"Reported To Be A Sting Operation On Election Day To Catch Fraud In 13 States."
Report says:
"They knew which states were using the voting machines loaded with HAMMER & SCORECARD. (Software developed for the CIA to manipulate voter tallies remotely in foreign elections.) It was just deployed against the American people.
Tom Fitton & Sydney Powell put it right in your face (see first video) Dr Charlie Ward (Currency Broker & Hotel Contractor - Trump Insider) describes the deployment of this Sting Operation to trap those involved in election theft.
Click On photo to watch release from Dr. Charlie Ward.

Dr. Charlie Ward
The Federalized National Guard were pulling around the clock duty in at least 16 states to trap these monsters. All the swing states currently involved in the theft are on the list.
The SCOTUS ordered all ballots received after the deadline in PA be segregated from those received on time.
There will be a ballot audit. Recounts are conducted by the same people/election boards as the first count. Audits are conducted by armed fraud investigators.
If I were any of these Democrat officials involved in this colossal election fraud, I would be seeking asylum in a non-extradition country immediately." - ThreadReaderapp.com
TKS for the heads-up from Bill in Florida.