“The Girl Scouts of America deleted a social media post on its official Twitter and Facebook pages Wednesday evening congratulating Amy Coney Barrett on her appointment to the Supreme Court.
The original post, shared by FOX 6 Milwaukee political reporter Jason Calvi, included the caption:
‘Congratulations Amy Coney Barrett on becoming the 5th woman appointed to the Supreme Court since its inception in 1789’ ending with an emoji of hands raised up.
The post featured an image of Barrett; her two Supreme Court colleagues, associate justices Elena Kagen and Sonia Sotomayor; former associate justice Sandra Day O'Connor; and the late associate justice and Barrett's predecessor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. [see graphic below]

NOTE: When radical feminists took over the original Girl Scouts, it made a hard left. America's Christian parents removed their daughters from the Girl Scouts in droves and enrolled them instead into the American Heritage Girls (AHG), not wanting their own family values trampled on. The AHG has a membership in 2020 of about 52,000 girls.
This indoctrination to sexual orientation had already been in place in many colleges across the U.S., where professors being hired today are reported to be leftists by a ratio of 50:1. T he colleges refer to this as diversity when it's actually a fascist's hammer.
This had been pushed hard two decades ago by the ACLU, even though the Supreme Court said the scouts were a private organization. That push from the ACLU directly and quickly affected the moral leadership of the Boy Scouts.
The final toll on the Boy Scouts was huge, forced into bankruptcy over sexual abuse of its members through resulting law suits.
The U.S. Senate had been warned in 1993 that the nominee by President Clinton for the court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, wanted the Boy and Girl Scouts combined, hated male leadership and was at the time . . . wait for it . . . an EXECUTIVE in the ACLU.
On the day of voting, all but two Republican Senators voted to put Ginsburg on the court, which included a "Yea" from the new Senator from Arizona, John McCain. Of course the Democrats back then were thrilled with the Republicans caving in to their political correctness.
It then didn't take long for the Boy and Girl Scouts to be invaded by the left, pushed by an ACLU that hated America's traditions. That should not have been a surprise with the org originally formed by then communist, Roger Baldwin. In 2020 it's a much deeper state than you could have ever imagined. - Webmaster |
The move quickly faced swift backlash from critics and lawmakers, with Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., tweeting,
‘What kind of patch does one earn for uplifting a woman who is the antithesis of justice?’
Another Twitter user, a ‘life-time Girl Scout’, said she was ‘ashamed’ of the post.
‘I already felt uneasy as a trans person in this organization, but now I really understand that with this message that Girl Scouts really does not support me or my trans/LGBTQ siblings,’ she added.
In a statement released by the Girl Scouts, the organization said the post was ‘quickly viewed as a political and partisan statement,’ which was not its original intent.
‘Girl Scouts of the USA is a nonpolitical, nonpartisan organization,' the statement added. 'We are neither red nor blue, but Girl Scout GREEN. We are here to lift up girls and women.’
One of the more than 4,000 replies to the post said she would take her business elsewhere, saying,
‘I’m going to spend my $100 Girl Scout Cookie budget on ingredients to make my own next year.’
Noah Michelson, editorial director of HuffPost Personal, [Huffington Post Is owned by AOL], argued in a Facebook post that there was . . .
‘no requirement that we celebrate someone as a hero to women simply because she identifies as a woman, especially when the thing she did was actually done for her by a gang of disgraceful goons and when she is poised to destroy the lives of so many people.’
Some commenters also offered praise for the post, with one woman on Facebook writing,
‘Girl Scouts, thank you for celebrating ALL women and showing us there is a place at the table for those with ALL different sorts of values. Practicing what you’re preaching, right here. It’s very nice to see.’
Another woman wrote, ‘I’m glad to see the organization support all women both liberal and conservative!’
This is while Joy Reid of MSNBC, [owned by Comcast] posts incorrect tweet knocking McConnell's scout wins: All it took was for three people to die.
One conservative woman pointed out that she didn’t ‘trash the Girl Scouts when I didn’t agree with things that were against my beliefs.’
‘When other conservatives trashed Girl Scouts for leftist ideas, I defended it,’ she added.
‘Now I see it being trashed by the so called tolerant left for uplifting a female to the Supreme Court. That is disappointing. Those of you bashing the organization, please remember there are conservatives that support Girl Scouts too. I was grateful to see the post in support of WOMEN, regardless of who they are.’
Even one of Barrett's critics saw no issue.
‘As much as I dislike this particular woman and deplore the political hypocrisy that allowed her to be in such respected company, GSUSA is completely right to recognize her,’ the commenter wrote. ‘Well done. It could not have been easy.’
On Tuesday, Barrett was officially sworn in as the 115th Supreme Court justice after being confirmed by the Senate in a 52-48 vote on Monday, just days before the upcoming presidential election.
Barrett is expected to quickly begin, weighing in on significant cases involving voting rights, health care, immigration, religious freedom and LGBTQ rights, among other issues.
The post congratulating Barrett is not the first time the Girl Scouts has shown support for female figures in the political arena.
The Girl Scouts previously shared a Huffington Post article dating back to December 2013 in which former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed the importance of female political leadership as she was mulling a run in the 2016 election.
A spokesperson for the Girl Scouts did not immediately return FOX News' request for comment on that political tweet, which remained on the organization's Twitter feed. “ - FOX News