How Far Has America Fallen Into The Darkness Of Pelosi's San Francisco"Woke" Democrat Party?
Just ask students at Yale University.
Watch the Congressman in the video below, who had a reported affair with a Red Chinese Communist spy and then was kept on America's Intel committee in Congress. To show how corrupted he has become, in the video below he talks about God in "Woke" terms as "herself."
If this country survives these Washington D.C. Democrats into 2022, I will be surprised. We are at this point in our country today because the Supreme Court became political in 2020 and refused to look into questions about the November election . . . not rule on them but simply investigate.
Now the court's decision has caused a vacuum that is probably too late to fix. Americans have already shown their concern in the protests at the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, thinking it was still their House after a total breakdown of our law via a weaponizing of the CIA, FBI and DOJ since Obama and Biden held office in 2009.
While under the noses of these agencies, middle class businesses were burned down across America last summer with statues of our founders torn down. Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats pushed all the violence aside. In fact she had addressed the violence with a so-what attitude saying, People do what they will do.
It was when people came into the Capitol Building that she finally became upset because that was Nancy's House. And you don't disturb Pelosi's House or her home freezer filled with gourmet ice cream to the brim, ice cream she ate on camera. It was a time Americans were losing their jobs and businesses to COVID and having trouble putting food on the table while having to keep kids at home in Democrat-run states for almost a year.
Comcast's CEO Says Nothing About His MSNBC Morning Joe's Comment That Those Businesses Burned Down Across America Last Summer Were Only "Taco Stands." Yes, Mr. Roberts, he said that. And In Your "Woke" World, It's Racist, Too!
Businesses burned down in summer of 2020 were just "Taco Stands."
Click On photo below to watch video.
Morning Joe says that businesses burned down and Americans murdered by the riots in the summer of 2020 were simply taco stands and who cares when compared to the center of democracy he says is the Capitol Building. Actually, to the owner of MSNBC, Comcast, those businesses destroyed across America and people murdered, such as David Dorn live streamed on Facebook, were not taco stands while the center of our democracy is not a building in Washington D.C. but main streets U.S.A. - Webmaster
Video Source: MSNBC / TheWrap |
Concerning our weaponized law enforcement agencies in Washington D.C., did you know Barr, worth over 40 million dollars, used Durham as a carrot-on-a-stick in 2020 to make Americans believe justice was going to be served to those who violated the law in attempting a coup on an American president?
And then there is Dr. Fauci, in bed with the Communist China World Health Organization, attached to the UN, who was part of the Carnegie Awards 20 years ago and only a few months after 9/11. Fauci was there in December of 2001 when awards were given out to Ted Turner (CNN), Gates Senior (Vaccine investments) and George Soros (Open Society.)
Yet to date no mainstream media outlet has yet to show the photo of that award ceremony with Fauci in attendance, the photo's authenticity backed up by a press release. That's how corrupt the media has become to your right to know, having adopted Cultural Marxism over the years working with a totally 100% "Woke" leadership of the Democrat Party.
It was the Carnegie Foundation that gave out its first awards in the early 1990's to the Annenberg Foundation in Chicago, one million dollars a year for five years.
During that time the Annenberg Foundation was forming the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC.) Its intent was to teach the Marxism of social justice to American children across the country, starting with a seed to be planted in Chicago. And who did the CAC hire to plant that seed as its administrator? It hired community organizer Barack Obama.
And who wrote the social justice curriculum for teachers to teach kids, working with administrator Obama? It was former Weatherman, Bill Ayers. Obama and Ayers would teach at the University of Chicago, Obama also instructing students the 13 Power Points of Saul Alinsky in taking down a free society and turning it in a collective hive.
Below is Swelwell, a California Congressman, and as mentioned above, reported to be discovered in an affair with a Communist Chinese spy and continues to be welcomed to serve on a Congressional Intelligence Committee at the pleasure of a "Woke" U.S. House Majority House Leader, Nancy Pelosi. Without hesitation, and after the impeachment trial of Trump two weeks ago, Swelwell is seen below referring to God as "Herself," insuring that the Bible would not be referred to as gender specific, Pelosi's orders for the U.S. House.
Swelwell and his political party have obviously chosen to bow down to a dangerous satanic worship of Wokeism, forgetting that a cactus by any other name will still stick you.
Mothers and Fathers Across America Are Waking Up. Not Just "Woke" Up But Waking Up!
Click On photo to watch video.
Words will not describe this mother's anger at America's new "woke" Marxist culture. Watch.
Video Source: Forward Twitter
Then This One!
'Am I The Only One Struggling?'
"North Carolina mom sobs as she reveals she can't afford her ten-year-old son's $1,000 insulin prescription for Type 1 diabetes despite working full-time." - DailyMail |