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The New York Times believes its ideology is more important than what America's Founders had envisioned, writing: "But that view is myopic. In some respects, Mr. Obama is far more experienced than other presidential candidates." - Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times, March 6, 2007
The Weekly Shepp Report
Your Conservative Online Source For A Summary Of The Week's News
The Shepp Report has daily access to over 70 conservative Web sites to glean for weekly stories to identify the dangerous progressive culture that clouds our freedoms. Gone are the days when news outlets provided John & Jane Doe with information to keep them motivated to run the Republic. These outlets instead ensure the Doe family is pushed out of the federal government's way through constant propaganda and social engineering. As I have warned for well over a decade, journalists no longer live with us. They only live among us . . . as if we're the aliens.
February 7, 2016
Top News Stories Of The Week
Ryan, McCarthy to Chaffetz: Stay Away From Hillary! - Newsmax
Note: Cruz or his leadership should have called Dr. Carson to verify the CNN story on election night in Iowa but chose not to, possibly causing a change in the vote by four from each caucus that could have taken Cruz from the top spot. Cruz should have remembered the golden rule that the fish always stinks from the head. And Carson is one of the top physicians in America, demanding respect. So seeing this, one has to ask what would a Cruz do with the power of the presidency and all those agencies under him also doing naughty things while he isn't looking? - Webmaster
While Obama says Muslims are some of the most resilient and patriotic Americans you'll ever meet, in seven years he refused to meet or even acknowledge the top moderate Muslim leader in America, the former Navy commander Dr. Juhdi Jasser." - TruthRevolt |
The Death Of A Swedish Town: How leftist ideals, not unlike Obama, annihilated Mölndal. - Frontpage |
[ OMG, another Democrat.] President Bill Clinton carried a Bible around hoping to get the Christian vote. Now Muslim-supporting Obama, suddenly in his 7th year of office, pretends to be Franklin Graham. - Breitbart - While Hillary says beliefs aligned with Ten Commandments. - FreedomOupost |
Texas city councilman caught smuggling illegal aliens. - EagleRising |
South Carolina House passes Bill excluding Sharia Law from state courts. - Breitbart |
Swedish police rush to protect Merkel-Muslim sex attackers from ‘hooligans’ in Stockholm while media report is blocked. - TheMuslimIssue |
[Progressives kill freedom] The Guardian bans comments in articles on Islam, immigration. - ClarionProject |
German Journalists Under Orders to Report 'To Ms. Merkel's Liking' “Today, one is not allowed to say anything negative about the refugees." - TruthRevolt |
Memorial denied for Swedish Woman killed by refugee, might upset children. - TruthRevolt |
Nancy Pelosi keeps in political step with Obama, quotes Mohammad at National Prayer Breakfast. (see video below.) - Breitbart |
Yemen: Body of Cleric preaching against ISIS found mutilated. - ClarionProject |
Anti-Trump Saudi Prince tied to both Rupert Murdoch and Hillary aide. - Breitbart |
Facebook CEO changes its policy to ban all private sales of guns through its platforms, delighting founder of "Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America." - NowTheEndBegins |
Representative Darrell Issa: Fast & Furious investigation not over! - StandUpAmericaUS |
Oregon militia man’s body shot 9 times; Was a stolen 9mm planted on Lavoy Finicum by FBI? - ClashDaily |
U.N. Peacekeepers accused of sexual abuse in central African republic. - Townhall |
Australia: Muslim plotted to fill kangaroo with explosives and set it loose on police. - TheMuslimIssue |
Top NATO commander says next target for ISIS may be cruise ships. - PopularMilitary |
Thomas More Law Center files federal lawsuit on behalf of Marine dad banned from school property after he objected to Islamic indoctrination of his daughter - ThomasMore |
Austria: Merkel-Muslim guilty of analy raping 72-yr old is rewarded residency. - TheMuslimIssue |
Boko Haram attackers kill 86 in Nigeria village who just finished evening prayers. - GospelHerald |
Germany to house 10,000 refugees in Berlin hotels at cost of €600 Million. - TheMuslimIssue |
Islam teaches peace, right?: ISIS beheads 14-Year-Old 'apostate.' - TruthRevolt |
"Christian 'Untouchables' plan rally for equal rights in India, forced to choose between faith, poverty - GospelHerald |
Pakistani Police tortures and kills Christian man. - ACLJ |
In Wake of 'Rapefugees,' vigilante group forms to protect women,
soldiers of Odin now patrolling the streets of Finland. - TruthRevolt |
What happens when the West is obsessed with multiculturalism: UK Muslim population soars past 3 million, some neighborhoods nearly 50% Islamic. - TruthRevolt |
Texas high court backs cheerleaders in football 'Bible Banners' case. - CBN |
[Liberals gone mad with taxpayer money, of course!] D.C. City Council approves bill to pay residents not to commit crimes. California pays participants up to $9,000 a year. -TruthRevolt |
Laid-off IT workers muzzled as H-1B debate heats up. - ComputerWorld |
Islam's odd relationship with homosexuality - Things are not as they seem. - EagleRising |
Lawsuit filed against Maryland high school for Islamic indoctrination. - ClarionProject |
So it begins here: U.S. city 'overrun' with criminal refugees. - WND |
Conservative female student group accused by peers of . . . wait for it . . . damaging women’s rights. - TheCollegeFix |
Health officials confirm sexually transmitted Zika case in Texas, first in U.S. - FOXNews |
The sinister cost Of Obama’s Presidency just came out, And it’s not pretty. - TPNN |
Conservative activist says lies and hysteria harmed the state of Indiana last year, not a religious freedom law. - OneNewsNow |
USA Today: ‘Is it Immoral to Watch the Super Bowl?’ [Or better yet, is it immoral to read USA Today for your news.] - NewsBusters |
Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act against NOAA regarding [scandal] methodology for collecting and interpreting data used for its climate models. - DailyCaller |
Hmm: Kerry sent Hillary classified e-mail over his private account. - HotAir |
Minnesota Elementary School Bans Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day Celebrations In Attempt to Be More 'Inclusive' - GospelHerald |
‘60 Minutes’/’Vanity Fair’ Freedom of Speech Poll: Most Americans don’t want colleges to be ‘safe spaces.’ - TheFIRE |
Temple University paying students to work fewer hours. - TruthRevolt |
Abortion activist targets pro-life leader, throws brick through family’s window. - LifeNews - Pro-Life Centers fight California law forcing them to promote abortions. - LC |
Obama's former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton: "Legislation to protect unborn children from abortions is “dangerous and extreme.” - LifeNews |
Democrats defeat [of course] override of Obama’s veto of Bill to defund Planned Parenthood. - LifeNews |
What happens when you leave your roots: Catholic Bishops back Texas law mandating abortionists have hospital admitting privileges. - CNSNews |
[Under Obama's watch.] University of Vermont holds privilege retreat for students who 'self-identify as white.' - CampusReform |
Pelosi's San Francisco considering giving condoms to middle schoolers while eliminating exemption option for parents. - TruthRevolt |
News Website admits reporter fabricated quotes, sources for racially charged stories, including one on Dylann Roof. - TheBlaze |
Critics of [this] research, meanwhile, say the number of women who could benefit from the experiments is so small that it's not worth crossing a line - KRWG |
The little-remembered WWII tale of four brave chaplains. - WND |
Economic policies, social engineering meant to crush American spirit. - Constitution |
Military's frustration with Obama reaches fever pitch. - TruthRevolt |
Judicial Watch releases independent counsel Memo laying out criminal case against Hillary Clinton in Whitewater Land Scandal - JudicialWatch |
Nuns challenge Obamacare in Supreme Court - CBN |
D.A. who indicted David Daleiden failed to prosecute abortionist who killed babies born alive - LifeNews |
Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter blasted for $1M donation to "Trump Vet Fundraiser," Salon wets it panties and calls for boycott. - Breitbart |
Engineering course at University of Massachusetts focuses on race, gender and . . . wait for it . . . sexuality. - CampusReform |
Segregated dorms for males 'who identify as Black' coming to University of Connecticut. - CampusReform |
They’re telling us 2015 was the “hottest ever.” It was rigged! - ClimateGate |
Atheists tried to stop Christian from helping ex-convicts. What a Judge then ruled. - DailySignal |
Most dishonest President ever caught in another major lie, this time on Hillary’s personal email. - GatewayPundit |
College students given five-step checklist on how to kiss without committing sexual assault - TheCollegeFix |
Prayers in public high school football games supported by majority. - GospelHerald |
To Socialist Democrats. Nice Job, As Usual!
What would one expect from the progressive party of Death. - Webmaster
"Cinderella gets tested for STD's in new Sex-Ed awareness 'art.' It's "too amazing" for words touts [the baby part's marketer and champion], Planned Parenthood."
"Sepulveres wrote that it was 'too bad' that she couldn’t use 'amazing,' 'catchy phrases' to promote awareness like 'Brrr my cervix is freezing' or 'Don’t leave my cervix out in the cold.'” - TruthRevolt
Graphic Source - TruthRevolt
Image is the property of its respective owner. |
"This past January Forbes magazine and the Huffington Post publicized a new 'Cervical Cancer Awareness' campaign created by writer and sex-ed speaker Danielle Sepulveres and artist Maritza Lugo. While the cause sounds noble enough, the content featured in the campaign is anything but as it depicted Cinderella getting tested for STD's. Forbes contributor Tara Haelle touted the campaign, writing that 'even Disney princesses need to take responsibility for their reproductive health." - TruthRevolt
Top News Videos Of The Week
Click on graphic to go to video.
Textbook Manufacturers Prefer Profits Over School Children's Needs |
Senior Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt sales executive: money over kids. "Oh my God, it’s all a money game. It’s all a money game," confirms one Brooklyn teacher. - Veritasvisuals |
Another Top Publishing Textbook Executive |
“It’s never about the kids.”: Amelia Petties, Strategic Account Executive, Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt - VeritasVisuals |
Border Agent: 'We Might As Well Abolish Our Immigration Laws Altogether.' |
"In a shocking reversal of policy, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents are being told to release illegal immigrants and no longer order them to appear at deportation hearings, essentially a license to stay in the United States, a key agent testified Thursday. What's more, the stand down order includes a requirement that the whereabouts of illegals released are not to be tracked." - WashingtonExaminer |
Nancy Pelosi Adds Mohammad Quote At National Prayer Breakfast |
Pelosi quoted Mohammad’s teaching that, “None of you has faith until he loves for his brother or his neighbor what he loves for himself.” She then went on to read from the gospel of John. - Breitbart |
Imam Obama's Replacement Theology |
Did you note the hypocrisy? “Directly behind the President at his speech in the Mosque was the Arabic word “Allah” on FULL display. Yet apparently there was no request by Obama to cover this Islamic symbol, as he had done in Georgetown for his 2009 speech where he made sure the symbol for Christ was FULLY covered with a black cloth so no one was offended. Not to offend who, Barack? - WindsOfJihad |
Watch An Unidentified REACH Employee Explains How It Helped ‘Ahmed’ Get A $93,000 A Year Job! |
"But, this, of course, doesn’t stop World Relief from keeping their own cash flow going by bringing ever more refugees to the area. And the Nashville Chamber of Commerce is telling us that businesses here value 'diversity' over workers that are raised, educated and have roots in our Tennessee communities." - RefugeeresettlementWatch |
Egypt 1958! |
Muslims laughed in 1958 at Muslim Brotherhood idea to impose hijab on women. They are not laughing anymore as Obama embraces the Brotherhood in Washington D.C. - TheMuslimIssue |
The Muppets Miss Piggy Goes The ‘Full Miley’ |
"However, Tuesday night’s edition of ABC’s The Muppets, titled 'Swine Song,' left us with a moment that was most unnatural, and in a sexually suggestive habitat that I am absolutely not okay with finding my favorite childhood pig." - MRCTV |
Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire |
Sanders Supporters Chant 'Liar' During Clinton Speech - YouTube |
Liberal Crank Rick Ungar |
Hispanics Cruz and Rubio are “Hated by Their Own People” - GatewayPundit |
Remember When It Was A Good Thing To Help Protect A Woman? |
"What would you do if Muslim ‘migrants’ attacked you for defending a woman?" - ClashDaily |
Hmm? Former U.S. Congressman Frank Wolf Wants To Know How Congress Feels About Religious Freedom |
What happens to religious freedom when cultures evolve from core principles to where party dictatorships run Congress while the people back home are told to go to stick it? - CBN |
Atheist Confronts Ben Carson About Whether ‘God’s Law Trumps Our Country’s Law.’ |
"The 2016 election season has been filled with the usual array of candidate questioning, though there are some intriguing themes involving religion, atheism and the separation of church and state that have been popping up at Townhall events with increased fervency of late." - TheBlaze |
‘It Was Astounding!’ |
Rush Limbaugh says he couldn’t help but watch Bill Clinton during Hillary’s Iowa speech. - TheBlaze |
Veterans Sound Off On Continued Problems At Veterans Affairs |
How could Americans believe a crotch salute president they elected would care about veterans? - FOXNews |
Special Videos
To America's Progressives:
Don't Let The Door Hit You On the Way Out This Year Along With The Crotch-Salute President You Put Into Office!
“It’d be easier if you stabbed or shot at me in combat,” Kennedy told The Daily Signal. “I just felt like I was letting them down.” - Coach Kennedy
Why aren't ALL OUR NFL football players supporting this American hero from coast to coast? I know some well-known NFL players are active in helping kids and want to be a positive role model. But others just don't seem to care, more focused on chasing the buck or the ladies of the night?
As Americans and others around the world watch every NFL football game, one can obviously see there are too many players who just stand there during the playing of our National Anthem.
They look like Barack Obama from his famous crotch salute, as seen below, dissing our patriots in the summer of 2007 when the National Anthem was also being played to the crowd. The term "crotch salute" came from some in our military after seeing the disrespect from this candidate for president.
So if this is your hero, NFL, why not coach Kennedy? One is a down-home American while the other obviously grew up in a very different place and wants to keep it that way. - Webmaster

Enjoy Super Bowl Week
"U.S. Coast Guard Dixieland Jazz Band."
Performed in Times Square, New York, during the 2012 Memorial Day weekend observances.
Tiger Rag - Midlife Jazzband / Swiss Dixie Jazzer
- A Trojan Horse In The White House -

The Face Of Evil
| The United States Flag: Federal Law Relating To Display And FAQs | U.S. Flag Code |
Looking around America today, George Bailey did get his wish.
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Western North Carolina
Defining The Low-Information Voter |
This domain collects news stories each week to help make it easy for anyone to learn what's going on around them. Either we wise up or we give up.
Too many of the Americans in this May 2013 video had a problem understanding what a Benghazi was, maybe a new popular drink at a local bar near Times Square? It proves that the mainstream media has morphed into the useless media, one that Washington, Jefferson and Adams would have probably spit on.
Why? Because with today's information technology, our media has no excuse for not having the details of a news story that would help educate the general public with their right to know the truth. Video source - FOXNews - Video: URL |
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