The Smothering Control, Which Created Our Founder's Passion To Be Freed From The Yoke Of Absolute Tyranny In 1776, Is Upon Us Again.
Facebook Finds This Symbol Offensive

Politically Correct Snowflakes At Facebook Reveal Their Marxist Education At America's Corrupt Far-Left Universities: Marine Corps Emblem 'Violates Community Standards'
"First, President Obama suggested that Marines not wear their uniforms in public - in America - in the wake of the recent Chattanooga terrorist attack, because he believes our warriors should hide rather than take the fight to Islamic domestic terrorists.
Now Facebook has taken down a popular pro-military page called "Locked and Loaded," telling administrators that a picture of the United States Marine Corps emblem with a ribbon marked "In Remembrance" violated Facebook's "community standards," reports.
Jason Light, a "Locked and Loaded" administrator from Atlanta, Georgia, told Examiner that the page was covering the funeral and burial of Marine Lance Corporal Skip Wells, who was murdered in Chattanooga. Administrator Robert Combs also received a three-day ban over the image of the Marine Corps logo. Combs told Examiner that he intends to replace the page:
"I am just speechless as to how this violates community standards," he said." . . . TruthRevolt - Read More
- "Obama’s Freudian Slip, ‘We’re Speeding Up Training Of ISIL Forces,’ Turns Out To Be Exactly True." . . . PJMedia - Read More
- "Tennessee Shooter Followed Al-Qaida Lead." . . . AOL - Read More
- Hey Barack! Malkin: Jihad On U.S. Troops Is Not A 'Circumstance.' Do U.S. Military Lives Matter?" . . . TruthRevolt - Read More
- New York Times Went Out Of Its Way To Show Sympathy For Chattanooga Jihadist . . . TruthRevolt - Read More
- "Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez: 5 Fast Facts You Need To Know." . . . Heavy - Read More
- "Warning: Arm Yourself For ISIS 'War' In U.S.". . . WND - Read More
- "Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Forced 'Residential Diversity.'" . . . TruthRevolt - Read More
- "Obama Pushes To Extend Gun Background Checks To Social Security." . . . ChicagoTribune - Read More
The Truth About 6 Of Obama’s Iran Deal Claims
"Months of Iranian pressure on the United States brought its fruition. Iran got a deal that legitimizes its nuclear program, rewards its defiance of international treaties and obligations, and provides it with additional billions of dollars to continue its terrorist activities in the Middle East. Here are the White House’s most egregious misinterpretations of the deal, looking at claims President Obama made during his remarks about the deal this morning." . . . DailySignal - Read More
Confederate Soldiers Are Also American Veterans By An Act Of Congress
Anyone who disturbs or moves a grave of a veteran is breaking federal law. Congressional Act of March 9, 1906, protects Confederate veterans - Veterans Today |
"The anti-Confederate smear campaign is becoming recognized for what it always was, a political campaign to denigrate Southern heritage. The ignorance of this was on the scale of your left arm not liking your right arm and then beginning a process of eventual amputation. But this would include a period of cigarette burning and razor slashing to get the process rolling.
The country is thankfully waking up from this silliness. Veterans Today has made an editorial decision to dig into more of these suppressed historical events, especially those involving veterans. It will keep us busy for the rest of our lives. I have begun working on my main Confederate Memorial piece for VT focusing in on some of the archival gems and bombshells that most Americans know little or nothing about our War Between the States, or War of Southern Independence." . . . VeteransToday - Read More
- "Poll: Veterans Prefer Trump Over McCain By Double Digits." . . . MinutemenNews - Read More
- [Good, These Colonial Patriots Shouldn't Be Associated With Obama's Marxists.] "[Progressive] Democrats Drop Thomas Jefferson And Andrew Jackson Names From Annual Fundraising Dinner." . . . CTPost - Read More
Boy Scouts Of America Allow LGBT Leaders. Yet Progressive Activists Demand Even More
"That provision for local exemptions has left LGBT groups unsatisfied, saying it still allows for discrimination. They’re calling for a ban on discrimination based on sexuality at every level, including at the local level even for troops sponsored by religious organizations.
'Today’s vote by the Boy Scouts of America to allow sodomite, lesbian and bisexual adults to work and volunteer is a welcome step toward erasing a stain on this important organization,” Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin said in a statement. 'But including an exemption for troops sponsored by religious organizations undermines and diminishes the historic nature of today’s decision. Discrimination should have no place in the Boy Scouts, period.' The Boy Scouts of America National Executive Board voted 79 percent in favor of the policy change. National President of the Boy Scouts of America and former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates announced the decision via video." . . . FreedomForce - Read More
Parents of Faith can enroll their boys into a straight organization to avoid the training of normal leftist sex that can include "Fisting" and "Sodomy." [Don't believe it? Read story below.] . . . TrailLife - Read More
- "At Anti-Bullying Conference, Middle Schoolers Learn About Lesbian Strap-On Anal Sex, Fake Testicles." . . . DailyCaller - Read More
- "Kenyan President Rebuffs Obama's Infatuation With Homosexuality . . . EagleRising - Read More
Obama's U.S. State Department Discourages Christians From Testifying About Their Persecution
"During the height of one of the most brutal months of Muslim persecution of Christians, the U.S. State Department exposed its double standards against persecuted Christian minorities. Sister Diana, an influential Iraqi Christian leader, who was scheduled to visit the U.S. to advocate for persecuted Christians in the Mideast, was denied a visa by the U.S. State Department even though she had visited the U.S. before, most recently in 2012.
She was to be one of a delegation of religious leaders from Iraq — including Sunni, Shia and Yazidi, among others — to visit Washington, D.C., to describe the situation of their people. Every religious leader from this delegation to Washington D.C. was granted a visa — except for the only Christian representative, Sister Diana. After this refusal became public, many Americans protested, some writing to their congressmen. Discussing the nun’s visa denial, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said:
This is an administration which never seems to find a good enough excuse to help Christians, but always finds an excuse to apologize for terrorists." . . . Frontpage - Read More
- "It's Not Just ISIS - Mother Of 5 Sentenced To Death For Being A Christian" . . . EagleRising - Read More
- "Islamic State Reportedly Forces Children To Behead Dolls As ‘Practice’ In Training Camps." . . . TheBlaze - Read More
- "UK Poll Shows Up to 1.5 Million ISIS Supporters In Britain." . . . ClarionProject - Read More
And It Goes On With These Democrats! Obama Says Those Becoming New Citizens Can Skip Pledge To Take Up Arms And Defend The U.S.
"U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on Tuesday said it will no longer require incoming U.S. citizens to pledge that they will 'bear arms on behalf of the United States' or 'perform noncombatant service' in the Armed Forces as part of the naturalization process. Those lines are in the Oath of Allegiance that people recite as they become U.S. citizens. But USCIS said people 'may' be able to exclude those phrases for reasons related to religion or if they have a conscientious objection. " . . . WashingtonExaminer - Read More
- "Illegal Immigrants Outnumber Unemployed Americans." . . . FreeBeacon - Read More
- "California: Most New Driver Licenses Go To Illegals." . . . TruthRevolt - Read More
- "New California: Mass Immigration Turning Virginia Blue." . . . Breitbart - Read More
CAIR Leader Nezar Hamze Is Now A Deputy Sheriff In Jewish South Florida [Read on. You couldn't make this up if you wanted to. For the Jews of South Florida, its reads like the beginning of the end.]
Like he did with Zakkout, Sheriff Israel posed for photos, one of which has him standing alongside Mayor of Sunrise, Florida Mike Ryan and the co-founder and co-chairman of Emerge, Khurrum Wahid.
Wahid, a South Florida attorney, has spent years representing high-profile Muslim terrorists. They include: Rafiq Sabir, who received a 25-year prison sentence for conspiring to provide material support to al-Qaeda; Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, who was given a life sentence for being part of al-Qaeda and for plotting to assassinate President George W. Bush; Sami al-Arian who spent time in prison (and was later deported) for his activities within Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ); and Hafiz Khan, a Miami imam who received 25 years for shipping $50,000 to the Taliban explicitly to murder American troops overseas. According to the Miami New Times, Wahid himself was placed on a federal terrorist watch list in 2011.
Another photo from the Iftar featured Sheriff Israel and IFSF Events Coordinator Abdur Rahman al-Ghani. Al-Ghani’s Facebook page is littered with anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Jewish and Islamic supremacist language and images. In March 2013, al-Ghani posted on his Facebook site a photo of a group of American rabbis, who were meeting with President George W. Bush in the Oval Office to discuss Judaism, with the caption, “Every President has end [sic] up like this. This is the power of Zionism in our U.S. Government.” In December 2012, he wrote on Facebook, 'Zionist/Israelis are not holy people. They are demonic and the most evil on earth.'" . . . FrontPage - Read More
- "Exploding Muslim Immigration Overwhelms FBI." . . . WND - Read More
‘Lone Survivor’ Director Slammed By Obama Media After Critiquing Bruce Jenner "Courage" Award
"For the second year in a row, a member of the LGBT community has taken home ESPN’s Arthur Ashe Courage Award. If you take issue with that, you’re a trans-phobic and vile hatemonger, according to numerous media outlets.
Peter Berg, director of such films as Lone Survivor, Friday Night Lights, and Battleship is feeling the wrath Thursday, after posting a critical image of Jenner’s ESPY selection to his Instagram page following Wednesday night’s show. Berg shared an image of Army veteran Gregory Gadson, a double amputee who played a role in Battleship, alongside an older image of Bruce, who was still undergoing the cosmetic procedures that ESPN felt made him courageous.
Thursday morning headlines such as 'Peter Berg Pissed Over Caitlyn Jenner–She Doesn’t Deserve the Praise,' and 'Peter Berg denounces Caitlyn Jenner’s ESPY win with transphobic meme,' among others, tell the story: don’t question the narrative." . . . Breitbart - Read More
- "Living In The World Of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Pride Event Bans Cross-Dressing because It Might Offend Transgender People." . . . LastResistance - Read More
- Hey Jeb: You wouldn't Know Until It Was Too Late." . . . MinutemenNews - Read More
Did You Know George Orwell Called This "NewSpeak?" University "Trigger" Warning: Don't Say 'American' - It's Offensive [Guess who's quoted as a main source? MSNBC's own resident yuppie socialist, Melissa Harris-Perry.]
"The College Fix today highlighted a "Bias Free Language Guide" released on the University of New Hampshire website that has some pretty stringent advice on how to speak and think without being offensive. Their biggest 'problematic'? The word 'American.'
Yes, it seems that using the word American is offensive because it doesn't specify that there is more than one country in North and South America. Like how saying 'European vacation' is offensive to people who don't know whether you visited Big Ben or the Louvre. Very. Problematic.
The guide is full of such inanity, not least of which is the fact that it begins by quoting America's "foremost intellectual [MSNBC's Black yuppie]" Melissa Harris-Perry. Seriously." . . . TruthRevolt - Read More
- "Tyrants And Snowflakes" . . . AmericanThinker - Read More
California Cup-Cakes Now Given Six ‘Gender Identity’ Choices On College Admissions Applications
"Questions about gender identity and sexual orientation have been added to admissions applications used by the University of California system, including no less than six choices for students when checking off their 'gender identity.' One new question posed to those seeking admittance to the system – which educates 233,000 students enrolled in 10 campuses statewide – is 'How do you describe yourself? (Mark one answer).'
The choices are: 'male; female; trans male/trans man; trans female/trans woman; gender queer/gender non-conforming; and different identity.' The application also asks “what sex were you assigned at birth, such as on an original birth certificate?” and the two choices are: male or female. The questions are voluntary and responses to the questions will not impact admissions decisions, Shelly Meron, a spokesperson for the UC Office of the President, told The College Fix via email." . . . TheCollegeFix - Read More
"Seattle Schools Ban Soda But Give Away Birth Control Without Parental Consent." . . . EagleRising - Read More
The Progressive Democrats Lie To You And They're Doing It Again: Illegal Aliens Murder At A Much Higher Rate Than U.S. Citizens Do!
"It’s time to fact-check the fact-checkers. The Washington Post’s Michelle Yee Hee Lee gave Donald Trump four Pinocchios for saying, 'They’re bringing crime' across the border from Mexico. The Post scribe added, 'Trump clarified that he was referring to cases where undocumented immigrants commit violent crimes or smuggle drugs.'
First off, Trump did not put any numbers on his statements. All he said was that some undocumented immigrants commit crimes in the U.S. And we know that is true. Secondly, as even the Washington Post admits, Trump was not talking about all Mexicans, especially not Hispanic U.S. citizens. He was talking about undocumented immigrants.
The more problematic aspect is Trump’s implication that undocumented immigrants are more criminal than the average U.S. citizen. That implication is what the Washington Post 'fact checked' and found false. The Government Accountability Office has data that show otherwise. Here is the leading sentence from a 2011 GAO report (GAO-11-187, Criminal Alien Statistics, March 2011)." . . . AmericanThinker - Read More
Illegal Immigrant Released From Prison – Murders Woman, Stuffs Her Body In Closet
"A Haitian immigrant who was released from prison in January after serving a sentence for attempted murder is back in custody on a murder charge in the death of a Connecticut woman last month. The Bulletin reported that Jean Jacques’s prison file was marked “Detainer: Immigration” and that Connecticut officials say he was released in January to the custody of the U.S. Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
His crimes also included the illegal use of a gun during a 1996 deadly shooting, qualifying him for deportation to his native Haiti, the newspaper reported. ICE spokesman Shawn Neudauer told the newspaper federal privacy laws prohibit him from discussing Jacques’ case." . . . GatewayPundit - Read More
- "No Comment! NBC Covers Up Evidence Of Immigration Crime Wave." . . . Breitbart - Read More
- "Man Arrested For Hollywood Street Execution Of Woman Is Rapper Who Served On LAPD Advisory Board." - GatewayPundit - Read More
Obama's Thugs At It Again: Busted! SEIU Bused In Out-Of-State Union Members To Protest Voter ID In North Carolina
"Since the start of [immoral] Moral Mondays, its leaders and affiliated groups have accepted millions of dollars of cash from the SEIU and other big labor unions to pay protesters to oppose Vote rID and Republican Policies while pushing their radical agenda in North Carolina. By digging through little-known reports from the U.S. Department of Labor, NCGOP uncovered these payments from the SEIU passed through a shell group, directed for 'Payroll Services.'
The lead organizer of Moral Monday, [immoral Pastor (cough) William Barber], was paid at least $20,000 by the unions while he was organizing protests of GOP-led policies. These payments are further proof that Moral Mondays is a front to expand the power and influence of unions and liberal special interest groups in North Carolina and bring our state back to the days of high taxes and big government." . . . ImmoralMondays - Read More
Here's How You Say ‘Crazy’ In Norway: ‘Transgenderism’ For Seven-Year Olds
"I mean what 7 year old little girl goes to their parents and says, “Yo, ma, lately I’ve had the urge to wear flannel, start golfin’ and crush beer cans on my forehead.” And yet the government of Norway proposed a bill that would, with parental support, allow children as young as 7 to change their gender. Don’t kids already do this? It’s called pretending!
The law, if passed, would allow kids 7-16 to identify with either sex without surgery. And this will happen without a psychiatric or medical evaluation. Now before anyone breathes a sigh of relief just because there’s no surgery involved remember in leftie world this is just the beginning of what they really want.
This is how they got late term abortions, by fighting for abortions in the first trimester. And this is how they’ll get surgery for children, by starting with a law just to make things all nice and legit. In a few years the kids therapist, after Mary has been calling herself Chuck for a few years, will suddenly say it’s cruel not to give her/him/it the reassignment surgery to make the change complete.
Reassignment, like you’re being stationed in male or female-ville. The left loves the slippery slope move and the right is always blindsided. I mean call me crazy, but shouldn’t the minimum requirement for a decision like this be that you’re able to spell Gender Dysphoria? . . . ClashDaily - Read More
- "Swedish Jihadi: 'Go There with a Bomb.' One Month Of Islam In Sweden: June 2015." . . . GatestoneInsitute - Read More