Florida Judge Revokes Child Custody From Mother — Who Is An ER Doctor—Over Coronavirus:
'We are there on the frontlines, we are risking our lives — to take our children away is cruel' - TheBlaze
Kentucky Officials Will Report License Plates Of Easter Churchgoers:
"Officials in Kentucky will document the license plate numbers of individuals attending mass gatherings over Easter weekend and turn the information over to health officials, who will require the individuals to self-quarantine for 14 days, Gov. Andy Beshear (D) announced Friday." - Breitbart
Church Members Get $500 Tickets For Sitting In Their Vehicles With Windows Closed During Radio Service In Church Parking Lot:
"'It's all about trying to save lives,' the mayor said of his COVID-19 social distancing executive order" - TheBlaze
Michigan Governor Whitmer Orders Bans On 'Travel Between Residences,' With A Few Exceptions:
Michigan residents will no longer be able to jump in the car — or cross the street — to visit friends and relatives inside the state, or to go to the cottage Up North, with limited exceptions. - DetriotFreePress
Michigan Governor Whitmer Now Prohibits Grocery Stores From Selling Vegetable Seeds: (Being considered as a Biden VP?)
"Whitmer also called on Home Depot and Lowe's to shut down to close certain sections like flooring, garden centers and plant nurseries." - GatewayPundit
Michigan Governor Whitmer Bans Buying U.S. Flags During Lockdown:
"In late March Michigan Democrat Governor Whitmer limited access of doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state from Coronavirus. Hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks have are widely used by doctors the world over to treat the Coronavirus. This week Governor Whitmer banned packaged seeds, tiling, carpet, flooring … and U.S. flags." - GatewayPundit
And This From London And Northern Ireland:

World Health Organization Official, Dr. Michael Ryan, Who Attended Event 201, Calls For Coronavirus Victims To Be Forcibly Removed From Their Homes:
"Last week a top WHO official stated that it is time for authorities to come into your home to see who is infected and take them away, for the greater good." - NTEB
Truckers Delivering Essential Goods Struggle To Find Bathrooms, Rest Stops:
“It’s been especially hard if you can’t find a place to park,” Angie Baum, who drives with her husband, Larry, told KTVI. “A lot of the truck stops are limiting the number of trucks that come in.” - Breitbart
Colorado Meat Packing Plant With Thousands Of Employees Closed After Coronavirus Outbreak:
"A meat packing plant in Colorado where dozens of employees have contracted the novel coronavirus is closed for a deep cleaning and all workers will be tested before they can return to their jobs, officials said Friday." - CNN
Dairy Farmers Begin To Flush Away Milk Due To Coronavirus:
"Commodity dairy prices have plummeted and will result in milk prices lower than many farms can handle to sustain long-term viability,' the letter said." - KOMONews
Anti-Trump School Assignment: “Republicans Are Using Misleading Names For The Coronavirus That Hurt Asian Americans.”:
"A West Virginia middle school sent students an online lesson that accused Republicans of promoting discrimination against Asian-Americans by referring to the coronavirus as a 'Chinese virus.'” - GodFatherPolitics
Michael Avenatti Released From Jail Temporarily Over Coronavirus Concern:
"The judge said Avenatti will have to return to custody in 90 days. The temporary release came after Avenatti's lawyers said he was at risk for contracting coronavirus because he had pneumonia last year." - Grabien
Disgraced Former Baltimore Mayor Given A Reprieve On Going To Prison:
"Pugh, who pleaded guilty to tax evasion and fraud in the Healthy Holly children’s book scandal, asked for the delay so that she can 'resolve' her state perjury charge as the coronavirus pandemic has led to the closure of courts." - HotAir
Sign Of the Times: Mile-Long Line Of Cars Outside California Grocery Giveaway:
"A pop-up food pantry in Southern California on Thursday drew so many people that the line of cars waiting for free groceries stretched about a mile (1.6 km), a haunting sign of how the coronavirus pandemic has hurt the working poor." - Reuters
Journalist Gets Home Visit From UK Police After He Reported Mosques Flouting Lockdown Law:
"Linden made it clear that he would be monitoring and reporting on mosques that were flouting quarantine rules, something that obviously flagged him for police attention. 'All other religious denominations places of worship are of course closed and quite rightly so in my opinion,' Linden said." - SummitNews
Muslim Overseas 'Charities' Deny Aid to 'Infidels' During Coronavirus Crisis:
"A Karachi NGO has denied food aid to poor Hindus and Christians, who like Muslims are suffering from coronavirus…. The Saylani Welfare International Trust has been operating in the Korangi area since 1999, handing out aid and meals to homeless people and seasonal workers. Two days ago, the welfare organisation refused to give ration cards to non-Muslims, saying that only Muslims are entitled to them." - Frontpage
Progressive Destruction: The Pandemic Is The Perfect Time To Abolish The Family:
"There's no nightmare the Left won't pursue to achieve its earthly paradise." - Frontpage
Lawyers Sue To Keep Foreign Workers In U.S. Despite 96.8 Mil Americans Out Of Work Force:
"Corporate immigration lawyers are asking a federal judge to take control of the immigration system from President Donald Trump and then suspend routine visa deadlines for foreign workers until after the coronavirus epidemic has passed." - NumbersUSA
Farmers Battered By Food Glut As COVID-19 Shifts How America Eats:
"Quarantines have forced Americans out of restaurants and into supermarkets over the last month, resulting in a massive food glut for farmers and food companies. Now the agricultural industry must reduce output as sales to restaurants collapse." - ZeroHedge
James Woods And Conservatives Call Conan O’Brien A Coward For Mocking Jesus On Easter:
"The red headed comedian tweeted on Easter Sunday, 'Trump says Jesus could have avoided crucifixion by taking hydroxychloroquine.'” - NewsBusters
Now That Churches Are Closed With Weekly Services Moved Online, Google Begins Censoring 'Unapproved Sermons' And Deleting Accounts:
"On Friday, Google suspended Christ Church’s app from the Google Play store after accusing the pastors of a lack of sensitivity and/or capitalizing on the current coronavirus pandemic" - NTEB
PTC Calls on Broadcasters To Reestablish Family Hour And Educational Block Of Programming For Families Due To Quarantine:
"During this most extraordinary time in our nation’s history, each of you is uniquely positioned to be a positive and powerful resource for every child, and every family, in America. I respectfully but urgently call on the five of you, individually or perhaps even collectively, to use the massive reach of your broadcast signals in greater service to the public interest." - ParentsTV
Ralph Northam, Governor Of Virginia, Makes It Easier To Kill Babies Amid Coronavirus Pandemic:
"Senate Bill 733 and House Bill 980, sponsored by Senator Jennifer McClellan and House Majority Leader Charniele Herring, respectively, repeal Virginia's mandatory ultrasound law and the requirement that women have to wait 24 hours before getting an abortion." - PJMedia
[Infanticide] Virginia Governor Signs Law On Good Friday Ordering ‘All Places’ Open To Public To Let Transgenders Use Ladies’ Rooms:
"Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia, a Democrat, signed a law on Good Friday prohibiting 'all places or businesses offering or holding out to the general public goods, services, privileges, facilities, advantages, or accommodations' from denying access to those things to people 18 years and older based on what the law calls 'gender identity.'” - CNSNews
Coronavirus: Elderly Europeans Denied Treatment:
"In documents leaked to several Spanish media, the Catalan Emergency Medical Service (Servicio de Emergencias Médicas) instructed doctors, nurses and ambulance personnel to inform the families of older patients suffering from coronavirus that "death at home is the best option." - GatewayInstitute
CBS Story of Crying Nurse Who Claimed No COVID-19 Protection Just Crumbled:
"CBS News has picked up the story of the woman who claims her hospital gave her no protection to take care of COVID-19 patients. But CBS News apparently didn't check the story because, as they say, it was too good to check." - PJMedia
Pentagon Slams ABC’s False Claim That Trump Was Warned About Coronavirus Back In November:
"On Thursday, ABC published the shocking claim that the Pentagon warned Trump about the coronavirus all the way back in November, but he ignored them. But now the Pentagon has come forward to say that ABC’s story about Trump ignoring their coronavirus warnings is false." - GodfatherPolitics
New York Times Attacks Trump On Easter Weekend, Writes He Could Have Seen What Was Coming:
(Click Here to read Trump's Timeline on virus.)
Trump responds to NYT lie with timeline, "While Democrats play politics, the Trump Administration is working tirelessly to combat the coronavirus and provide economic relief to affected Americans." - DonaldTrump.com
Here’s Why Obama Wants Mail-In Voting: 16.4 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing In 2016, 2018 Elections:
"Karl and his Democrat colleagues are using the current crisis to push for mail-in voting. This is something Democrats desperately want to make into law because they know it’s easier to cheat that way." - GatewayPundit
Apple And Google Announce Partnership On COVID19 Contact Tracing App And System Software Creating Permanent Surveillance:
"Apple and Google will introduce a pair of iOS and Android APIs in mid-May and make sure these health authorities’ apps can implement them. During this phase, users will still have to download an app to participate in contact-tracing, which could limit adoption.
But in the months after the API is complete, the companies will work on building tracing functionality into the underlying operating system, as an option immediately available to everyone with an iOS or Android phone." - NTEB