Click Here to read the school's outstanding medical history, one of the oldest medical schools in the United States located in Buffalo, New York. And when on the page highlighted above, please scroll down to see the school's amazing medical accomplishments over the decades that includes the development of the implantable cardiac pacemaker.
But in 1962, the copy then reads, [the] University of Buffalo merged with the State University of New York (SUNY) system. The Medical School then became the School of Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Merged with the SUNY system, the school would eventually adopt the political correctness from the elites located in Northeast, who are now infecting this nation like a disease, first in short infectious steps to where we are now rushing to create a post-Constitutional government.
"Coronavirus 'Vaccine Passports' Offer 'Freedom,' 'Mobility,' Access To 'Certain Jobs' — And Are Inevitable, NYU Medical Ethics Professor Tells CNN." - TheBlaze
If you remember it was Columbia's Teachers' College in 2004 in New York City that taught graduating students their success of self-achievement was offensive to other students. It resulted years later in some high schools across the nation demanding cum lade graduating students to remove their color tassel of achievement from their mortar boards, and why the term "offend" is a social justice term . . . a Marxist / Alinsky term.
It has resulted in more colleges, such as the Jacob School of Medicine, to feel the need to invite radical black speakers in 2021, such as Dr. Cornel West, to come down from their elite high perches in academia and help the school "deal with its assumed white privilege."
In simple every day understandable language , it would be like the child at the side of the road, saying, "Look, mommy, the king has no clothes." Of course later he would need to be disciplined for his misunderstanding the rules of political correctness.
Harvard is the school that enrolled Barack Obama after it was reported the university received a letter of recommendation from the Gamaliel Foundation. The foundation was reported to be directly tied to Saul Alinsky's group in Chicago and his 13 Power Points in changing a democracy into a Communist state. Alinsky's Number 13 was Obama's favorite, as was Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
It was Obama and Bill Ayers, working under a grant for the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC,) who were assigned to create the concept of social justice. The funds for the project would come from the Carnegie Foundation in the early 1990's. The five million dollars over five years would initiate the teaching of social justice to public school children that is rampant today in classrooms across the country.
Obama at the time was hired to pass out the CAC funds while Ayers wrote the curriculum. If you remember when Obama ran for president in 2008, he outright lied when he denied he didn't know Bill Ayers. Our Marxist media not only allowed the lie to stand but buried Obama's ties of working with Ayers.
Ironically it would be Dr. Fauci who would be seen standing with the winners of more Carnegie Awards in December of 2001, just three months after 9/11. The media successfully hid that photo from the public, too, of Dr. Fauci standing with some of the winners at that December meeting. It included Ted Turner (founder of CNN), Gates Senior (vaccine investment) and George Soros, the major donor to the Democrat Party.
The Carnegie Foundation was driving off the bridge of common sense, breaking through the safety barrier and falling down into the satanic "Sea of Marxism" that raged underneath it.
If you remember Obama's wife, a decade before Obama ran for president of the United States, was hired as a vice president at the University of Chicago Medical Center. She was making $120,000 in 2004.
But then the following year she received a raise to put her salary over $300,000. Her job was to move poorer patients out to clinics nearer to their neighborhoods. This made room for wealthier patients, which had insurance to pay their medical bills. I suspect Dr. West probably didn't mention that fact about the Obama's privilege at his Zoom meeting with the Jacobs Medical Center last month.
This Is BLM At Work

Retired St. Louis Police Captain David Dorn of St. Louis, lost his life to BML rioters while protecting his friend's business from looters. His death basically ignored by the mainstream media, not caring David's dying was live-streamed on Facebook. |
It was during Obama's run for president in 2008 where he promised to fundamentally transform the United States of America . . . which would "fulfill Alinsky's vision of a new 'vanguard' of coat-and-tie radicals who work inside the system to change the system."
You are seeing that in 2021 with the election of Joe Biden. You can watch it happening live on your nightly television news shows. It is Biden who is now being led by these same coat-and-tie radicals. In other words. Biden is doing the Alinsky jig with help from the BLM movement.
Walmart's CEO gave 100 million dollars of shopper profits to BLM, the organization that burned down businesses across America in the summer of 2020. It was a time when retired police captain David Dorn was shot, his death live-streamed on Facebook by BLM rioters.
The goal was not much different when the president of Princeton University noted about her hiring of professor Peter Singer in the 1990's, an advocate of human sex with animals. She remarked at the time, We need more diverse teachers at Princeton. And that's exactly what that got from Professor Singer.
And so it has now happened at the Jacobs School of Medicine in this interview from Dr. West.
To understand better what is going on in our world of so-called equity, you might want to take time to watch the February 2021 streaming video below of Dr. West speaking to medical professionals in an hour plus Zoom call. If is has been taken down, there is a place to click to watch it.
Dr. West assumed doctors at the Jacobs school were not interested in the medical problems of blacks, saying the following near the end of the meeting over a comment about a black medical employee being let go at Jacobs.
In some ways it is very like the establishment of the medical industry, as while they're deep entrenched interests that so easily blind people as to what other possibilities are.
Dr. West went on.
You fight it. You say, I thought you were interested in truth. But I notice you don't really engage in sustaining an investigation of black women diseases. I thought you were interested in truth? No, you got priorities of other folks diseases!
He then said with a smile, as if that fictional person being talked to was now caught in a trap, I'm glad I can expose you in that way [over your white privilege.]
Nice way to divide the medical community against itself, isn't it, employees fighting employees, typical of what is being pushed daily by radical Democrat party supporters in 2021.
I guess the bottom line for a patient of any color is to simply understand the question that needs to be asked. Do they want to be operated on or treated by a hospital that has a hostile climate going on with its employees, from nurses to doctors, no one confident in what they're doing? Of maybe look toward another medical facility?
Hospitals, doctors and nurses don't need to hear these literal jazzed-up interviews from elites such as Harvard's Dr. Cornel West, sometimes trying to relate their situation to a group of jazz musicians. Yes, that is what he said. Again, was Dr. Ben Carson not available?
Maybe the bottom line is, Yes, Dorothy in 2021 you are no longer in Kansas.- Webmaster