Overview Of Stunning Rescue!
"[Above Is] exclusive footage and narrative from former US Navy SEAL Ephraim Mattos, documenting his intense involvement with the Free Burma Rangers as they worked fearlessly to rescue imperiled civilians trapped in the hellacious battle for Mosul.
Former US Navy SEAL Ephraim Mattos was shot in the calf by ISIS while volunteering as a civilian medic in the clearance of West Mosul along side the Iraqi Army’s 9th Armored Division.
He was wounded during a suicidal rescue mission into ISIS controlled territory where several Iraqi civilians were trapped in a pile of corpses who ISIS had massacred the day before.
The rescue of a little Iraqi girl and the moment Mattos was shot, was caught on camera. Until now, we’ve only had grainy snippets of this footage.
Mattos wrote a book about the experience alongside the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Co-Author of AMERICAN SNIPER, Scott McEwen. Mattos and McEwen’s new book is called CITY OF DEATH: HUMANITARIAN WARRIORS IN THE BATTLE OF MOSUL.
Mattos was working alongside the aid group Free Burma Rangers — who have been described as ' Doctors without borders, with machine guns'— when he and the rest of the team discovered the site of an ISIS massacre.
Besides the former US Navy SEAL sniper, the team of Free Burma Rangers also included former US Marine Sky Barkley, and was lead by former US Army Special Forces and Ranger David Eubank — the founder of the Free Burma Rangers.
The team of Free Burma Rangers conducted a reconnaissance of the ISIS massacre site and quickly discovered multiple Iraqi civilians still alive in the piles of scattered corpses.
They counted two wounded men and four young children trapped and on the verge of death. Despite the deadly odds, the team decided they had no choice but to make a rescue attempt.
Hours later, the Iraqi Army finally agreed to send the team of civilian volunteers with one Iraqi Army Abrams tank. This delay resulted in the deaths of three of the four children, who succumbed to the blistering desert heat before the team could even launch their mission.
US military commanders — now aware of the massacre — agreed to fire an artillery smoke screen to cover the team and their advance directly into ISIS territory.
With the American smoke screen raining down in front of them, Mattos, Barkley, Eubank, Mahmoud (a Syrian interpreter), and 'Monkey' (a cameraman from Burma tasked with documenting human rights abuses) ran behind a single Abrams tank straight into ISIS territory in a desperate attempt to rescue the three civilians still alive.
ISIS fighters in the surrounding buildings caught glimpses of the team through the smoke and immediately opened fire with automatic weapons and mortars. Upon reaching the objective, Mattos and Barkley laid down covering fire straight into ISIS positions as Eubank ran to retrieve the only surviving child — a little girl.
Mattos, Barkley, and Eubank then ran out together to retrieve two wounded Iraqi men. The team then began to make their way back to Iraqi Army lines with their three patients while the Iraqi Army tank blindly backed up toward them.
While moving back toward Iraqi Army lines, one of the critically wounded, Iraqi men fell off a makeshift litter the team was using. The reversing tank barely missed crushing the wounded man, but it did not stop for the team to retrieve him.
Moments later, while a cameraman filmed from the rubbled buildings, Mattos was shot in the right calf, sending him to the ground. He, too, was almost crushed by the reversing tank, but his team screamed at him to get up.
Mattos continued moving back with his team while attempting to apply a tourniquet to his right leg, but he wasn’t able to tighten it down all the way.
Upon arriving very close to Iraqi Army lines, the team realized they would be shot to pieces if attempted to move the patients across the last stretch of open ground.
The team screamed over the roar of the gunfire and the tank engine for the Iraqi Army to send a humvee to extract the team. But no one could hear them.
Quickly losing blood and knowing his team would die if a humvee didn’t arrive quickly, Mattos volunteered to run across the open ground and carry the message that the team needed a humvee.
On his wounded leg, Mattos ran across the open while ISIS snipers opened fire and attempted to shoot him a second time. He reached the Iraqi Army lines and delivered the message that the team needed an armored humvee.
Bernard Genier, a French journalist who had just learned how to drive humvees the day before, jumped into an armored humvee and drove out into the street to rescue the rest of the team.
The Free Burma Rangers team successfully rescued one Iraqi man and one little girl whose name turned out to be Demoa. 'Demoa' means tear.'" - WarClashes11
When It's Too Good To Be True, It Usually Is, Eh CNN!
“This Is A Good Day,” Sellner said, “because it exposes what we’ve known for a long time, namely that the lying press is not only the lying press, which presents things incorrectly, distorted, covers up …. but also quite simply that it makes up stories.” - The Guardian
Photo Source: NTEB
"German Writer That Fake New CNN Honored As The 'Journalist Of The Year,' Forced To Resign Over Fabricating Stories And Inventing Sources." - NTEB
[Hmm, just like the New York Times did when blaming Palin immediately after the Giffords shooting in Arizona several years ago. And also today with all those "unnamed" sources bull****. - Webmaster.]
Click here to see the New York Times article along with its headline on this story. To me it reads as if the editor had attended a dinner party in Georgetown the night before, writing to that audience of leftist snobs.
But now read the reporting below on this same story by the Guardian . . . this time from the Guardian, night and day reporting for John Q. Public! - Webmaster
"Der Spiegel Reporter Who Faked Stories Returns Awards."
"Claas Relotius apologises, as far right says exposure calls all German news into question"
Article by The Guardian, December 21, 2018
The award-winning German journalist who admitted falsifying stories on a large scale over several years has voluntarily handed back four prestigious press awards and been stripped of others.
As the German media world reeled from the revelations about Claas Relotius, who worked for Der Spiegel, right wing populist organisations claimed that the scandal was proof of their longstanding claims of widespread fake news in the mainstream media.
Relotius, 33, has gone underground, rebuffing attempts by colleagues to reach him. But he texted the organisers of the German reporter of the year prize to apologise and say he was returning his awards.
The U.S. broadcasting network CNN stripped him of the two journalist of the year prizes it had awarded him and at least one further leading German prize-giver said it was doing the same.
At least 14 articles by Relotius for Der Spiegel were falsified, according to Steffen Klusmann, its editor-in-chief. They include an award-winning piece about a Syrian boy called Mouwiya who believed his anti-government graffiti had triggered the civil war. Relotius alleged he had interviewed the boy via WhatsApp.
The magazine – a prestigious weekly – is investigating if the interview took place and whether the boy exists. Relotius won his fourth German reporter prize this month with a story headlined “Child’s Play”.
Klusmann admitted the publication still had no idea how many articles were affected. On Thursday it was revealed that parts of an interview with a 95-year-old Nazi resistance fighter in the U.S. were fabricated.
Juan Moreno, the colleague at Der Spiegel who rumbled Relotius after carrying out his own research at his own expense after bosses failed to listen to his doubts, released a video in which he tried to explain how Relotius had got away with the falsifications, and how he had to expose him.
Moreno said: “He was the superstar of German journalism if one’s honest, and if his stories had been true, that would have been fully justified to say so, but they were not.
“At the start it was the small mistakes, things that seemed too hard to believe that made me suspicious.”
Referring to a story that the two worked on together on the U.S.-Mexican border that led to Relotius’ falsifications coming to light, Moreno described how protagonists whom Relotius claimed to have interviewed had not wanted to be photographed in spite of being prominent in the U.S. media.
“At some point I just thought something is monumentally wrong here … I started to do my own research only to discover that that protagonist had already appeared in the New York Times,” said Moreno
“A lot of people have been asking me: ‘Is there a particular pressure at Spiegel to come up with the hottest stuff, always the best stuff, yours is after all one of the few newspapers which still sends people out into the world, for which you have to do a lot of research etcetera?’ Yes, there is this pressure to deliver good material, but above all there is a duty to ensure that it is true, for heaven’s sake.”
He described Relotius as a “well-liked colleague, who was modest and charming, a fantastic colleague, that was the overall impression”.
A commission is now reviewing all of Relotius’s work including during his years as a freelancer, when he wrote for many respected German and Swiss newspapers.
Der Spiegel, which sells about 740,000 copies a week and has an estimated 6.5 million online readers, said it was keeping his works in its archives for the time-being for “the sake of transparency”, and to allow anyone with information about works that may have been faked to come forward with evidence.
German commentators said the scandal could be as damaging to the media’s reputation as the faked Hitler diaries scandal in 1980s – 60 volumes of diaries supposedly written by the dictator that were pronounced genuine by historians and serialised by the magazine Stern and other publications around the world.
In the latest of several mea culpa editorials, Der Spiegel said on Thursday that the Relotius case was likely to have an impact on the way it operates in future.
Martin Sellner, of the Identäre Bewegung in Austria, part of the far-right “identitarian” movement, described the scandal as “phenomenal” and “spectacular”. In a YouTube post, Sellner said Relotius had been exposed as a “representative of the lügenpresse”, or lying press, a term used widely during the Nazi era to denounce the media, and now in broad use among far-right populists.
“This is a good day,” Sellner said, “because it exposes what we’ve known for a long time, namely that the lying press is not only the lying press, which presents things incorrectly, distorted, covers up …. but also quite simply that it makes up stories.”
The anti-immigration Alternative für Deutschland, which is Germany’s leading opposition party, said the case meant it was justifiable to question the country’s entire news agenda."
The Guardian
Article by The Guardian, December 21, 2018
(Underlines and color by Webmaster to accent story line.)
"It Gets Better: CNN’s 'Reporter of the Year' Claas Relotius Embezzled Donations Away from Syrian Street Children." - GatewayPundit
MORE Handwriting On The Wall From 2017
"Der Spiegel Removes 'Antisemitic' Book From Bestseller List." - TheGuardian, July 28, 2017
MSNBC Gets Caught Using Obama Years 2011 Border Patrol Video To Trash Trump In 2018. - GatewayPundit
"[Benghazi's] Susan Rice: Trump More Dangerous To America Than ‘Any Foreign Adversary.’" - Breitbart