An American "Nero," whose brain was NOT poisoned by lead from Roman aquaducts but from serving in a U.S. Democrat Congress for over 40 years, is elected in 2020 by progressive voters to run the United States as world leaders may have watched in horror.
Even liberal France was stunned at the destructive cancel culture that came with the election of a man who hid in his basement during the campaign, looking like a Norwegian legendary troll hiding under a wooden bridge.
As Biden destroys the military's trust of "those who are defending your back," he also hands over women's sports to men dressed in sporting drag under the Marxist insanity of Critical Race Theory and Identity Politics.
He couldn't help himself, then adding a death sentence to a free society from the other virus created by reforming the words diversity, equity and inclusion. They are not real words with meaning but hammers, like those found in a local hardware store. The goal is to smash incorrect free speech wherever it dares to raise its head. In function those three words are not unlike a manufactured COVID from the naughty boys over in Communist China.
In the end if this insanity results in the the United States being forced to submit to Communist China over a future war lost by territory and finance, no other country is prepared to fight them and win.
The top video from "down under" highlights all the damning things about a drugged-up president allowed to walk into the oval office, held up each day by the "forever-thugs" running Congress.
So allow me to ask, as an American whose father fought on Okinawa with tens-of-thousands of others in WWII:
What is the point of having elections of 100 different Senators to ensure freedom of individual states if half of those elected as Democrats act as one, turning their votes over to one political party, deciding not to protect the union but instead their own pockets filled to the brim with cash and back room deals?
They have chosen on their own to become a single block of predators assigned to attack the Constitution, allowing them if able to stay in power . . . forever.
In fact maybe they can arrange to get rid of those annoying elections, too. They are so corrupt, you know they will try that before November 2022. As proof, an early version of that agenda is already on Nancy's desk, titled HR1.
This is the same Democrat Party that uses the word "democracy" in hopes of fooling people away from protecting their Republic . . . the land of their immigrating great grandparents.
After 245 years, America is headed back to British-like rule with its high taxes, a foreign power that ruled the original 13 colonies and set off the revolution of 1776. Now these same Democrats want to replace 1776 with 1619, the year African Blacks were selling their own to other countries. (See map below.)
Remember those neat colorful scarves Nancy and her House Democrats wore when kneeling to BLM in Washington D.C.? The tribes who wore those same decorated scarves hundreds of years ago were selling other blacks as slaves, a reported 10% coming to America, the scarves representing their authority over the other tribes.
You couldn't make this up if you wanted to. Yet progressives fell for the fake dog and pony show in 2020 and voted for them anyway.
To that end Americans may soon be able to say, God Bless The Queen, of course meaning the 80-year old empress herself, Nancy Pelosi. Her home freezer may be seen in the future filled to the brim maybe with Ben and Jerry's ice cream. That product is made by two old white men who call other white's racists while they have lived in the most white state in the union, Vermont . . . a state more attached to Canada, eh, than the other 49. - Webmaster
Washington D.C. Where Freedom Now Comes To Die.
Just look at the Washington D.C. Democrats below in the violent summer of 2020, as they try to pretend to be "virtuous" by hanging historic African cloths around their necks.
They are so into themselves they don't even care its the same kind of cloth worn by the blacks in Africa who sold slaves around the world in the first place.
I have read that 10% or less of those slaves were brought to North America via African human traffickers, the rest sold to Europe and South America. So are there riots in those countries, too? How about Africa itself? Below is an example of the numbers, some huge:
No Surprise Washington Democrats Performed The Above Stunt:
Kente Cloth Worn By Democrats ‘Historically Worn’ By Those Blacks In The African Empire Involved In Slave Trade. - DailyWire / ClashDaily
Wow! Another Progressive-Run City Bites The Dust.
When will citizens wake up? Or are they too drugged-up to know their city is a literal septic tank, human feces washed daily off of sidewalks. The ****-filled water then runs into city drains to literally pollute sea life in the Pacific Ocean.
It's not, "I left my heart in San Francisco," it's where I dropped my needles. - Webmaster

Article Source: EpochTimes
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