The Shepp Report

Special Edition

To Progressive Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Anthony Kennedy, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan

Why did these socialists give themselves permission to experiment with the culture? Look at what it has done to our universities. This is just nuts! - Webmaster


August 31, 2016


You're Fired!

A question to the ACLU's Ruth Bader Ginsburg: "If Gold Rust What Shall The Iron Do?" - A Shepp Report



West Virginia University To Students

You’re a criminal if you don’t use transgender approved language. - Breitbart


Say goodbye to America and hello to China. - Webmaster

"Stanford: Creating Trans-Inclusive Classrooms."

Graphic Source:



Following article by Dr. Susan Berry, August 22, 2016, Breitbart


"West Virginia University (WVU) has told its 29,000 students that they are breaking federal law if don’t agree to use the pronouns — including ‘he’ or ‘she,’ ‘zir’ or ‘hir’ etc. — preferred by each person who claims to be transgender." - Breitbart


"That policy means if a biological man — for example, famous transgender athlete Bruce Jenner — says he 'identifies' his gender as female, then all other students must refer to the man as a 'she,' or else be treated as a law-breaker.

WVU says using the wrong pronouns is a crime because the United States departments of justice and of education insist that transgender people are protected by decades-old sexual discrimination law.

The new claim is imposed in a university statement that defines the rights of the relatively few students who are confused about their gender. Because it is a list of 'rights,' it doubles as as a list of diversity commandments for all normal students;


- According to the ''guide,' a recommended way of introducing oneself to another individual at WVU is: 'My name is Tou and my pronouns are he and him. What about you?' -


You have the right to be treated according to the gender you identify with. Your school cannot require you to provide legal or medical evidence in order to have your gender respected.
You have the right to be called by the name and pronouns consistent with your gender identity
You have the right not to be bullied [sic]or harassed because you are transgender or gender non-conforming. If you are bullied or harassed contact your Title IX Coordinator, James Goins, Jr. at 304.293.5600 or [email protected]. You may also file a complaint online at
You have the right to equal educational opportunities regardless of your gender, including your gender identity or expression, or your race, nationality, or disability. This includes not being punished or excluded from school activities or events because you are transgender or gender non-conforming.
You have the right to equal educational opportunities regardless of your gender, including your gender identity or expression, or your race, nationality, or disability. This includes not being punished or excluded from school activities or events because you are transgender or gender non-conforming.
You have the right to dress and present yourself in a way that is consistent with your gender identity, so long as you follow rules for how to dress that apply to all students. This includes how you dress at school every day as well as for dances, graduation, and other school events.
You have the right to use restrooms, locker rooms, and other facilities that are consistent with your gender identity, and can’t be forced to use separate facilities. There are several WVU Gender Inclusive Restrooms on campus.
You have the right to privacy concerning your transgender status and gender transition. Any such information kept in school records must be kept private and not shared without your permission unless the school has a legitimate reason that it not based on gender bias.
You have the right not to be harassed or discriminated against based gender stereotypes, including stereotypes about sexual orientation.


As the Daily Caller notes, WVU 'offers a handy guide on ‘Proper pronoun usage’ that explains how to swap out pronouns such as he, him and his for … pronouns such as ‘ve,’ ‘ver’ and ‘vis.''


- The ideological goal of imposing many new pronouns is to blur, stigmatize and outlaw the public’s long-standing social and legal distinctions between men and women. Progressives and transgender activists sneer at those distinctions as the 'gender binary.' -


According to the ''guide,' a recommended way of introducing oneself to another individual at WVU is: 'My name is Tou and my pronouns are he and him. What about you?'

'Try making pronouns an optional part of introductions or check-ins at meetings or in class,' urges WVU, with the warning, 'Remember that people may change their pronouns without changing their name, appearance, or gender identity.'

In the case of a faux pas – i.e., a fellow student or professor uses the wrong pronoun – WVU suggests dealing with the error in this way:

Most people appreciate a quick apology and correction at the time of the mistake.

Try: 'Her books are—I’m sorry, he r [sic] books are over there.' By correcting yourself, you’re modeling respectful pronoun use for others in the conversation.  If you only realize the mistake later, a brief apology can help.

' I’m sorry I used the [sic] wrong pronoun earlier. I’ll be more careful next time.'

WVU provides a chart of novel pronouns to help students understand the variety of new pronouns they are expected to use.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to have to run to my safe space. - Webmaster
Graphic Source: Breitbart

According to one study of the 2010 census, the population of transgender people amounts to one in every 2,400 Americans, or 0.03 percent of the adult population.


- In Fairfax County, Virginia, the school board rammed through a policy change that makes children open to expulsion from school for expressing criticism of transgender ideology. -


The ideological goal of imposing many new pronouns is to blur, stigmatize and outlaw the public’s long-standing social and legal distinctions between men and women. Progressives and transgender activists sneer at those distinctions as the 'gender binary.'

President Barack Obama has spent a great deal of his last year in office promoting gender fluidity, particularly through directives about transgender bathrooms. On Friday, the president’s deputies inserted a rule into the Federal Register that prohibits all federal properties and facilities from operating single-sex bathrooms. Multiple polls show that Obama’s transgender policy is very unpopular.

Recently in Washington state, new health and physical education standards say children in kindergarten need to 'understand there are many ways to express gender.'

The standards name 'self-identity' as a topic of the 'core idea' of the K-12 curriculum, and define gender as a 'social construct based on emotional, behavioral, and cultural characteristics attached to a person’s assigned biological sex.'


- In June, more than 60 leaders concerned about the mental health of American children signed onto an open letter that asserts the Obama administration’s transgender bathroom decree for schools is 'putting the nation’s children at risk.' -


Washington state’s superintendent’s office says the state utilized the National Sexuality Education Standards, K-12 (NSES) as a resource for the new standards.
Advisory members of the NSES include Robert McGarry, Ed.D., director of training and curriculum development of GLSEN; Monica Rodriguez, MS, president of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS); Jennifer Heitel Yakush, public policy director of SIECUS; and Leslie M. Kantor, MPH, director of national education initiatives of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

In Fairfax County, Virginia, the school board rammed through a policy change that makes children open to expulsion from school for expressing criticism of transgender ideology.

The new regulation states: 'No student in FCPS shall … on the basis of gender identity … be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity.'

As Breitbart News reported, school board member Elizabeth Schultz, who opposed the regulation, said 'discrimination' language means that a student who speaks out against the 'gender identity' ideology can be disciplined, and presumably suspended and even expelled.

Opposition to the Obama-promoted gender fluidity narrative has taken hold, however.
A federal judge in Texas has ruled against Obama’s decree that public schools must allow students and teachers to decide which of the two sexes’ private bathrooms they desire to use at any given moment.

Led by Texas, 13 states sued the U.S. Departments of Education, Justice, Labor, and other federal agencies in U.S. District court, arguing that both Title IX and Title VII (which refers to employers) refers only to biological sex.

Judge Reed O’Connor said that, in issuing the directive, the Obama administration did not 'follow the proper legal procedure,' and further stressed that 'the Constitution assigns these policy choices to the appropriate elected and appointed officials.'

In June, more than 60 leaders concerned about the mental health of American children signed onto an open letter that asserts the Obama administration’s transgender bathroom decree for schools is 'putting the nation’s children at risk.'

'This controversial and reckless government overreach increases the risk for our children’s safety and privacy in deference to an un-tethered notion of rights,' the signers wrote. 'This policy rejects the scientific reality of every person’s biological sex. To force all Americans to comply with such an extreme and faulty premise – that every person’s sex is ‘assigned’ to them, rather than simply identified at birth – is beyond the pale.'

Additionally, a new report by renowned psychiatrists Dr. Paul McHugh and Dr. Lawrence S. Mayer reveals that most children and teens who say they are transgendered change their minds and grow up according to their biological sex.



The above article by Dr. Susan Berry, August 22, 2016, Breitbart






Think China Is Worried About Pronouns Or Maybe Taking Control Of The World From What They See As "Idiots" In America?

Pronouns 101 - EmersonOrientation

Note: Author of YouTube video talks about using proper pronouns on campus for . . . wait for it . . . safety reasons. - Webmaster

Video Source: YouTube

Vermont Champlain College Hands Out 'Pronoun Pins' To Incoming Freshmen - CampusReform



Meet The Next Society That May Dominate The Globe. Why? Because Maybe They've Earned It!

Considering these American babies in our colleges, please watch this trailer to the documentary movie, The Last Train Home. Then ask who could easily rule the world in the coming generation?

The Last Train Home - ZeitgeistFilms, 2010

Video Source: YouTube

So Where Are All The Engineers In The World? - Issues, 2007



‘Do You Prefer, Ma’am Or Sir?’

Obama's DOJ video shows our cops how they're to treat transgender people - TheBlaze









- The Trojan Horse In The White House -

America's First Unannounced Muslim President

Obama's hand placement during the playing of the Naitonal Anthem at a 2007 Democrat summer fundraiser in Iowa has been named by some in the military, "The Obama Crotch Salure."

The Face Of Evil

Obama signals progressives in 2007:
Their messiah had arrived.
Watch actual event during the playing of the National Anthem

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Looking around America today, George Bailey did get his wish.

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What can happen when those you sent to Washington refuse to do their job in the name of political correctness, establishing a government under Orwell's Newspeak. - Webmaster

It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti




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