Hey Utah, Do You Know Who Is Running Your Voting System In The Primary? Soros Board Member Chairs Firm Running Online Voting For Utah Caucuses For 2016! -Breitbart
Mexico Is Mounting Unprecedented Effort To Turn Its U.S. Residents Into Citizens To Stop Trump If Nominated To Run in 2016. Think Obama Is Involved? [Worse than anything Nixon could have done. How about an impeachment, wimps in Congress? - Webmaster] - BloombergNews
"The Mainstream Media Are Suffering From Freedom Envy." - DailySignal
"The Radical Polarization Of American Law Enforcement." - Technocracy
"Lead Organizer Who Shut Down Highway To Trump Rally Is 'Soros Fellow' From New Orleans." - GatewayPundit
Corporate HR Departments Are Seeking Information On Employees Who Are Homosexual, Bisexual, And Transgender For Design Of Benefit Plans And Creating Diversity Enhancing Promotions - NowTheEndBegins
"Sexual Assault Victims Speak Out Against Washington’s Transgender Bathroom Policies." - DailySignal
"In New York [Under Its Communist Mayor], You Could Be Fined $250,000 For Failing To Use A Transgender Person’s ‘Preferred’ Pronoun." - DailySignal
NBC TV Network Series, "Superstore," Mocks Christianity And Implies That Jesus Was A Homosexual. - NowTheEndBegins
Plan To Infuse Small Towns With Muslim Migrants Meets Resistance: Montana The Latest State Targeted For Obama's Syrian 'Refugees' - WND
"Dominance And Submission In Cologne And The Persian Gulf." - ThomasMoreLawCenter
"Obama's Iran: Poets Face 99 Lashes And Prison." - GatestoneInstitute
Nigeria Now Third Most Terrorized Country In The World From Followers Of The Teachings Of Islam. - PremiumTimes
Hungary's Prime Minister On War Footing: “The Time Has Come For Opposition and Resistance! - WindsOfJihad
"[Communist] Soros, Obama Supporter: National Borders Are The Enemy [Of The State.]" - Frontpage
Beware Of A 'Democracy Spring' From Obama's National Media. - TruthRevolt
"The Red Guards Of Mizzou." - NewMediaJournal
"Speech Zones And Puppy Rooms Make First Amendment Lawyers Laugh AND Cringe On Bill Of Rights Day." - TheCollegeFix
"CAVED: These 10 College Presidents Surrendered To Campus Protestors’ Diversity Demands" - TheCollegeFix
"How A University Named After An American Jewish Icon Became A Home For JEW Haters And Terrorist Propagandists." - Frontpage
Trump Causing Violence? Really? Buried By The Mainstream Media: Obama Incited Violence Against Republicans Five Times. Roll The Video Tape. - Constitution
"White Men Must Be Stopped: The Very Future Of Mankind Depends On It." - Salon.com
Radical Far-Left Professors And Their [Dangerous] 'Leave America Rant!' - ClashDaily
How [Obama's] U.S. Foreign Policy Made 2015 The Worst Year "In Modern History" For [Deadly] Christian Persecution. - Frontpage
"The Left's Plan To Cut Loose A Million Prisoners:" Their Assault On The Rule Of Law And On Institutions That Keep Americans Safe. - Frontpage
Outrage Over Obama Bringing In Over 5,000 Muslim Migrants To Michigan. - NowTheEndBegins
"Canadian Magazine Cover Glorifies Smiling Gitmo Terrorist Who Murdered American Army Sgt. [And] He's A Darling Of The Left." - TruthRevolt
What Would It Have Looked Like If Obama Had Attended The Terrorist Protests In Paris?
So what if Obama had attended the Paris rally instead of not being worried about the optics of Muslims around the world watching him join a rally of European world leaders to protest Muslim terrorist who had murdered French journalists?
The Shepp Report thinks our pariah president might have looked like this.

"When In College . . . A Closer Look At Obama's Pakistan Trip." - WND