After the runoff election of Adolph Hitler in 1933, voters danced in the streets to the tune of the Third Reich. Then political correctness suddenly ran ramped among the German population, its Democracy destroyed literally overnight. Jews who survived the Holocaust warned that once it started, "you wouldn't believe how fast it happened."
Article by Dr. Carl Mumpower, a special release to the Asheville Daily Planet
Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.— Thomas Sowell
The Problem
The recent rash of riots, plundering, and protests as alternative entertainment were triggered by two bad guys – the guy who was killed and the guy who killed him.
Both have a dirty history of breaking the rules and predatory behavior. Both are witnesses to the relentless consequence of karma. Neither will serve as a sustainable foundation for social advancement.
In today’s America, no chance to hate thy neighbor, magnify drama, embrace dogma, pander to special interests, or indulge anger goes unheeded.
That’s why pandemic-impaired Asheville now struggles with a deserted, graffitied, boarded up downtown, while our Mayor and council vigorously chastise APD over water bottle destruction.
Prediction? The current script of over-echoed soundbites, destruction of historical monuments, political correctness, and ‘woke” narcissism isn’t going to change anything for black-Americans.
Curious about what can be done? Be assured that equation does not contain rich white liberal politicians as a crucial ingredient.
Who's In Charge?
Millionaires like Nancy, Chuck, and Joe do not understand normal people – of any color. They live in a champagne bubble, not a beer bubble.
That’s why they’ll talk about shutting down private gun ownership and police departments, but insist on gunned-up personal security – endorse the concept of crime-ridden public housing, but live in gated communities – virtue signal on impending climate disaster, but drive and fly SUV’s and private jets – run a government that can’t fix itself, but insist we can trust it to run us – express love for public education, but send their kids to private schools.
Watching millionaire white public servants kneeling with a Kente scarf stands as the 21st century apex of pandering as a political art form.
BLM Is A Hollow Slogan
Last year, the nation’s entire police force killed nine unarmed black-Americans. On May 31st of this year, eighteen mostly unarmed black-Americans were murdered in Chicago. Per the WSJ, only three of last year’s 492 windy-city murders involved police officers.
Didn’t we just shut down our economy with the intention of stopping death by infection? In an anti-2nd Amendment city long dominated by Democrats; death by gunfire on May 31st killed more people than Covid-19.
What’s going on in liberal cities all over the country – including Asheville – is the equivalent of kicking a kid out of school for wearing a TRUMP T-shirt while ignoring the drug-thugs controlling most of that school’s feeder neighborhoods.
It’s about getting people to “look at the little birdy” while their blood is gushing out.
Reality Check
Between 1883 and 1941, a total of 3,265 black-Americans were lynched in America. That’s almost exactly the number of black-Americans who are murdered by other black-Americans each year.
If racism is the problem, why is it that the highest rates of black-on-black crime occur in Democrat-controlled cities? Why is it that in the seventies, NY police officers averaged shooting 300 people a year, but by 2019 dropped that figure to 34? Why is it that black-Americans make up 13 percent of the U.S. population, but commit fifty-percent of the violent crime – usually against other black-Americans?
When racism was the problem, it was predominantly white-Americans who were doing the lynching. We stopped that horror. When are we going to get real on this one?
Honest Answers
White-guilt and white-privilege are contrived exercises in white-stupidity. White-Americans can’t fix this problem. Watch Seattle’s Antifa-led concentration camps for sterling example of white-Americans on ‘racial justice’ stupid pills.
Black-Americans are the answer to the problems of black-Americans. Malcom-X told everyone that shortly before another black-American murdered him too.
If we were blessed to have this gentleman and MLK with us today, both would say one has to go to the source to fix any problem.
What’s the source? It’s got everything to do with destruction of the black American family, a white-American funded drug culture, tired old dead-end scripts of entitlement, dependency, victimization and anger, and schools that attempt to do everything for black-American children but teach them.
Solutions are found in addressing the dysfunction found in most public housing developments, recognizing the harmful impacts of horrific abortion rates directed at black-American children, reversing unfettered illegal immigration that allows us to discard young black-Americans, and energizing black-American leaders with the courage to stop pretending the Democrat Party is sincere to anything but power.
It comes down to this. There are four things commanding the course of black-Americans – color, choices, character, and convictions.
None of us has control over skin color. It is in the choices we make, the character we build, and the convictions we uphold upon which a future of hope or despair rests.
Rich white liberal politicians have absolutely no part to play.
Dr. Mumpower is a psychologist and former member of Asheville City Council. He can be reached at [email protected] or 252-8390.
Asheville Torch Antifa
Click Here if video taken down from YouTube's community standards.
Asheville Antifa Torch Exposed: Firestorm Bookstore hosts terrorist Bill Ayers in Asheville. Training camps in Black Mountain. Syrian Connection. Over $250,000 from George Soros Grant Money to Firestone Address. - ChadNesbitt
Prominent corporations from around the world are bankrolling the “defund the police” movement, a Daily Caller News Foundation review found.
Companies including Cisco, Clif Bar, Degree, DoorDash, DropBox, H&M and Pokemon announced donations to organizations that seek to defund the police.
Black Lives Matter Global Network and Color of Change are open about their desire to defund the police.
Both organizations have received an outpouring of corporate donations in recent months.
"Dozens of corporations from around the world have collectively donated millions of dollars to left-wing organizations that advocate for defunding America’s police departments, a Daily Caller News Foundation review found.
Companies including Microsoft, Intel and Airbnb have donated to Black Lives Matter Global Network and Color of Change, both of which want to defund police departments across the country. (RELATED: These Celebrities Are Funding The ‘Defund The Police’ Movement)
Color of Change is leading a national petition campaign demanding elected officials 'defund the police, and invest in communities now!'
Policing is a violent institution that must end,' Color of Change President Rashad Robinson said after the Minneapolis City Council voted to 'dismantle' its police department.
'We imagine a country where there is enough money to educate our children, care for our sick and feed those who are financially unstable,' Robinson continued. 'Defunding the police allows for this vision.'
Black Lives Matter Global Network, the national arm of Black Lives Matter, released a statement on May 30 calling for 'a national defunding of police.' The organization published a video on June 6 arguing that 'defunding the police is the only way to stop pouring resources into a system that doesn’t keep us safe.'
Both Black Lives Matter and Color of Change have seen a flood of corporate donations since George Floyd, a black man, died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes, according to video.
Clif Bar announced a $100,000 donation split between two groups, including Color of Change, in a June 1 Facebook post.
Ciscoannounced on June 1 that it was splitting a $5 million donation across four social justice groups, including both Color of Change and Black Lives Matter.
RITZ Crackersannounced on June 4 that the company and its sister brands — OREO, Trident and Chips Ahoy! — had donated $500,000 to the NAACP and Black Lives Matter.
Degree pledged $100,000 to Black Lives Matter, the deodorant company announced in a June 1 tweet.
Food delivery service DoorDash donated $500,000 to Black Lives Matter, along with donations to other racial justice groups, the company announced in a June blog post.
Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield and his wife announced they would make a $700,000 donation to Color of Change, Black Lives Matter and a host of other organizations in June, Protocol reported. The couple also said they would match $300,000 in employee gifts to organizations.
Clothing brand Vans Inc. announced a $50,000 donation to Color of Change in June, according to the Orange County Business Journal.
Women’s working space collective, The Wing, donated $200,000 to Color of Change in June, according to Protocol.
The Pokémon Company International company announced on Twitter in June it would be making a $100,000 donation to Black Lives Matter.
Fashion and music merchandising company Bravado pledged to match employee donations to Black Lives Matter, among various other organizations, Protocol reported.
Workspace computer software company Dropbox pledged to donate $500,000 to Black Lives Matter in a June 3 blog post.
Women’s undergarment company Spanx said it would donate $100,000 across multiple organizations, including Black Lives Matter, the NAACP and the Minnesota Freedom Fund, according to a June 3 Instagram post.
The Minnesota Freedom Fund has faced scrutiny for using donations to post bail for alleged violent criminals, including a woman charged with murder and a convicted rapist.
Beauty company Biossance announced it would donate $100,000 to Color of Change, Black Lives Matter, the ACLU and the Minnesota Freedom Fund in a June Instagram post.
Sportswear company Lululemon announced they donated a $250,000 sum to a variety of organizations, including Black Lives Matter, according to an Instagram post.
Japanese video game publishing company Square Enix made a $250,000 donation to Black Lives Matter and pledged to match employee contributions to Black Lives Matter, as well, the company announced in a June 2 tweet.
None of the companies other than DoorDash returned requests for comment.
“In the wake of the death of George Floyd, DoorDash has taken a series of steps to show our support for equality and to stand against discrimination, including by making donations to a number of national and local organizations and leveraging our platform to support Black-owned businesses,” DoorDash global head of public affairs Taylor Bennett told the DCNF in an email.
“In partnership with our Black@DoorDash Employee Resource Group (ERG) and in consultation with civil rights leaders, we made donations to Black Lives Matter, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Black Girls Code, and a number of local organizations across the country that work to empower local economies to promote equality,” Bennett’s email continued.
“Our goal with these donations and the other actions we announced is to stand with our employees and community members to fight injustice, inequality and discrimination and to support organizations that are working to root out structural and systemic racism and providing local community development, mentorship, education and entrepreneurship programs to support Black communities across the country,” Bennett said.
His email did not address questions from the DCNF asking if DoorDash was aware that Black Lives Matter supports defunding the police at the time the donation was announced and whether DoorDash has a position on defunding the police. - DailyCallerNewsFoundation
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