The time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things: Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and [the impeachment of] kings.
The President of the United States, Barack H. Obama, knowing the dynamics from his military advisors, allowed an Islamic terrorist group to simply walk out of Syria and across the desert toward Iraq untouched. These dangerous individuals walked and drove with their weapons totally unprotected, leaving those at the heart of its mission vulnerable to an attack from American fighter jets that never came.
Americans back home should have asked themselves at the time, which the Obama media also avoided, Exactly why did an Islamic enemy of the United States feel safe in doing that? The elite German SS would have never done that. The imperial Japanese army would have never done that. Yet there they were traveling under the scans of our satellites miles above the earth, knowing we were obviously looking down on them.
The Islamic group is known as ISIS, one Obama instead chose to call ISIL, the change symbolic of the divisions between Islam and Israel Obama may have learned as a young boy when studying the Koran for four years. ISIS is the Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria while ISIL is the Islamic State of Iraq in the Levant, its motivation explained below by Glenn Beck.
ISIS walked across the desert unprotected because its leaders knew with confidence that Obama was not going to send any American war planes to stop them. Otherwise it would have been a suicide mission.
Obama had already lied to the American people with the help of his fawning media about ISIS being a rag-tag army, wanting Americans to believe ISIS was just some kind of JV Team of the world's terrorists.
The truth? The ISIS leader was actually a college graduate with a degree in computer programming. Obama's laughable State Department representative, which Michael Savage referred to as Obama's "Sorority Girl," reported later that ISIS couldn't exist if jobs had been available for all of ISIS followers.
Others in the ISIS group, beyond its college-educated leader, seemed also well trained. They obviously understand the importance of social media and the marketing of an idea on the Internet. They're actually so smart they knew how to reach out across the world to create dangerous extensions of their belief that Obama likes to call loan wolves, trying to create a cover as if ISIS had nothing to do with putting more Americans at risk back home. ISIS even uses Twitter and Facebook, inventions of the West, against the West to add to its growing army right under the noses of astonished western leaders.
ISIS is filled with Islamic followers who faithfully follow the instructions of the Islamic Koran that teaches believers to overcome and behead the enemy, including Muslims who are weak in the following of Islamic 'Sharia' Law.

ISIS's goal has always been to create the promised Caliphate for Islam's take-over of the Middle East by 2020, only five years away. Obama has already seemed to have assisted ISIS in that goal by using the most powerful military in the world to topple one dictator at a time in the Middle East, creating leadership vacuums to be filled by the Muslim Brotherhood that will help drop in the puzzle pieces necessary for the shape of the final Caliphate.
Obama, along with Hillary Clinton, already tried to bring Egypt into line with this objective, pushing the Muslim Brotherhood as new rulers of Egypt after their Arab Spring. By doing that, Obama and Clinton would remove a long time friend of America along with a successful relationship for Israel with a rare peaceful Arab country.
But after a few weeks the Egyptian people quickly saw through Obama's Brotherhood and kicked the wicked group out of office. One of the leaders of the United Arab Emirates warned Obama last year about his relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Emirates calling the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR terrorist organizations.
In an order to remove all radicals from its society for the safety of its citizens, Egypt decided to close down 27,000 Mosques that had been a breeding ground for terrorists. It proves that Egypt gets it while the West is handcuffed by the progressive's promise of a faux utopia, a product of failed multiculturalism represented by an image of the lion lying down next to the lamb and not beheading it.
However it was the progressives in Washington D.C. and America's corrupted media that willingly and knowingly ignored the Emirates warning, instead protecting Obama and his radical Brotherhood that's been allowed to roam the halls of our federal government, cleansing documents from agencies that protect America from internal insurrection.

Middle East has more respect for Britain because of Iraq war . . . DailyMail |
As ISIS went unchallenged crossing the desert, it would first enter Iraq and undo all the hard work achieved by 4,000 of our treasures under President George Bush who were wounded or killed trying to give the Iraqi people their freedom. Remember the day of the blue fingers and the joy of the Iraqis? How could you forget, America!
Then ISIS would go after all Christians, including women and children, raping or selling the women into slavery while burying their children alive, if not beheading them first.
This brutality was never a secret from the American people, loaded on the Internet for anyone to see. It was instead downplayed by Obama's corrupt media, ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN, advising Americans who use these outlets as their only news source to . . . Move along, nothing to see here.

ISIS would also decapitate Muslims who didn't support the objective of a new Caliphate as witnessed in the above photo taken from an ISIS promotional video. ISIS was so effective in killing masses of humans that for the first time in 2,000 years Christian worship services could no longer be heard in Northern Iraq, the effect of ISIS literally Biblical in its nature.

Progressives, You Own This!
ISIS would later go after Christian structures, too, removing all references to Christ, or in the case below, a 10th Century Christian Monastery reported to be now laid to waste.
So where is America's Supreme Court that gave Obama his Oath of Office, a court that is doing absolutely nothing to bring this dangerous president to accountability and justice? In fact some have asked does the court still sit, a question brought up in 2009 by the American Thinker.
Did you know the Iraqis who were being murdered and slaughtered had asked foreigners, Do the Americans know this is being done to us? They had remembered our brave and kind soldiers who helped rebuild their schools and return their city streets back to a more normal life.
Well the Americans were not coming. They were never coming, now ruled by a president who was born into a Muslim home, mentored by a Communist through socialist grandparents, and raised around radicals all his life being taught to despise Christians and Jews alike. Obama to this day has been extremely slow to hear their cries for help and justice, be it a jailed Idaho pastor in Iran or praying Jews murdered by Palistinian terrorists.
Citizens who love their country, understanding there is now a divided nation through progressive intent, need to never forget it was Barack Obama who gladly gave a personal crotch salute to America's National Anthem as a candidate for president in 2007 while attending a Democrat fundraiser in Iowa. That action was a direct message to the progressives that he was ready to serve them to help bring America to its knees.
American citizens also need to remember it was Barack Obama who claimed he was a Christian, yet sang the Muslim Call to Prayer in front of an editor for the New York Times when running for office in 2008.
Obama had obviously been so well trained in the Islamic faith that he was able to sing that Muslim Call to Prayer perfectly, EVEN decades after having studied the Koran as a boy.
That was strange because Obama during the 2008 election had claimed to instead be a Christian. One would have therefore thought he might have sung instead a classic hymn such as Amazing Grace. Why? Because that's what Christians sing never having learned the Muslim Call to Prayer in their churches or from their grandparents.
With Obama's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and knowing for sure it was a terrorist group, if not from the warnings of the Emirates at least from the group's rejection by the Egyptian people, Obama has already broken his Oath of Office to protect the Constitution of the United States. He has instead been helping to overthrow it.
And if Hillary is elected president in 2016, assuming Obama will follow the Constitution and leave office on January 20, 2017, she will continue supporting the Brotherhood and its infection of our federal government that now has begun pushing Sharia law onto the states under the banner of multiculturalism, that if you reject Sharia you are a racist.
Even local governments that have rejected the building of large Mosques changing local neighborhoods, have come under pressure from a U.S. Justice Department aligned with the agenda of the Brotherhood.
Watch the video below from two years ago, remembering the Egyptian court has now ruled the Muslim Brotherhood is no longer allowed to operate in Egypt. The documentation should send chills up your spine that the neighborhood you live in could quickly change right under your feet.
You see in 2008 voters didn't elect a president. They elected a progressive slogan promising hope and change, asking while scratching their heads, Exactly what does that mean? Six years later they finally have their answer. - Webmaster
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Want to know just how close the Muslim Brotherhood is to the Obama Administration?" - TheBlaze - Video: URL |
- Surprised? Facebook Blocks 'I Am A Christian' Film Ad As Offensive To Its Membership . . . WND - Read More