Photo Source: DogoNews
One would think a memorial to the 2,700 plus innocent people killed from an Islamic terror attack in New York City on the morning of September 11, 2001, would be protected from the control of New York State's Democrat Party.
But it wasn't.
New York State Democrats, not unlike many in Washington D.C. today, didn't even give their decision a second thought to light up the Memorial to 9/11 with pink lights, as if all 325 million Americans would agree to allow the desecrate of the people's memorial tower that sits on the southwest side of Manhattan Island.
Democrats could have used the traditional Empire State Building, which represents ONLY the people of New York State, its lights always changing on holidays and selected events. But they didn't.
New York State Democrats, with the reported approval by the state's governor, used that sacred memorial building for their own personal agenda, lighting its broadcast tower with the color PINK to celebrate the state's Democrat Party's new legislation to termination the state's unborn citizens up to the very day of their birth.
As the decision was being read, leftist women could be heard screaming with joy in the background, a reaction not uncommon these days. In fact, I thought the color pink was the color of choice for baby girls? What, that's been trashed, too, in the name of progressive socialism?
A larger question might also be asked:
"Did all the national TV networks on Manhattan Island, including ABC, CBS, NBC and others, also join in on the celebration, never thinking to ask in their progressive arrogance if that memorial building could even be used in the name of a political party's personal political agenda?"
Isn't that why these "NEWS" organizations were created, to protect the people's right to know the truth? Where did that go and who stole it like a thief in the night?
So what the hell has happened to America? And where are its citizens, the ones designated by the founders to be responsible for the banner of freedom passed on to them from so many who had died . . . protecting and honoring the Republic since the days of the Revolution of 1776? - Webmaster
Students At Santa Barbara City College Mock Citizen Defending Pledge Of Allegiance While Board Of Trustee President Rules Pledge Is Part Of "White Nationalism" History.
Click on photo to watch speech given to unimpressed Santa Barbara City College Board
"The Santa Barbara City College Board of Trustees President says the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag is 'steeped in expressions of nativism and white nationalism.' In emails obtained exclusively by Campus Reform, the president of the SBCC Board of Trustees, Robert Miller, stated that he decided to “discontinue use of the Pledge of Allegiance” at board meetings because of its history." - WeaselZipper
Video Source: WeaselZipper |
Details Of Legislation