We Need To Defend The Great Experiment
The following is dedicated to my father and the thousands of others who served on Okinawa in 1944. I was raised in the 50's by the values of those men and women who won WWII. Now in 2021 too many elite universities throw a slap in the face to their sacrifices, instead believing they were racists and white supremacists.
Many of us who survived our parents, the ones who won WWII, have come to a conclusion after 2020. Serious questions need to asked and answered about our current national security:
1. Why did our government health institutions lie to us about COVID?
- How a small group of scientists created the "natural origins" narrative. - EpochTimes
2. Why have security institutions, such as the FBI and CIA, turned against the people and instead serve Obama's Democrat Party Czar Leadership in Washington D.C.?
- U.S. House Representative Paul Gosar demands answers from Chris Wray on government official’s “execution” of veteran Ashli Babbitt. - GatewayPundit
3. Why did a former head of the CIA under Obama call American patriots Al-Qaeda? It's intolerable in a healthy constitutionally republic.
- Government responses to Capitol rioters must be research-based and not just emotional reactions. - Reason
We can and should never forget it was the Democrat Party leadership in Washington D.C. that put chains around barriers to block WWII veterans from entering their outdoor WWII Memorial on the Washington Mall in 2013 over a temporary budget cut.
And it was Nancy Pelosi, during that same time the barriers were put up, who asked Obama for permission to bring illegal aliens onto the Mall.
Bringing illegals there was embraced by the Washington D.C. Democrat leadership. Pelosi, with her usual smile, told the illegals to be sure to thank President Barack Obama for the exception he allowed for them to be on the same grounds veterans were being banned from.
Now almost a decade later as more facts available, it is becoming clear that this same DNC may have quietly colluded with the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) in an effort to create a coup in 2020 using COVID.
They already had done everything they could to stop Trump from calling COVID the Communist Chinese virus. And when Trump banned COVID infected Chinese visitors from coming to America in March of 2020, former VP Joe Biden called him a Xenophobe. Trump dared to discriminate against the Chinese, who were Biden's old friends, over the years his calling them that.
However months later in 2021, a then president Biden would also blame Trump for attacks on Chinese American citizens while in all the videos it was blacks shown attacking Chinese, not wanting them in their neighborhoods.
Democrats forgot it was Washington D.C. Mayor, Marion Barry, who attacked Chinese businesses in April of 2012. The so-called upstanding mayor would later have a statue dedicated to his leadership, one not touched during the BLM riots in 2020 (see on left.)
So what would be the purpose of the Democrat Party protecting the Communist Chinese? It was simple.
Trump was their common enemy!
Washington D.C. Democrats had screamed Russia, Russia, Russia in the Halls of Congress for four years, saying Russia was a friend of Trump. A MSNBC analyst even suggested Trump could be a "Russia Agent!"
Yet when Democrats came into office in early 2021, Russia was suddenly not the enemy but their friend.
When a Democrat Congressman was accused of sleeping with a Communist Chinese agent, the media and Democrat leadership blew it off as "move along, nothing to see here." Then the congressman was allowed to keep his membership on "Intel" by Speaker Pelosi.
President Biden, who had already shut down the construction of America's XL pipeline on his first day in office, would allow Russia to finish its gas line to Germany!
All of this has been pushed to the background over the January 6, 2021, event where Democrats continue their attack on Trump's base of 74 million Americans. Biden actually called them white supremacists, wanting to destroy the left's Democracy. Yet it is Tucker Carlson who now reports the NSA is spying on his personal communications.
It was as if America in 2021 was suddenly fascist Germany of 1933, Democrats taking the place of another Third Reich. It was the Reich that turned the German society against their own Jewish citizens. The Reich also became famous for using the national media to turn against parts of the population, pushing certain citizens as inhuman, or in today's terms "canceling them."
You wouldn't know from the Democrat leadership that almost all of those who entered the Capitol building on January 6th were peaceful, outside of a few agitators who placed themselves first by walking into the Capitol before the crowd arrived (see video below.)
Paintings were not stolen or anything burned like with those businesses attacked by the BLM across America in the summer of 2020, police at the time held back by Democrat leaders from stopping rioters destroying neighborhoods. In other words police were literally told to stand down in Democrat run cities to allow thugs to do whatever they wanted. If you didn't like it, burn it down.
U.S. Congress Buries Political Prisoners In D.C. Jail
After open lies from the establishment / Congress / media over COVID, the Democrat Party is reducing our country into a banana republic. - Webmaster
Click On graphic below to watch segment about hundreds of Americans thrown into jail and kept there without bail while rioters during the summer of 2020 were let loose the next day to burn again.
"While The Country Was Under Attack Last Year, Dems And Media Stayed Silent."
"Author of 'Disloyal Opposition' Julie Kelly details the Justice Department's treatment of the Capitol rioters: 'this is the same justice department actively dropping cases against Portland rioters for far worse'" - MarkLevine / FOXNews
Video / Photo Source: MarkLevine / FOXNews |
Even Cartoonists Figured It Out.

See Below Who Was Allowed First Into The Capitol Building.