolating oneself voluntarily?
Perhaps the north of Alberta would serve. As 'cancelled' Calgary radio celebrity Danielle Smith advises, 'You should probably move to a small town…If you are going to be trapped anywhere, Alberta is the best place in the world to be trapped. We have the mountains, arable land for food, abundant energy. When the weight of all this social division reaches the end of its natural life, we will be in the best position to rebuild.' One may speculate.
Finally, we may ask—to adapt the medieval canard against Jews—who is really 'poisoning the wells'? The unvaccinated, who are building up natural immunity, or the proponents of an untested, gene therapy injection whose ingredients have not been publicly revealed, which comes with no attendant, legally required product warning, and which has been vigorously contested by a veritable host of medical practitioners and scientists with impeccable credentials? Who are the saved and who are the damned?
This may well be the central issue."
Above article by David Solway, September 15, 2021, PJMedia
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Vaccine Card Or Negative Test Will Soon Be Required For Entry To Many Oahu Businesses. - HawaiiNewsNow
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Nicki Minaj slams MSNBC’s Joy Reid in COVID vaccine firestorm. - NewYorkPost
Is behemoth Comcast global corporation attacking America's freedom? Are you aware Comcast also owns AT&T that owns CNN? No wonder both cable news channels sound like the same network. They are! But is ABC / Disney also involved in this huge media swamp of collusion?
Talk about the corruption of Germany's SS and its Third Reich, which seems alive and well TODAY under the leadership of the DNC's Biden Administration protected by Comcast's Executives.
Does Comcast also have ties to the CCP, making big bucks like the NBA? Stunning. Are we watching the takeover of America? Wow, and 85 years after our boys and girls won WWII to save freedom. Those Americans who loved mom, apple pie and the flag never could have dreamed of the thugs that would take over the people's Capitol building decades later. - Webmaster |
So What Kind Of School Curriculum In This Environment Could You Expect From The Fascist Educators On The Left Coast? How About This?
Photo Source: EpochTimes
California Requires Aztec Prayer In Schools; Parents, Civil Rights Group Sue.
Article by Matthew Vadum, September 6, 2021, EpochTimes
“Parents in California and a civil rights group are suing the state over its imposition earlier this year of a novel public school curriculum that reportedly has students praying to Aztec gods.
‘The curriculum’s unequivocal promotion of five Aztec gods or deities through repetitive chanting and affirmation of their symbolic principles constitutes an unlawful government preference toward a particular religious practice,’ Frank Xu, president of Californians for Equal Rights Foundation, said in a statement.
‘This public endorsement of the Aztec religion fundamentally erodes equal education rights and irresponsibly glorifies anthropomorphic, male deities whose religious rituals involved gruesome human sacrifice and human dismemberment.’
Paul Jonna, a partner at LiMandri & Jonna LLP and Thomas More Society special counsel said in a statement: ‘The Aztecs regularly performed gruesome and horrific acts for the sole purpose of pacifying and appeasing the very beings that the prayers from the curriculum invoke.
‘The human sacrifice, cutting out of human hearts, flaying of victims and wearing their skin, are a matter of historical record, along with sacrifices of war prisoners, and other repulsive acts and ceremonies the Aztecs conducted to honor their deities.
‘Any form of prayer and glorification of these bloodthirsty beings in whose name horrible atrocities were performed is repulsive to any reasonably informed observer.’
The case, Californians for Equal Rights Foundation v. State of California, was filed Sept. 3 in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, by attorneys from the Thomas More Society, a national public interest law firm.
Californians for Equal Rights Foundation is a nonprofit civil rights organization headquartered in San Diego. It was founded after the defeat of Proposition 16 in 2020, which if passed, according to Ballotpedia, would have repealed the 1996 Proposition 209. Prop 209 provided that government and public institutions may not discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.
The other plaintiffs are Eric Gonzales, Steve Houbeck, and Jose Velazquez, all of whom are parents who now have or had children enrolled in public schools in California, according to the legal complaint.
In addition to the state, the other defendants are the California State Board of Education, California State Department of Education, Tony Thurmond in his official capacity as state superintendent of public instruction, and Linda Darling-Hammond in her official capacity as president of the state Board of Education.
The legal complaint details the California State Board of Education’s approved Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC), which includes a section on ‘Affirmation, Chants, and Energizers.’ Among these is the ‘In Lak Ech Affirmation,’ which invokes five Aztec deities. This chant addresses the deities both by name and traditional titles, recognizes them as sources of power and knowledge, invokes their assistance, and gives them thanks.
The chant invokes the names of five beings worshiped by the Aztecs as gods or demi-gods, specifically Tezkatlipoka, Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, Xipe Totek, and Hunab Ku.
According to the legal complaint, the state Board of Education appointed R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, a co-author of the 2019 book ‘Rethinking Ethnic Studies,’ to chair a committee tasked with developing an ESMC. In his book, Cuauhtin ‘demonstrates an animus towards Christianity and Catholicism—claiming that Christians committed ‘theocide’ (i.e., killing gods) against indigenous tribes.’
In March, the Board of Education approved the ESMC.
The curriculum also includes the ‘Ashe Affirmation,’ which ‘invokes the divine forces of the Yoruba religion four times—honoring this divine force and seeking assistance for the school day,’ the complaint states. Yoruba is ‘an ancient philosophical concept that is the root of many pagan religions, including Santeria and Haitian vodou or voodoo,’ according to the Thomas More Society. It reportedly has 100 million believers worldwide in West Africa, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guyana, and in Caribbean nations.
‘Our clients have both a religious and civic objection to the Aztec prayer, and they do not want their children chanting it, being asked or pressured to do so, or risking ostracism if they refuse,’ Jonna added.
‘Under both the California and United States Constitutions, they have the right to expect all branches of the state government, including the State Board of Education and the Department of Education, to respect this choice. Furthermore, all Californians have the right to expect that tax-supported public schools will not aid or promote this religion.’
California Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, couldn’t be reached for comment over the holiday weekend.”
Article by Matthew Vadum, September 6, 2021, EpochTimes
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