The Shepp Report News Summary Is Best Viewed On A Standard Monitor For Full Understanding On This Week's Important Stories. - Webmaster |
Still Get News From An Elite Media That Sees You As Part Of A Basket Of Deplorables?
Stories buried by the progressive mainstream press propaganda leftist outlets, America's PLO. It's Germany in 1933 and Google, Twitter and Facebook are the new Third Reich.
Photos from 2011 when the DNC was pushing Marxism hard to get progressive corporate news outlets to agree to promote it 24/7 onto the public.
Famous Quote: "In some respects, Mr. Obama is far more experienced than other presidential candidates," Nicholas D. Kristof, reported for the New York Times on March 6, 2007. A few months later at a Democrat fundraiser, Obama gave a "crotch salute" to the singing of the National Anthem followed in 2008 to proclaim to "fundamentally transform" the country.
Then as president in June of 2009 he would refer to the killing and wounding of 33 at Fort Hood by a Jihadist as only an act of "workplace violence," refusing to give them Purple Hearts. Obama would then become involved in the murder of our human treasures in the attack on an American embassy in Benghazi in 2012, better than other presidential candidates, right?
The Weekly Shepp Report
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Your Conservative Online Source For A Summary Of The Week's News
The Shepp Report accesses over 70 conservative Web sites for weekly stories to identify the progressive culture that smothers your freedoms.
August 8, 2021
UN Agenda 2030 Equity Flag?
Easily stored in a glove compartment, night stand or pocket. You can even put it over your face to show others you support the UN's flag of "equity."
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: The Coming Dystopian Nightmare; On The Potential Dangers Of Coming COVID Vaccines. - Children's Health Defense
Note: Robert F. Kennedy Was Kicked Off Of Instagram As A Conspiracy Theorist On The COVID vaccine.
Top News Stories Of The Week
- Look, America's Fundamentally Transformed! -
Global Church Services? Hillsong / Zuckerberg For 2022?
Are All The End Time Pieces Quickly Falling Into Place?
Mark Zuckerberg is reported to believe the COVID Pandemic has created an opportunity for Facebook to grow larger through incentivizing churchgoers who have become "comfortable with virtual services over the past year due to lockdowns" — and to permanently move their religious worship online to Facebook. This is while at the same time the social media behemoth has been caught banning King James Bible verses. (see Facebook warnings below.) - Webmaster / Story Source: NTEB
"FROM BREITBART NEWS: The company is intensifying its formal partnerships with faith groups across the United States and shaping the future of churchgoing as it entices users to connect with God on Facebook, rather than at a place of worship, according to a [delighted?] report by the New York Times.
For example, Facebook developers had reportedly met weekly with the Hillsong Church in Atlanta, Georgia, to explore what the church would look like if it were on Facebook instead, as well as what apps they might create for financial giving, video capability, and livestreaming.
In June, the church issued a news release saying it was 'partnering with Facebook,' and then began streaming its services exclusively on the social media platform. Facebook now seeks to 'become the virtual home for religious community,' reports the Times, noting that the pandemic sparked this strategy for drawing more engaged users to the social media platform, as religious groups have already been pushed to explore alternative ways to operate in the wake of lockdowns.
'The partnerships reveal how Big Tech and religion are converging far beyond simply moving services to the internet. Facebook is shaping the future of religious experience itself, as it has done for political and social life,” the report adds.'" - NTEB, July 29, 2021
Graphic Source: NTEB |
- Look, America's Fundamentally Transformed! -
Corrupted University: Now It's Advocacy Journalism 101?
No Shame! University of North Carolina Dean Asked ABC News To "Protect" Hannah-Jones In Its Coverage.
"An email triggered a [stunning] new controversy at UNC after it was disclosed that UNC Journalism and Media Dean Susan King wrote to ABC to expressly ask them to “protect” Hannah-Jones in its coverage.
It is an ironic and concerning email. Many of us are critics of advocacy journalism and the growing rejection of objectivity. In this matter, King responded to criticism of Hannah-Jones over advocacy journalism by asking ABC Deputy Political Director Averi Harper to advocate for her in framing the coverage." - ZeroHedge
Photo Source: ZeroHedge |
- Look, America's Fundamentally Transformed! -
Trans Is New Normal In Woke America? And Everything Else Is Racist?
"American Medical Association (AMA) Urges Shocking Change To Birth Certificates." - WND
"The transgender campaign to legitimize life under gender dysphoria and normalize the strategic mutilation of body parts argues that sex is not male or female, but how a person feels. Now the American Medical Association has launched a surprising advocacy that aligns: a move to eradicate the male or female designations on birth certificates." - WND
Graphic Source: WND |
From The Mouth Of Biden To The Department Of Homeland Security: DHS Exempting Illegal Aliens From Photo-ID Requirements To Board Domestic Flights - NumbersUSA |
U.S. Taxpayers Raising Renewed Calls To Defund NPR As Public Broadcaster Announced Its Journalists Can Now Openly Advocate For A Litany Of Hot-Button Political Topics. - DailyWire |
Proposal To Open 36-bed Residential Resettlement Facility For Illegal Alien Teenagers In Small Central Michigan City Has Ignited Opposition From Its Citizens. - EpochTimes |
Stanford Professor Of Medicine On Mask Wearing In School: Teachers Who Teach To Unmasked Children Are At ‘Zero Additional Risk.’ - OAN |
Dr. Shiva Discovers Existence Of The Secretive Report That Exposes Twitter-Government Collusion Believed As Big As Pentagon Papers. - GatewayPundit |
Belarusian Olympic Sprinter: Krystsina Tsimanouskaya Flies Out Of Japan For The Safety Of Europe For Criticizing Coaches. - DailyMail |
- Look, America's Fundamentally Transformed. Obama CRT To Africa? -
U.S. Elections Have Serious Consequences To Unintended World Victims
A "woke" America suddenly allows its progressive party's cancer to move outside of U.S. borders to push its communist "wokeness" onto other countries, as Obama joins the Pro-CCP NBA to promote ‘Gender Equality [trans], Social Responsibility’ to youth on the Continent of Africa. - Webmaster
"Obama praised the effort saying that 'NBA Africa' will help spread the left’s ideas across the globe." - Breitbart
Yes, the owner of an $11.4 million dollar mansion on Martha's Vineyard actually said that!
Story Source: Breitbart
How Stalin’s Plan From 100 Years Ago Is Influencing America Today. - EpochTimes
'A Faucian Dystopia': Ron Desantis Breaks Silence On New CDC Guidelines With Powerful Message About Freedom. - LouderWithCrowder
AT&T-Discovery Merger Will Create Higher Prices and a Tsunami of TV-MA-Rated Programming. - PTMC |
"Bay Area Imposes Mandatory Masking As Cuomo Demands Private Businesses Ban Unvaxxed." - ZeroHedge |
DC Examiner’s Officer Requested Cremation Of Babbitt’s Remains 2 Days After Murder. - GatewayPundit |
Other News Of The Week
Click on graphics below to go to selected videos.
Watch Society Collapse As Democrats And Supporters Like Soros Smile With Satisfaction? - Webmaster
Shoplifting: No One Resists! |
Watch these shoplifters casually steal items from stores with no resistance. - DCShorts |
Man Openly Robs Walgreens |
MORE: Security guard is helpless to do anything [as city destroys businesses over political correctness.] - DCShorts |
More Chaos In The Skies |
Fight Breaks Out And A Man Is Duct Taped To His Chair. - DCShorts |
And Then There Is . . .
- Look, America's Fundamentally Transformed! -
Globo Karens: Coming For Memes . . . dba Guaranteeing?
- Look, America's Fundamentally Transformed! -
Erasing The Uyghurs!
Testimonies and research at a United Kingdom tribunal paint a harrowing picture of China’s intentions to assimilate the ethnic group by force." - World
"Isa sought ways to bring China to justice. But the International Criminal Court announced in December it would not investigate because China had not signed the Rome Statute, putting it outside the court’s jurisdiction. And China’s veto power on the UN Security Council means the body won’t recommend the case to the International Court of Justice." - World
Graphic Source: World |
And What Of That Transformer-In-Chief?

Photo Source: TheGuardian
In 2021 as he turns 60, a thin and handsome bronze-skinned Obama is totally awash in Black Privilege, having attended Ivy League schools in his younger community organizer days. His grown kids of course attended private schools, too, while their father as a young man was mentored by one of the world's most celebrated Communist poets, Frank Marshall Davis.
It was Obama's "gramps" on his mother's side that introduced him to Davis, Obama's own words from an early video. Gramps also took his grandson to a radical church in Hawaii, one that protected SDS members from the FBI that had tried to blow up American institutions. What they were doing in the 60's is not unlike what Democrats were permitted to do in the summer of 2020.
Today Obama's global elitist friends gush with Marxist supremacy, his recent birthday reported to be celebrated without masks, located at his second mansion positioned next to what Obama proclaims to be a rising Atlantic Ocean via Climate Change. Did I mention the $11.4 million dollar home is on Martha's Vineyard, filled with people of a "different" color, a color Biden, Obama's former VP. identifies as domestic terrorists?
And could there be a third home, with a report the Obama's are looking to buy an island.
It's a tough life for this famous Democrat. Reports are out he is ready to publish another book, this time with, (isn't being white great), Bruce Springstein. Bruce is the one Obama "yachted" with along with Tom Hanks in Tahiti in 2017.
At the time Obama's radical supporters were calling the new president Trump a fascist. So who is the real fascist, the book reported to be titled, Renegades: Born in the USA? I guess you "the people" have to decide. But I feel over recent events you may have only a little time left.
The book title reminds me of Obama's buddy back in the early 1990's. It was a time when they were both professionally pushing their new Marxist concept of "social justice" onto America's public school children for the first time through money from the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC.) The money was reported to have come from grants provided by the Carnegie Foundation. Did you know Fauci had attended the foundation's awards that were later held in 2001? By the way, that photo of Fauci at the awards is still ignored by the media 20 years later. Hmm?
And Obama's buddy in crime? It was Bill Ayers, of course, a professor of elementary education and one of the former leaders of the Weatherman that bombed, wait for it, the Capitol Building.
Ayers didn't go to jail. The same FBI that protects him and Obama today had screwed up in the trial back then, Ayers reported to have been seen running down court house steps, saying, Guilty as hell, free as a bird, what a country!
Is Nancy watching? From the photo below, someone is watching.

Photo Source: GatewayPundit
FBI agents are seen dressed with shield and drawn gun to battle against terrorists in July 2021. Wow, has Pelosi sent them to finally arrest Bill Ayers, Obama's friend, for bombing the Capitol Building?
No, this is reported to be an arrest of an American citizen from a Bible study, who was recently discovered to have walked into the Capitol on January 6th and took pictures. The Bible study may have been what got him into double trouble.
Yes, America, your KGB is hard at work at 6 A.M. in the morning. But these KGB agents may be worse than Russia's. Why, because they pretend to care about the people's freedom while Putin, president of Communist Russia, tells it like it is with his own KGB / FBI that can poison political prisoners. As President Reagan said, America is only one generation away from tyranny. Yes it is, and it could be the generation of 2021 that turns the tide of over 240 years of freedom.
What a country indeed, eh Mr. Ayers. and Mr. Obama? - Webmaster

Photo Source: Homes & Gardens
Only when you're awash in Black Privilege, swimming with a Marxist pool of elites, can you afford one of these. And in white Martha's Vineyard, too! - Webmaster
In 1941 they didn't surrender, the "Greatest Generation." - Webmaster

Fascist education of America's college students, by vile Marxist professors hired by many of our universities, has trained them to hate our founders along with those who won WWII, not as heroes but instead as racists.
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On Facebook
It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
Click On photo below to watch this ad from IBM over a decade ago predicting our future!
This is an ad from IBM about a decade ago, predicting the new technology for every day life in the near future that will change even the way we shop at a grocery store. - Webmaster
Video Source: IBM |
| Fascism Comes To America | It Doesn't Matter?! | America Facing Evil | Whistleblower | Flawed People |
| Obama's 1990 article - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.” | Print Page |
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Too many of the Americans in this May 2013 video had a problem understanding what a Benghazi was, maybe a new popular drink at a local bar near Times Square? It proves that the mainstream media has morphed into the useless media, one that Washington, Jefferson and Adams would have probably spit on.
Why? Because with today's information technology, our media has no excuse for not having the details of a news story that would help educate the general public with their right to know the truth. Video source - FOXNews - Video: URL |
Defining The Low-Information Voter |
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