"As our nation takes precautions against the China-originated novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, President Donald Trump announced over the weekend that Sunday March 15 would be a National Day of Prayer, calling on all faiths to pray for protection and strength.
'It is my great honor to declare Sunday, March 15th as a National Day of Prayer,' the president announced on Twitter. 'We are a Country that, throughout our history, has looked to God for protection and strength in times like these.'
'No matter where you may be, I encourage you to turn towards prayer in an act of faith. Together, we will easily PREVAIL!' Trump optimistically added.
Far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) apparently took issue with Trump’s announcement, taking to her Twitter account to promote a vulgar message denigrating the National Day of Prayer from Parkland school shooting survivor and anti-gun rights advocate David Hogg.
'Don’t let this administration address COVID-19 like our national gun violence epidemic,” wrote Hogg. “F*** a National day of prayer, we need immediate comprehensive action.'
Tlaib retweeted the message to her nearly 1 million followers.

Seemingly addressing backlash over the re-post, Tlaib again took to Twitter to backtrack, telling followers she has 'been praying through this all' and was 'not' attacking prayer.
'Let me be clear as someone who has been praying through this all & as someone who attended the National Prayer Breakfast,' she wrote Monday night. 'My retweet was not to be an attack on prayer. It was to bring attention to the need for meaningful action to combat this public health crisis.'
The elected Democrat added that we need 'economic stimulus for individuals, families and our local communities, 'testing access for all,' 'expanded paid sick leave and unemployment benefits,' and a “moratorium on water shutoffs, mortgage/rent payments and evictions.'
Tlaib has become known for her vulgar anti-Trump antics. When the Democrat was first elected to her seat in Congress, Tlaib, standing alongside her child, promised: 'We’re gonna impeach the mother***er!,' referencing President Trump.
On the other hand, Tlaib is highly sensitive. The Democrat stormed out of this year’s State of the Union address because she was 'triggered' by hearing the name of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
'I think, you know, even the mention of Brett Kavanaugh for me is a trigger,' Tlaib told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow following Trump’s SOTU speech.
'Just as a woman in America, the fact that he, you know, rightfully was accused, and having an incredibly strong woman come before the public and the world and tell her story of sexual assault by this person that was appointed to the Supreme Court is just — I couldn’t stand still and not do anything about it, and I needed to walk away from that,' claimed the Democrat.
Kavanaugh, who was confirmed to the high court bench in October 2018, was accused of decades-old sexual misconduct by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. In a letter addressed to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Blasey Ford claimed Kavanaugh attempted to rape her at a house party in the early 1980s, though the accuser was unable to specify exactly where or when the alleged incident took place and the witnesses she named refuted the claim."