The Shepp Report
Special Edition
Marxism Vs. Freedom?
July 3, 2021
For those who subscribe to online content, did anyone notice on July 3rd that Netflix, HBO or Amazon Prime together had no movie categories for the Fourth of July?
This obviously was no accident. Amazon Prime had two full categories on black films but none dedicated to Hispanics, Asians, other minorities or those whites who are a minority in some cities. Strange in a country where they're supposed to be supplying content for "one nation" under, you know that thing.
During his presidency, Obama's Czars laughingly called this technique nudging the people to obey. In 2021 are corporations now getting the population ready to replace July 4th with the "1619 Marxist Critical Race Theory" provided by the Marxists at the New York Times? Oh, HBO did have a link to the old version of Independence Day. Thanks for your service, HBO.
On the food front and looking at a few major grocery store brands in the East and Southeast, Ingles, Publix, and Harris Teeter showed NO Fourth of July ads on the tops of their homepages on July 3rd. Walmart did show a picnic table with goods on it but no mention of the Fourth Of July. Food Lion, Kroger and Whole Foods did give a mention to the holiday that recognizes 1776.
Only Shoprite, shown below, actually wished its customers a Happy Fourth Of July. Are you watching what's going on around you, America? - Webmaster

Link embedded in the above was from July 3th and may have changed.
But African-American Mignon Francios Had A Better Idea, Taking Advantage Of Living In A Free Country . . .
. . . an American idea as old as grandma's hot apple pie that sat out on an open window sill for a traditional family gathering on the fourth of July.
Article Source: EpochTimes
"Her journey out of poverty has also inspired her to become an advocate. The thriving business owner, now with a second bakery in New Orleans, helps others realize their financial goals as a board member and mentor at Nashville Convention and Visitors Corp., the Entrepreneur Center, Pathways Women’s Business Center, and Lipscomb University’s College of Business.
The Cupcake Collection funds a scholarship at Tennessee State University, and also works with a number of community groups helping combat food insecurity.
Francois’s business is both a baking legacy and a testament to the power of hard work. Her mission today, she claimed, is to 'be a lighthouse in the community to serve as an example of what good business looks like.'” - EpochTimes
Article Source: Epoch Times |
Article Source: EpochTimes
If The Shoe Fits . . .
Nike's arrogant and aloof pro-Communist CEO:
‘Nike is a brand that is of China and for China.’ - CEO John Donahoe
"Nike’s chief executive said that the corporation is a 'brand that is of China,' amid recent allegations of the company being connected to human rights violations conducted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
'Nike is a brand that is of China and for China,' CEO John Donahoe told Wall Street analysts last week in response to a question about competition from Chinese companies during a call about fourth-quarter earnings, the BBC reported." - READ MORE / EpochTimes
Photo Source: EpochTimes
TKS for the heads-up to Peggy of WNC. |
[It's All About Money, Not The Communism, As Long As You Obey.] Nike Netted $1.9 Billion In Fourth-Quarter Revenue From China, The BBC Reported. - WashingtonTimes
Social Media: All For One And One For All!
LinkedIn Joins Global Social Media Cancel Mob
Source: EpochTimes

Source: EpochTimes
Of Course They Did! CNN Celebrates CCP's 100 Year Anniversary.

Photo Source: TS
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