Comment On HuffPo Story On Mom's Red Shirts
We are in an age of communists; Frank Marshall Davis, Saul Alinsky and Cloward & Piven, who mentored Obama for his crotch salute to our national anthem in 2007.
For 2020, these new Democrat candidates follow Obama's crotch salute 12 years later. His social justice for the collective has been seeping into our institutions until we now can see professors hiding behind the black masks of antifa, beating those over the head with sticks they have decided to call white nationalists . . . be it wearing a MAGA hat or a conservative reporter being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
In other words, if you are against antifa, you are a white nationalist like the riots in Berkeley and Portland, Oregon, where police were told by the respective mayors to stand back and let the violence occur.
Never forget OWS in 2011 when Obama attacked the 1% rich on Wall Street using the same thugs who are antifa today . . . Brown Shirts in Nazi Germany . . . while the same Obama just met with the elite in 2019 on climate change, over 100 private jets showing up at the airport. Wait, what happened to social justice?
Obama now surrounds himself with the less than 1% we see today, ALL WANTING Hillary to have won in 2016 to finish Obama's promise in 2008 to fundamentally TRANSFORM the United States of America. In other words, so the country would never look the same again.
It was Obama who was trained by Alinsky's group after Saul passed away. But it was Hillary who knew Saul on a first-named bases when he was alive, even offered a job.
And what did Saul teach in his 13 Power Points? NEVER LET A GOOD CRISES GO TO WASTE. And the Mom's Red Shirts didn't.
Mom's For Action is a socialist group financed by the former billionaire mayor of New York City, Bloomberg, NYC being lead today by a communist mayor.
Who do you think paid for all those thousands of pretty red shirts?
And the group's motto? " . . . a registered charitable organization formed to democratize social welfare giving. What, more of the communism of Cloward & Piven from the 1980's to overwhelm the system, the one shut down in the 1980's when Rudy was elected mayor of NYC?
The group is even proud of their socialist history. Check it out below.

Graphic: Everytown