NewsCorp FOX Network Content May Be Another Reason Muslims Call America The Great Satan
1.) ‘Nauseating’ Sex Scene From Primetime TV Where Anyone Can View It
"On Wednesday’s episode of the hit show “Empire,” 32-year-old Gabourey Sidibe did a sex scene with her on-screen boyfriend on a rooftop—within the first three minutes of the show. And while Sidibe said she felt 'sexy' and 'beautiful,' many criticized and fat-shamed her for the scene." . . . IJReview
2.) Hmm? U.S. President Poses For Cover Of LGBT Magazine. Yet He Still Has Time For These Failures:
. . . Young blacks lose Jobs . . . Women lose jobs . . . Whites under attack for being white . . . Colleges under attack by fascist groups . . . Radical OWS fascists used for rioting against businesses . . . Fascists thugs allowed to burn down businesses in Ferguson . . . Illegal alien criminals in country to be fawned over . . . Americans killed by illegals ignored . . . Refined medical system collapsing . . . Small business suffocate by unceasing regulations . . . UN rule able to now come into American cities . . . Gun ownership under attack but not the criminals that use them . . . Fascist groups encouraged to attack local police forces . . . Global warming more important than terrorist attacks . . . Thousands of years of Biblical marriage taken away from the states and redefined . . . Christian rights called offensive . . . Throuples now being marriage defined . . . Gender students allowed to overrule rights of all others students . . . CAIR and Muslim Brotherhood allowed into our federal security agencies . . . Ignored warnings from Emirate that CAIR was terrorist group . . . Ignored warnings from Egypt that Brotherhood was terrorist group. Enough?
"Obama told the magazine his fight for equality began 'from when I was a kid, because my mom** instilled in me the strong belief that every person is of equal worth.'" . . . Breitbart - Read More
(** grandparents were anti-individual Communists; mentored by anti-individual Communist Frank Marshall Davis; attended church that hid anti-individual SDS Students; studied anti-individual Koran for four years; knew the Muslim Call To Prayer perfectly; identifies his Christianity as Black Liberation Theology; gave America's National Anthem a personal crotch-salute. Enough? - Webmaster )
3.) I Just Don't Have Words For Our Crazy Society Under Progressive Rule: 77-Year-Old Jane Fonda Smooches Miley Cyrus' Young Belly At LGBT Awards
"Miley Cyrus was honored with the Vanguard Award at the LGBT Center’s 46th Anniversary Gala Vanguard Awards on Saturday night — but before the ceremony started, Cyrus got some love from fellow LGBT advocate and actress Jane Fonda." - Breitbart |
- "Caitlyn Jenner Just Won An Award That Has Many Women Around The Nation Feeling ‘Insulted’" . . . IJReview - Read More
- "Variety Film Critic Really Wishes Charlie Brown Had A 'Non-White Love Interest'" . . . TruthRevolt - Read More
- This Upside Down World Started In 2008: "Teen Runner Disqualified From State Meet: Was It The Bible Verse Reference?" . . . FOXNews - Read More
4.) The De-evolution Of Affirmative Action Higher Education
"We're all real sorry about your safe spaces and your pacifier and your stuffed puppy . . . " - SuckerOnParade |
"I understand why the idiot children at Yale are so sensitive. Really, I do. I sometimes list in my mind all of the poor, suffering people who get a raw deal in this life, and Yale students are always right at the top, with the Bangladeshi orphans and women traded by sex traffickers in Vietnam. Yale isn't a safe space, Congo isn't a safe space -- it all makes sense, as long as you don't expect it to make sense ..." . . . SuckersOnParade - Read More
5.) Mizzou: Black Hunger Striker Said He Was Oppressed, Rips Into ‘White Privilege.’ Another Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
Another Michael Moore trying to look like a dumb farmer. "It looks like this ‘oppressed’ Mizzou protestor who caused the University of Missouri’s president to resign is more privileged than most of his buddies." . . . ClashDaily - Read More |
"Jonathan Butler played high-school football at Omaha Central High, where he won a state championship, and earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Mizzou, the newspaper reports. He is working toward a master’s degree in educational leadership and policy.
He is a member of a prominent Omaha family. The newspaper says that Butler’s father is Eric L. Butler, executive vice president for sales and marketing for the Union Pacific Railroad. His 2014 compensation was $8.4 million, according to regulatory filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission." . . . ClashDaily - Read More
6.) Mizzou: Another Lie! The Missouri Poop Swastika Is The Moment Social Justice Jumped the Shark
"No evidence has yet surfaced that a Nazi symbol made of human feces was left on campus at Missouri, less still that it was a racially-charged statement. It seems more likely that the swastika is a hoax, just as — whisper it — so many other high-profile black victims on American campuses celebrated endlessly by progressive journalists turn out to be mendacious frauds.
But 'facts' haven’t stopped students, and even some idiotic professors, from hurling themselves into grievance-fuelled hysteria on campuses all over the country, even at Yale." . . . Breitbart - Read More
7.) Mizzou: Students Hallucinate KKK On Campus
"Following the forced resignation of its president and an attack on student journalists attempting to cover protests, events at the University of Missouri (MU) have escalated even further in absurdity after hysterical students created a bogus rumor that the Ku Klux Klan was roaming campus.
Late Tuesday night, Twitter began to explode with students and others claiming that KKK members had been spotted walking around MU’s flagship Columbia campus. The rumors appear to have been given major life after MU’s student body president, Payton Head, made a Facebook post declaring that the KKK sighting had been confirmed and that he was actively working with police and even the National Guard on the matter." . . . DailyCaller - Read More
8.) Mizzou: Professor Resigns After Telling Students To Stand Up To Bullies
"The situation developed with incredible speed to drive nutrition and physiology professor Dale Brigham from his position at MU. Brigham had scheduled a Wednesday exam for his Nutritional Science 1034 class. Some students emailed Tuesday night asking if they could skip the exam and make it up later, saying they were afraid to attend class due to threats posted online against black students. Brigham, who is white, initially replied by saying the exam would not be delayed or canceled, and told students to come to class as scheduled.
'If you give in to bullies, they win,' Brigham said in an email to the class. 'The only way bullies are defeated is by standing up to them. If we cancel the exam, they win; if we go through with it, they lose.'” . . . DailyCaller - Read More
9.) Mizzou: Intolerance In The Name Of Tolerance
"News of University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe's resignation came out on Monday morning. The Mizzou football team went on strike in support of students on campus calling for racial equality and for the University to address discrimination issues on the predominantly white Columbia, MO, campus. Football players protested in solidarity with hunger-striking student, John Butler, and said they would not play again until Wolfe resigned.
The fact is, University of Missouri football players stepped into the fray at the Missouri campus because they knew their protest would be financially detrimental to the school. Some news stories reported that if the team didn't play next Friday against BYU, the University would have to pay a penalty of $1 million. The players knew they had some leverage." . . . PoliticalOutcast - Read More
10.) Mizzou: Campus Police Ask Students To Report Any ‘Hurtful Speech’
"The Missouri University Police Department (MUPD) sent an email to students Tuesday morning urging them to call them and report any hurtful speech they encounter on the campus.
In an email that was flagged by several Missouri-based journalists, the MUPD asked 'individuals who witness incidents of hateful and/or hurtful speech or actions' to call the department’s general phone line 'to continue to ensure that the University of Missouri campus remains safe.' They suggest that students provide a detailed description of the offender, their location or license plate number, and even to take a picture if possible.” . . . Mediaite - Read More
11.) Mizzou: Student VP 'Tired' Of First Amendment Protections
"Things have not improved at the University of Missouri since the forced resignation of its president by students protesting against alleged acts of racism. Now it appears as though they won't stop until the First Amendment holds no power over them. Appearing on MSNBC, vice president of the Missouri Students Association Brenda Smith-Lezama said she is sick and tired of people asserting their First Amendment rights when she feels it is creating a 'hostile' and 'unsafe' environment.
The student VP was asked by host Thomas Roberts, 'One professor complained universities are becoming places of prohibition. What's your feeling? Do you believe that's a place we are heading for American campuses now?'" . . . TruthRevolt - Read More
12.) Mizzou: Surprise, Surprise: The Only President In The History Of The United States To Have Been Mentor By A Communist, Praises University Of Missouri Protestors
"'That’s the kind of dialogue and work and unity that the Mizzou community is going to need to make progress on this issue,” Earnest said, in reaction to the decision calling it “a testament to the courage of the people on campus.'
He said that President Obama himself was unlikely to make a public statement about the events on campus, but didn’t rule it out sometime in the future. Earnest reminded reporters that he grew up in Missouri and shared his own thoughts on the situation.
'I think any state institution is a product of the state and that state’s history and there’s a very painful history – and it’s not ancient history in the state of Missouri,' Earnest said." . . . Breitbart - Read More
- Hey Progressive Media! Isn't It Interesting This Is Happening Under A Marxist Black President? "Another Scalp For The Protesters: Claremont McKenna College Dean Resigns Over 'Racial Insensitivity.'" . . . TruthRevolt - Read More