Want to guess who really is following the Russians?
Its the AOC part of the U.S. House, better known as "The Squad," which has adopted Russia's methods of subversion and not Trump. Trump is the one who is trying to create prosperity while promoting individual success, which the progressives of the Democrat Party hate.
Why? Because individuals who can think for themselves do not need handouts and / or government assistance that would otherwise keep them in line. Self-achieving Americans are never attracted to membership in a socialist government. And Democrat leaders understand that all too well, hoping to keep the people barefoot, drugged and stupid.
The ability to transmit subversion into the United States over the protection of its Constitution could be easy if all the national media outlets came together to subtly push one ideology upon the country.
They could do this with corrupted content embedded into one entertainment program at a time, one news item at a time, one manufactured crises at a time with the objective to overwhelm the public's right to know.
Their end game over time would be to change pubic opinion so authorities across the country would let their guard down. It is then that the country could be brought to its knees by ripping apart the civility of communities, pitting one American against the other, mocking law enforcement as racist. Sound familiar what is going on today in Sanctuary cities? Because it is.
But that is exactly what has already begun when looking at the creation the "echo chamber," formed by the corrupt executive leaderships of national media outlets that include ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and the newspapers under the thumb of the American Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE), from the New York Times down to printed and electronic outlets located throughout America's cities and towns.
To start, Disney, formerly known for children family programs, has been turned into a profit center for investing adults, choosing to own far-left ABC News, (The View), and ESPN, (NBA with Nike getting along with Communist China), plus a substantial stake in 21st Century FOX, reports that Disney will be removing "FOX" from that brand name.
Turner Broadcast System (TBS), a division of AT&T, owns CNN. Will someone please tell Ted Turner, concerning his former brain child, that for him it's really, "Cat in the Cradle, "I grew up just like you?
Disney is reported to have over 28 millions subscribers while ESPN over 7 million. NBC and MSNBC content is run by NBC Universal, which is owned by Comcast, another streaming service transmitted into millions of American homes.
With a reported 95 million single family homes in America as of 2019, the potential for these media outlets to provide subtle "collective socialist" propaganda directly into American homes is stunning.
And this does not include the current attacks to shut down conservative posts on social media already instituted a few years years ago by the titans who developed and own Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, Facebook by itself reported to have one-billion users worldwide.
Then there is the NFL's recent 2020 Super Bowl that ALLOWED Jennifer Lopez at half time to put children in symbolic cages on the field to promote illegals coming into America. Lopez (and the NFL) seemed to hope that the million viewers of the Super Bowl would blame Trump when it was Obama who constructed those units.

Photo Source: NewsThud
Seeing the progressive DNC's echo chamber in action, one can quickly understand how easy it was for the Third Reich to move the general German population against an religious ideology embedded within the society.
And they did it with access to a very limited communication technology available back in the early 1930's. Yet the Third Reich was totally successful, indoctrinating citizens to view Jews as non-human, allowing 5 million exterminated in only a few years.
If that lie was achievable then, the corrupted media must have asked its membership then why not now after the election of the Clinton's in 1993?
To that end watch the video below on socialist / communist methods of subversion and consider what corrupted progressives have already done to change the American society from what had existed after those WWII war heroes came home.
Those winners then went on to use government loans for formal educations, allowing those war survivors to then establish some of the most creative and successful corporations the world had ever known!
Click on graphic below to watch video on methods of subversion. If video has been removed from YouTube, Click Here to watch.