Never Forget Murphy's Law: If It Can Happen, It Will
Another One: Dude Enters Ladies Restroom And This Happened Next. - ClashDaily
Twenty-Five Events Add Fire That Target’s Pro-Transgender Bathroom Policy Is Dangerous to Women And Children- Breitbart
[Look, A Field Of Pink Fascists]: LGBT Operating Professionally-Run 'Smear Campaign' Against The Citizens Of North Carolina. - CNSNews
Target Changes Restroom Policy After Hearing Concerns From Customers - AssociateMediaCoverage
GoodBye, Old Man. You Should Have Stuck To Your Music - PJMedia
The letters that follow were released by North Carolina's Governor, Pat McCrory.
They explain in full detail of what was going on in North Carolina's decision to not allow men into women's bathrooms or women into men's bathrooms, public and private, which were to be based only on "sexual feelings" pushed by an activist reported to be a convicted sex offender in the Charlotte area.
While the Governor is disappointed that North Carolina's good old boy Attorney General Roy Cooper will NOT get involved, he shouldn't be.
This is the SAME Roy Cooper who legally masturbated all over the North Carolina's Duke LaCrosse Team, allowing Nifong to run the show until it was discovered Nifong's findings were a sham.
Also parents had to become involved with defending their sons at huge legal expenses and fees because Democrat Cooper wouldn't do his job, instead protecting the agenda of the North Carolina Democrat Party. His incompetence made news around the world. Yet there he still sits with no shame compliments of the North Carolina Democrat Party, one who could have worn those sheets when Democrats attacked conservative blacks in Wilmington in the massacre of 1898.
This is also the same Attorney General that refused to become involved in a Democrat-Run City Council from Asheville, North Carolina, where a literal clown who entertains children in Alabama was allowed to arrange a day without bras with women seen walking the sunny streets of Asheville, their breasts bouncing with each step. Even a teenage girl was reported to have been allowed to join the group.
In addition, Cooper would not rule on an elected council member in Asheville who challenged the updated 1971 North Carolina Constitution, which other elected officials had followed since its establishment. Asheville's newly elected councilman had refused to put his hand on the Bible, as required for anyone taking office in the state.
Cooper, as state attorney, seems almost bored in defending what's been on the books, the North Carolina Constitution making it very clear his job is to "defend the state and its statutes in court." Cooper's mocking the responsibility of the office of attorney general for the state of North Carolina made the atheist councilman a hero around the world. This wasn't just any atheist, but one who called a child in its mother's womb a parasite and the world renowned Billy Graham a god of war. But to Cooper's political party, these were just a few of the entrance requirements to carry their liberal card.
This good old boy who serves as North Carolina's attorney general is so noncommittal he makes Obama look like George Patton. But as a sage reminded us, sometimes the voters get the government they richly deserve. So guess who the Democrat Party is running for North Carolina governor in the next election?
In 118 years before the advent of Henry Ford, nothing has changed with the Democrat Party in North Carolina. Someone reported Democrats were so stiff in their ideology that the only way to bury them was to screw them into the ground.
However this should be no surprise, coming from the same Democrat Party that had partly named its national fundraiser in the 1960's after the White Supremacist, Charles Aycock, and kept the name for more than forty years. They said he was chosen because he was an educator, Aycock wanting to help, as he said, "those negroes" and making speeches about it until his death in 1912.
Armed Red Shirts in Laurinburg on Election Day, 1898. Image: State Archives, North Carolina Office of Archives and History, Raleigh - Source: 1898 Wilmington Race Riot Commission, Chapter 3 - Practical Politics |
It was this same Charles Aycock who had supplied the atmosphere that allowed the Wilmington Massacre of 1898, where over a dozen black Republican businessmen were murdered by Democrats who burned down the black-run newspaper while over 2,000 blacks had to flee their homes and businesses for their lives.
Not one murdering Democrat was brought to justice. North Carolina politics would reward these murderers by allowing the party to run the state until 2012. What happened after that?
After a century of arrogant rule the people had finally tired of it all, electing Republicans to run the government. And now you know why Governor McCrory is in office today, doing everything possible to fight a national fascist Democrat Party lead by America's first crotch-salute president, Barack H. Obama.
Click On Image To View The Massacre Memorial Site

Oh, did you see Obama's BS on national television the other day to the British about the bust of Churchill in the White House on the second floor, and how he looked at it every day.
The truth is Obama hated the man, wanting the bust that had been sent as a gift to the American people returned to England. Obama by then had well accepted the teachings of Reverend Wright's Black Liberation Theology on the south side of Chicago, the ideology believing Christ would return as a black man to avenge the whites.
And the media has to ask why so many Americans are drawn to Trump?
Springsteen: Boss Or Bully? - FIK
McCrory's Recent Letter Along With Fact Vs. Fiction Of The Passage Of The Infamous Bathroom Bill