Don Yelton represents many older patriots born and living in the mountains of Western North Carolina. They love their freedom and their country, an oxymoron to the leadership in the city of Asheville where surrounding towns have been reported to drop off their homeless. In circa 2002, Asheville had been called the weirdest city in America by Rolling Stone Magazine.
Don's photo is below, a man who doesn't mince words and says it like it is. When getting down to the photo you can click on it to watch Don's short warning over the removal of the Vance Monument from downtown Asheville. The city was taking the dismantled stones away from the site, ignoring a court order to stop.
Many of you may not know Don has been an advocate to stop industry from polluting drinking water wells with run offs. And he has been active in warning about a local government that may try to use human wastes captured from city water filtration plants as fertilizer on farm land. Don has a degree in biology and was a professor of the science in college classrooms.
Don knows first hand that Asheville is one of America's most "virtuous" liberal cities and the first in the United States to approve reparations for blacks. In other words to feel good, the city council is going to give money to something that may support black culture. It is reported the city leaders are also looking into renaming some streets they suddenly find racist.
This is all taking place in an environment where Asheville's local police force has made international news, reporting it can no longer answer all calls for help, its force diminished by the city's business community's poisonous politics.
In fact it was many of the city's liberal business owners who actually published a letter of apology in 2020 for their white skin. They wrote they would understand if their businesses would be attacked again by the BLM rioters. Yes, they wrote that. The letter is below.
This is while the city's "fathers" ignored the white Democrat supremacists who chased 2,000 blacks from their homes and businesses while burning down a black-owned newspaper in the Wilmington Massacre of 1898. They also murdered over ten black conservative businessmen, no one charged by the government thinking it would just go away. And it did, the media not giving a damn then or now 120 years later, as Democrats in 2021 still seem to not care about the problems of middle class businesses.
It was Charles Aycock, who pushed for the riots of 1898. He was later rewarded by being partially named after the Democrat's state annual fundraising campaigns. The Democrats only gave up the racist name nine years ago in 2012 after proudly holding on to it for 60 years! So as you can see, their objectives have not changed since 1898, just more clever in how they create the race-baiting violence as shown in 2020.
Click On the photo below for Don's warning to Asheville citizens about the continued removal of the Vance Monument. You can read more details in the news story further down about the monuments removal.

Don asked Asheville leadership of its complaints of . . . white suppression?
In 2013 The Aloof Daily Show Added A Laugh Track To Its Interview With Don. (See original video below.)
Don's blown-up sins by the New York City entertainment industry in 2013 by an out-of-control socialist media has proven tiny in comparison to some of those "comedians" who mocked him at the time. The Daily Show even promoted Don as a racist, mocking him when he said blacks were his friends.
Tim Johnson, Republican Vice Chairman for the State of North Carolina (left) shown with Asheville, NC, Councilman, Carl Mumpower. |
Don didn't lie. One of those friends was the late Tim Johnson, (seen on the left), a Christian who had served in the military and was a huge supporter of the Frederick Douglass Foundation up until his death at 50 years old.
Tim had been running for Vice Chair for the Republican Party for the State of North Carolina, when someone from the local RNC tried to politically destroy him. They released parts of a private video of RNC district leaders having a conversation with Tim about an incident in his past, posting it on the Internet.
A progressive vile Web site in Asheville then took the video and challenged Tim's "Christian Values," saying in effect, "Oh dear, is this how Christians should talk?" Don was furious on the attacks of his friend.
But while the comedy show attacked Don, it was these SAME so-called comedy show hosts in 2020 who personally became involved in forcing every American to take a vaccine, the shot, when they already knew there were other medications available to save Americans with early COVID infections.
Those medicines would have helped to stop the infection before COVID could attack the lungs, which if it did could prove fatal.
Because of these host's aggressive action in stopping other medications from reaching local pharmacies in 2020, you have to ask yourself how many tens-of-thousands of American citizens in 2020 didn't need to watch an elderly parent or relative die from COVID?
What was in it for the far-left media and late night network shows to agree to join together to ensure medication would be kept away from elderly people who would need it from small local pharmacies across the country?
The mocking would cause local doctors and pharmacies to run straight into political correctness in not being able to save lives because the meds would not be available.
So why did entertainers, who have nothing to do with understanding medications and viruses, get involved in the first place to allow others to die they didn't know? What was in it for them? It had to be huge. You can see the deception runs through a "deep state." Why? Because few dare to ask.
That is not my opinion. In 2021, the agenda of the media was becoming very clear in their directive to influence the population as if tagged cattle on the range.
It was as if these media groups were part of a planned genocide lead by billionaire American owners of social media and their partners in major news corporations. They are the same ones who recently met in Idaho to discuss future controls that would influence the world's population into 2022 and beyond.
In other words, for the first time in recent memory, the mainstream media was instructed to purposely politicize the medical community to the point doctors or hospitals would be silent on the attack against their decades of dedication to protect life, not take it.
Don't believe me?
Take a look below at what LinkedIn recently decided to do on its own to a vaccine pioneer, LinkedIn's corporate heads giving themselves permission to commit treason against citizens of our Constitutional Republic. This all comes from the top, remembering the fish always stinks from the head!
LinkedIn Joins Global Social Media Cancel Mob
Source: EpochTimes

The Democrats in control of Washington D.C. would give thanks for the cooperation to the CEO's of corporate outlets such as NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, along with the rest of the global media involved in a deception to force vaccines on virtually every human in the United States, including young children.
As you can see from the above Epoch Times story, it even included LinkedIn, the once trusted Web site to promote careers, allowing professionals to communicate with each other. Now even that has been compromised.
And if people got sick, or some children died without warning, well it was for a worthy cause they can't discuss. Some might even claim it was "acceptable collateral damage."
However, if professionals wanted to discuss COVID medical issues online, the social media heads would shut those discussions down as if with the push of a button and under the banner they had defined as . . . wait for it . . . "misinformation."
"Misinformation" is the modern form of the Third Reich's fascism. Can you image what Hitler could have done with these same willing corrupted ivy league college graduates hovering all around him? German's late night hosts, if existing back then, could have been quietly assisting citizens in accepting camps based on what they are willing to do in a "free" American environment today!
It was exactly what surviving Jews from the Holocaust had said when being rescued from the Reich, their warning future generations on how fast it happened once the society turned.
The secretive meeting in Idaho of social media moguls should remind you of the movie, Conspiracy, The documentary film was about Nazis leaders in the late 1930's meeting to discuss the country's so-called "Jewish" problem.
That meeting would lead to the extermination camps for over five-million Jews living in Germany and Europe. But that number would be hardly enough for today's progressive globalists in 2021. They would need hundreds-of-millions eliminated for their continuing climate change agenda.
Because this COVID continues to evolve as if originally an under-the-table silent unseen handshake between the DNC with the CCP to get rid of a sitting U.S. president that both the Democrats and Communist Chinese hated.
They knew he was spreading patriotism and strengthening the middle class. Obama was on his way to fundamentally transform the nation to destroy the middle class during his and Biden's eight years in office. But they were unable to complete it when Trump was elected in 2016.
Now with Biden in office in 2021, Obama can finally complete his third term while only "sitting in his basement." From there he could call the shots for a man who has trouble answering questions even with note cards hidden in his pocket.
But that was the plan, wasn't it? It's what good Alinsky trained community organizers do for taking over societies and weakening their middle classes. They do it by overwhelming services like the police.
It's what Cloward & Piven taught, Communist professors at Columbia University several decades ago. Today their numbers in our universities are huge. Their Marxist influence on students was stunning when watching a threatening verbal attack seen against a top Yale professor and his wife over her releasing a simple e-mail on Halloween dress codes in 2015.
Party leaders would give Biden the executive orders, and as president he would sign the paperwork; Hey buddy, just sign it and move on to the next.
And never forget those sanctioned destructive DNC riots in Democrat-run cities in 2020 where police were held back by loyal leftist leaders.
And what was Nancy Pelosi's earth shaking comment about all the violence in Democrat-run cities? People will do what they do, she said. She was also the one who blessed Obama's violent OWS in 2011, saying, God would bless them.
Or her bringing illegals onto a closed Washington Mall over budgets with Obama's permission while veterans in their wheel chairs couldn't get through chained fences placed around their outdoor WWII Memorial. Nancy had even told the illegals to thank Obama for allowing them onto a mall, which had been shut down to American citizens.
With that no one could deny the fix was in, just like they used to say in the days of the "Roaring 20's" when morals were cheap and the booze watered down. - Webmaster