Obama Says There Are No Islamic Terrorists
Source: SuckersOnParade |
I've warned you to always watch Obama's other hand: Homeland Security warns of terrorist threat from right-wingers - TruthRevolt |
1.) I Did It Again, Contrary To Good Sense ...
"I'm tired of Obama's haughty elitist demeanor in talking down to those who have legitimate disagreements with Islam. It's so typical of liberals to look down at those who oppose them, as if we are ignorant or stupid low life cretins or Neanderthals. Obama's comments were a sickening and rambling nonsensical lecture.
He stumbled, mumbled and tried to place the blame for radical Islam, in part, on the victims of radical Islamist Jihadists. His solution was more a sociological treatise than facing the reality of radical Islamist Jihadists and their responsibility for their own actions.
Of course Obama went on to blame ISIS for hijacking Islam. I take exception to that thought. ISIS has not perverted Islam. Every thing that ISIS does is clearly stated in the Quran." . . . SuckersOnParade - Read More
2.) Obama: America Must Make Muslims Feel More Comfortable (Like Sharia? Obama in 2009 said Muslims in Western countries should be able to practice their religion as they see fit. - Webmaster)
"Barack Obama, in a column for the Los Angeles Times, tries to explain his position regarding the 'threat' facing the United States, mentioning al Qaeda, ISIL, the massacres at Fort Hood and the Boston Marathon, but in the process, reveals his Marxist leanings, his refusal to acknowledge the religious nature of the threat, his belief in the racism of the United States against Muslims, and ironically, his agreement with George W. Bush that regime change is the answer to the global threat.
Obama begins with his usual self-puffery: 'The United States has made significant gains against terrorism. We've decimated the core al Qaeda leadership, strengthened homeland security and worked to prevent another large-scale attack like 9/11.'" . . . TruthRevolt - Read More
- And The Dirty Old Man Joe Biden, Too. [Biden always has nothing to do, roaming the Halls Of Congress as Obama's "Obey-Me-In-Chief." Obama said he brought Biden on for foreign policy advice. That was an obviously a lie. Obama brought him on because a dumb and dumber VP would be an asset that stays out of the way, no matter how corrupt the politics become. - Webmaster.] . . . DailyCaller - Read More
- How This Phony CIA Agent Pulled Off A ‘Scam’ To Impose Environmental Regulations On Hard-Working Americans . . . DailySignal - Read More
- EPA Under Fire For Concealing Controversial Scientific Data, Silencing Skeptics . . . DailySignal -Read More
- Obama Flashback: Crash And Burn . . . TruthRevolt - Read More
- Congress FINALLY To Investigate Holder's Bank Shakedown Settlements . . . Investor's Business Daily - Read More
3.) Team Obama: We're "Comfortable Doing Business" With Terrorist Group Muslim Brotherhood
"While Egypt got some sense in their heads nearly two years ago and ousted Mohamed Morsi as president and later dissolved the Muslim Brotherhood as a political party in Egypt and declared them a terrorist group, the Obama administration continues to cover for Islam and do business with America's enemies. In fact, they say they are quite "comfortable" doing business with the known Islamic terrorist group.
One day after the brutal murder of a Jordanian pilot by the Islamic State, Barack Obama met with Muslim Brotherhood members at the White House. The press was banned.
Friends, we are not talking about just hosting enemies here. We are talking aiding and abetting America's enemies. That's constitutionally called Treason. To make matters worse, the Obama State Department lied about the Muslim Brotherhood leaders 'organizing and funding' coming from Georgetown University.
According to Adam Kredo at the Washington Free Beacon, Georgetown denied those claims when contacted by WFB. Of course, the meeting did nothing to help relations with the Egyptian government, who has designated the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror group." . . . EagleRising - Read More
4.) Are Terrorists In 2015 Thinking About Finishing 9/11 By Going After The White House, The Original Airliner Crashing In A Field In Pennsylvania? Remember "Let's Roll?"
"Eleven commercial airliners go missing after Islamist terrorists, belonging To 'The Masked Men Brigade' took control of the Tripoli Airport in August 2014. The New York Times [reported the following:]
'The Islamist-backed faction in Libya’s civil conflict said Tuesday that it had carried out its first air strike, targeting opponents in the town of Zintan in an escalation of the violence tearing the country apart.
The attack occurred two days after the Islamic State, the extremist group also known as ISIS or ISIL, released a video showing fighters for one of its Libyan branches beheading as many as 21 Egyptian Christians. In retaliation, Egypt carried out an air strike on Monday against a town in eastern Libya that is a hub of Islamist militancy and the home of another Islamic State branch.
The extent of the damage was unclear. But the attack on Tuesday raised the possibility of an air war between the rival Libyan factions and diminished hopes for United Nations-sponsored talks about ending the conflict. 'This may well upend the U.N.’s mediation efforts,' said Wolfram'" - GatewayPundit - Read More
- Fifty Shades Of Black? "According To Doctors In Syria, ISIS Fighters Are Desperately Trying To Obtain Viagra, Spending Money On Kinky Underwear For Their [Taken] ‘Wives', Then Subjecting Them To ‘Brutal, Abnormal’ Sex Acts" . . . RaqqaIsBeingSlaughteredSilently - Read More
5.) Reverend Franklin Graham: ‘Imagine The Outcry If 21 Muslims Had Been Beheaded By Christians? The Storm is Coming’
"In a statement published in their propaganda magazine, Dabiq, the Islamic State said that in the murder of the 21 Christians it is 'important for Muslims everywhere to know that there is no doubt in the great reward to be found on Judgment Day for those who spill the blood of these Coptic crusaders wherever they may be found ....'
The Dabiq article accuses the Copts, an Orthodox Christian minority dating back to the first century church, of being followers of Pope Shenouda III – head of the church from 1971 until his death in 2012 – and of 'the taghut [idolator] Sisi,' a reference to President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who is also reviled by Islamists." . . . CNSNews - Read More
6.) Dozens Of Wisconsin Homes Vandalized With Anti-Semitic Graffiti
"Thirty homes on the far west side of Madison, Wisconsin, were vandalized Friday night, spray-painted with anti-Semitic graffiti, including swastikas and 'F*** Jews,' obscene drawings, and KKK references. Residents reported the graffiti Saturday morning, with police saying that some 30 homes were involved. Thus far no suspects have been reported, no residents noticing any potential suspects Friday night when the vandalism occurred. The damage is estimated by police to be perhaps more than 'tens of thousands of dollars,' and thus a felonious offense.
The Wisconsin State Journal reports: The graffiti consisted of offensive words and symbols painted on houses, garage doors, cars and mailboxes, police said. Most of the damage was done in the area west of Gammon Road, east of High Point Road and north of Mineral Point Road." . . . TruthRevolt - Read More
7.) Hundreds Of Tombs Defaced In French Jewish Cemetery
"France's interior minister said Sunday several hundred tombs had been defaced at a Jewish cemetery in the northeast of the country, in what he called 'a despicable act.' 'The country will not tolerate this new injury which goes against the values that all French people share,' said Bernard Cazeneuve of the incident in the town of Sarre-Union in the Alsace region.
'Every effort will be made to identify, question and bring to justice the person or persons responsible for this despicable act,' he added. Police had cordoned off the isolated cemetery late Sunday as crime scene investigators were sent from Strasbourg to the site, an AFP correspondent reported. 'Around 300 tombs have been defaced,' said a source close to the investigation, adding that there had been no reports of anything written on the tombstones." . . . YahooNews - Read More
8.) The Progressive Media Is So Confident In Its Bias It Doesn't Even Try To Hide Its Third Reich Mirror Image: CNN Executive Called Out Over Hosting Dinner For Obamas
"During a CNN internal town hall Tuesday, network chief Jeff Zucker said it’s not a conflict of interest for an executive of the network to host the president and First Lady in their home, an insider familiar with the event told TheWrap.
Responding to an anonymous email question from a CNN staffer regarding an unnamed D.C. executive who hosted the Obamas — along with other parents of Sidwell Friends School [in D.C.] — in their home for dinner, Zucker said there’s no issue." . . . TheWrap - Read More
9.) Under Obama's Watch Progressive Media Says, "What Bias?" Los Angeles Times Teams Up With Illegal Immigrant Journalist On Editorial Project
"Los Angeles Times officials are partnering with Jose Vargas, an openly illegal immigrant, for a new editorial venture. The project is 'a multimedia platform which will explore the evolving American identity in the 21st century,' read a release.
Vargas is an outspoken activist for immigration reform, particularly reform that would include amnesty for the millions of immigrants living illegally in the U.S. He is also a veteran journalist who came out in 2011 as an unlawful American resident.
A Times spokeswoman told the Washington Examiner media desk that Vargas is not joining the publication in an activist role, but strictly as a journalist. His nonprofit Define American is not involved in the project, the spokeswoman said." . . . WashingtonExaminer - Read More
10.) The 'Consummate' Bias Of The [Democrat's] New York Times. Even The Sports Section Has A Liberal Bent
"A page one (above the fold) story that covers a full inside page, reports that 'Jeb Bush Used Connections Freely When Father Was in Washington.' He wrote asking staffers to be certain that his father visited Florida often, asked for the names of officials to whom he could direct requests on behalf of Floridians, undoubtedly building a political base for himself. Is that a story warranting page-1-plus-full-page coverage?
I suppose it was another more realistic era when Franklin Roosevelt’s sons used their connection with their father to wrest preferential treatment from the government, and his wife pushed her own agenda on a president wise enough to know when to ignore her. So no mention of that historic fact.
Perhaps too long ago to be worth mentioning. As was Hillary Clinton’s use of her husband’s presidency to advance her own agenda and the careers of friends and associates. But, hey, those were Democrats. No, so far as the New York Times is concerned, Jeb Bush is unique in using a close relative to burnish his own electoral credentials." . . . WeeklyStandard - Read More
11.) How Jon Stewart Turned Lies Into Comedy And Brainwashed An American Generation To Believe It Didn't Need To Look Any Further For The News. [Stewart would become the inventor of, "Move On, Nothing To See Here." HaHa to the Dumbing Down of Americans? - Webmaster]
"Yet Stewart uses his funnyman status as a license to dispense with even the most minimal journalistic standards. Get both sides of the story? Hey, I’m just a comedian, man. Try to be responsible about what the real issues are? Dude, that’s too heavy, we just want to set up the next d- -k joke.
Stewart is often derided by the right as having minimal impact and low ratings. That’s not true. He and Stephen Colbert ruled the late-night ratings among 18- to 34-year-olds for most of the last five years, though Jimmy Fallon has lately surpassed both. About 522,000 Americans in that age range watch 'The Daily Show' on an average night, but that means many millions of occasional viewers, with millions more watching clips online.
To a key audience, he was a strong influence. Longtime Cooper Union history professor Fred Siegel says his students constantly came to him repeating Stewart’s talking points." [As if They were the truth.] . . . NewYorkPost - Read More
12.) Evolution Makes Atheists Out Of People
"Out on ministry at churches, our speakers often encounter anguished parents (and grandparents) lamenting that their children now reject the faith in which they were raised. If you too are a parent with this same angst, I remind you that Adam and Eve failed even with the best possible raising from God Himself, as well as enjoying perfect health and living in paradise. And Judas Iscariot remained unsaved despite three years with the best teacher ever: Jesus Himself.
Having said that, there is a common pattern in many apostasies—exposure to evolution. 1.) This teaches that Scripture is not the final authority; rather, uniformitarian ‘science’ is. And if this same ‘science’ also teaches that virgins don’t conceive and dead men don’t rise, can you see where this would lead to unbelief? Evolution also teaches that death has been around for millions of years, which contradicts the biblical teaching that death is the result of sin. This undermines the Gospel, because if death has no connection with sin, then how could Christ’s death pay for our sin?
2.) One Australian biology student, Kevin B., is just one of many with this too common testimony: 'I was brought up in public schools that taught the evolutionary worldview. There seemed to be no room for Genesis in it and so I began to doubt the Word of God. There were no answers to be found in my church and the Christians I knew just wanted to ignore my questions. Or they would tell me to just have faith. It didn’t make sense to me. If it was all true then reality should reflect that. So I fell away from God.'” . . . CreationRevolution - Read More
13.) Don't Believe The Above? Try This Story On Progressive Fascists: Student Reprimanded For Saying “God Bless America.”
"A Florida high school student was disciplined after a national atheist organization took offense when he concluded the morning announcements by saying 'God Bless America.'
A spokesperson for the Nassau County School District told me the student at Yulee High School deviated from the approved script on the morning of Feb. 9th and uttered the words 'God Bless America' -- apparently causing angst among two atheist students.
'It wasn’t part of the scripted morning announcements,' district spokesperson Sharyl Wood said. 'The principal took the appropriate steps in speaking with the student and disciplining the student.'
Disciplining the student? What’s the penalty these days for asking God to bless America – 30 lashes? Instead of reporting their angst to the principal, the atheist students reached out to the American Humanist Association. The AHA’s legal arm – the Appignani Humanist Legal Center -- fired off a testy letter to the principal and school district on the students’ behalf." . . . FOXNews - Read More
- Uh Oh! What Will Atheists Do? No Big Bang? Quantum Equation Predicts Universe Has No Beginning. [With No Beginning, There Is No Evolution. - Webmaster.] . . . Phys.org - Read More
- Common Core Is Global Reeducation Indoctrination From The United Nations . . . NowTheEndBegins - Read More
14.) Obamacare Co-Ops Cost Taxpayers $17,000 Per Enrollee
"More than 500,000 people enrolled in health plans offered by nonprofit insurance companies created under the Affordable Care Act. And with the co-ops receiving an average of $108.7 million from the federal government, taxpayer-backed funding per enrollee topped $17,000.
Twenty-three co-ops received a total of $2.5 billion from the federal government and enrolled more than 520,000 people in plans through September. However, an analysis conducted by The Daily Signal published yesterday found that just one, Maine Community Health Options, was profitable last year.
Using the latest quarterly filings for 22 co-ops, The Daily Signal examined how much money (in federal dollars) co-ops received per consumer who enrolled in a group or individual plan. On average, each co-op received $17,344 from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services per enrollee. Data for New Jersey’s co-op, Health Republic Insurance of New Jersey, was not available." . . . DailySignals - Read More
- Chicken-Little Democrats Seek Relief From Health Law Penalties None Of Them Took Time To Read Under The Fog Of Pelosi's Acceptable Collateral Damage To Their Useful Idiots . . . AP - Read More
- Hey Barack, Ever Heard Of Testing? Obama Administration Sent 800,000 HealthCare.gov Customers Incorrect Tax Forms . . . FOXNews - Read More - (See video on right.)
15.) Mark Cuban Terrified Of What The FCC Could Do
"One of the most vocal owners in professional sports did not mince words when asked for his thoughts of the debate over net neutrality at a conference Wednesday. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is set to vote on the reforms later this month.
'That will f**k everything up,' said Mark Cuban at the Code/Media conference in Laguna Niguel, Calif, Re/Code reported. Cuban is the owner of the National Basketball Association’s (NBA) Dallas Mavericks and co-host of ABC’s Shark Tank.
Later this month, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will vote on a proposal by the group’s chairman, Tom Wheeler, that will reclassify the Internet as a Title II telecommunications service based on the Telecommunications Act of 1934–like a public utility." . . . WesternJournalism - Read More
16.) Socialist Billionaire 1% Bloomberg's 'Moms Demand Action:' NRA Normalizes Unsafe Behaviors Like Open Carry
"According to Mom’s Demand Action, the open carry push is the NRA’s fault and is creating a “slippery slope” into chaos and danger. Moms Demand Action claims open carry is bad for 'children and families,' that it makes it harder for people to ascertain who is and is not a member of law enforcement, and that it makes shopping at Kroger difficult. And this is all the fault of the NRA because they dared point out that 'the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.'
However, Moms Demand Action also inadvertently discloses the truth about open carry by admitting that 'open carry is legal is over 40 states.' Breitbart News previously reported that it is legal in 44 states, with various state and local stipulations. And Moms Demand Action is all worked up because Texas is on track to become number 45." . . . Breitbart - Read More
- "Obama's[Racist] Bloomberg: Don’t Distribute The Footage Where I Said Let’s Take Guns Away From Minorities." . . . Minutemennews - Read More
17.) Filling A Vacuum: Martin Luther Playmobil Toy Is Fastest-Selling Of All Time
"The plastic toy, complete with a quill, German-language bible and cheery grin, was produced for the German and Nuremberg tourist boards and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria, as Germany gears up to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017:" - Newsweek |
"The intense demand for the toy has confounded Playmobil, with a spokesperson describing the success as 'a big mystery [and] a huge surprise.' The only other German figure which matches Luther’s strong sales is the German painter and artist Albrecht Düreranother, whose toy sold 80,000 pieces over three years.
Astid Mühlmann, director of the governmental office preparing for the 500th anniversary of the start of the Reformation, thinks that education might be behind the toy’s popularity. 'There’s quite an interest in looking back to our history. Parents want to make sure their children grow up knowing who he is because he had such an impact on how society evolved in Europe.'" . . . Newsweek - Read More
- Carly Unplugged: Fiorina takes aim at liberal elitism, politics’ glass ceiling! . . . WashingtonTimes - Read More
- Microscopic Drones Could Be Used To Seek Out Arteries To Prevent Heart Attacks [Or allow progressive radicals in the federal government to promote euthanasia!] . . . TelegraphUK - Read More
- Why Other Countries Could Become The Moral Authority Of The World, Filling A Vacuum Left By A Growing Obscene Pagan America: South Korean Pastor’s ‘Drop Box’ Saves Hundreds of Unwanted, But ‘Perfect’ Lives . . . DailySignal - Read More