"Still Get Your News From The Liberals Of The Democrat Party?"

New York Times CEO: Progressve Liberal Media Darling, Mark Thompson.   Photo Source:  The Wrap   CNN CEO: Progressve Liberal Media Darling, Jeff Zucker.   Photo Source:  Breitbart   ABC CEO: Progressve Liberal Media Darling, Bob Inger.   Photo Source:  Seattle Times   CBS CEO: Progressve Liberal Media Darling, Leslie Moonves.   Photo Source: Townhall    Media Matters David Brock: Discover the Networks   MSNBC & NBC / Comcast CEO: Progressve Liberal Media Darling, Brian Roberts.   Photo Source: KOMO News   Huffington Post: Progressve Liberal Media Darling, Arianna Huffington.   Photo Source: TheGuardian
New York Times CNN ABC CBS Media Matters Comcast / NBC HuffPo / AOL

The New York Times believes its ideology is more important than what America's Founders had envisioned, writing: "But that view is myopic. In some respects, Mr. Obama is far more experienced than other presidential candidates." - Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times, March 6, 2007



The Shepp Report

A Summary Of The Week's Conservative News

January 18, 2015




Conservative News Stories
- Reviewing over 60 conservative Web sites for the week's news, every week. -
How many more conservative news stories were buried this week by the Progressive Media?


Obama's Continuous Terrorist Nation

"From the murder of the Israeli athletes in the Munich Olympics in 1972, through the murder of 5 rabbis at prayer in 2014, the Palestinian cause has been driven by TERROR." - Bill Whittle
Video Source: TruthRevolt (Video URL)



Carter's Anti-Zionism . . .

. . . And a thumbnail view of history with the Mongols - MichaelSavage
Video Source: MichaelSavage (Video URL)

Jimmy Carter Blames Israel For Paris Terror Attacks - MinutemenNews

While Australian Prime Minister Infuriates ISIS . . . WesternJournalism



Silence Of The Dogs

"Tim Blair  awards a yellow sash to the hypocrites who said that those who committed the murders in France have nothing to do with the Muslim religion.  It was a close-run thing, but in the end an Australian leftist came up with the single most pathetic and cowardly response to last week’s Islamic terrorist atrocities in France." - http://blogs.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/timblair/index.php/dailytelegraph/comments/silence_of_the_dogs/
Graphic Source: WindsOfJihad
Article Source: DailyTelegraph

Progressive MSNBC's Maddow "Proudly" Shows ‘Piss Christ’ Photo in 2011 Then So Not To Offend Passes On Any Cartoon After Terrorist Attack On ‘Charlie Hebdo’ in 2015

"On MSNBC Tuesday night Rachel Maddow described the cover of the latest edition of Charlie Hebdo because, 'NBC News will not allow us to show it to you.' A different perspective than Maddow and MSNBC had in 2011 when showing the image of the 'Piss Christ' photo by Andres Serrano.

'The reason I’m describing it to you rather than showing it to you [. . . Wait For It . . .] is because we operate under NBC News rules and NBC News will not allow us to show it to you.'” . . . CNSNews - Read More

- What A Corrupted Media Looks Like: MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Worries About 'Far-Right' Response To France . . . MRCTV - Read More (See video on right.)

- Hillary’s Paris Blunder . . . DickMorris - Read More

- But A Dutch Mayor Sees It Differently, Reflecting The Living Hell He's Experiencing: Jihadists To “F*** Off” On Live Television . . . PopularMilitary - Read More

North Carolina's Duke University Follows America's First Muslim President's Call To Prayer (Calls from Alumni shut it down.)

"Young America’s Foundation called and emailed Duke University’s associate dean of religious life, Christy Lohr Sapp, for comment but has yet to hear back." - Breitbart

"In a new initiative to promote religious pluralism, Duke University will broadcast the Muslim call to prayer every Friday on campus. The call to prayer—also known as “adhan”—will be chanted by the Duke Muslim Student Association.

The prayer itself is set to start this Friday at 1:00 p.m. and will be broadcast and amplified from the Chapel bell tower on campus. As campuses continue to foster political correctness, they use it as a way to favor religions seemingly at war with Western Civilization and Judeo-Christian beliefs." . . . Breitbart - Read More

(Don't forget what these nutty professors did with the LaCrosse Team over a lie! Now return Chick-Fil-A to the campus, chased off by Duke's progressive fascists. - Webmaster)

- Surprise, Surprise, Folks! Little To Learn From 2010 Duke / University Of North Carolina Study Of Anti-Terror Lessons . . . InvestigativeProject

- Columbia Student Urges ‘Free-Speech Renewal’ In 2015 . . . FIRE - Read More

- Firestorm As Colorado School Forces Students To Wear Islamic Dress On Class Trip To Mosque . . . NowTheEndBegins - Read More

- Multicultural Suicide . . . WindsOfJihad - Read More

CNN Editor Blames France For Attacks, Compares Muslims In France To Blacks In Ferguson

"On Wednesday, CNN religion editor Daniel Burke compared the plight of Muslims in France to that of blacks in Ferguson, Missouri- two groups who the left is quick to allege are downtrodden. When Burke was asked if the supposedly-poor treatment of Muslims in France played a role in the terrorist attacks, Burke responded,

'I think it’s kind of like what we saw in Ferguson. That this was a kind of, in some ways, the tinder that lit the spark, but the embers were already burning. There is a prevailing feeling in France among many Muslims that they are not treated as part of the state at large. France has a very proud, very long secular history, and it’s not always done the best of integrating any of its religious minorities, French Muslims included.'" . . . TPNN (See video on right.) - Read More

- While CNN's Tapper Is On Ratings Win Streak, Jumps Viewers 75% . . . WashingtonExaminer - Read More

Nancy Pelosi To Name First Muslim Lawmaker To House Intelligence Committee

"Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced in a closed-door meeting Tuesday she would name the first Muslim lawmaker to the House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

A senior Democratic aide said Rep. André Carson of Indiana would be named in the 'coming days' to the key national security-focused panel. Pelosi (D-Calif.) told lawmakers of the appointment during the members’ weekly caucus meeting. Carson would be the first Muslim to serve on the committee and was the second Muslim to be elected to Congress. He already serves on the Armed Services Committee and worked for the Department of Homeland Security’s Fusion Center." . . . Politico - Read More

- Democratic Mayor Of Syracuse Appoints Nation Of Islam Minister To School Board . . . DailyCaller - Read More

- White House: Obama Will Fight Media To Stop Anti-Jihad Articles Because They Might Cause Jihad . . . DailyCaller - Read More

- Obama's DOJ, Eric Holder, Balks At Declaring War Against Radical Islam . . . TruthRevolt - Read More

- Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire: Obama White House Says Only 6.8% Of Gitmo Detainees Have Returned To Terrorism . . . GatewayInstitute - Read More

Oxford University Press Bans Pigs From Children’s Books As Not To Insult Muslims Or Jews

"No word on whether this or any of the other little piggies were eligible for unemployment." - Truth Revolt

"Instructions by the educational publisher 'prohibits authors from including anything that could be perceived as pork-related in their books.' The Daily Mail reports that the latest of example of political correctness gone berserk was revealed on Tuesday 'during a discussion about free speech on Radio 4’s Today programme.'

The published made the decision 'to avoid offense among Jews and Muslims,' but without consulting with Jews and Muslims. For example, while Jewish law forbids eating pork, reading about pigs or pork is allowable. In fact, so is playing with an American football if it is made from pigskin." . . . TruthRevolt - Read More

- False Solidarity: Major American News Outlets Refuse To Publish Charlie Hebdo Cartoon . . . Breitbart - Read More

Muslim Leaders To Hold ‘Stand With The Prophet’ Rally In Texas

“Muslim leaders from across America will gather in Texas this weekend to hold the annual Stand With the Prophet in Honor and Respect conference, a weekend forum that is being billed as a “movement to defend Prophet Muhammad, his person, and his message,” according to event information.

The Saturday event, which seeks to combat ‘Islamophobes in America’ who have turned the Islamic Prophet Muhammad ‘into an object of hate,’ according to organizers, comes just a week after radicalized Islamists in France killed 17 people.

The victims died in events that began with the shooting attack on French newspaper Charlie Hebdo for its satirical cartoons that skewered the prophet. Organizers of the event place the blame for Islam’s bad reputation on the media and so-called American Islamophobes who have “invested at least $160 million dollars to attack our Prophet and Islam,” according to the conference web page.” . . . FreeBeacon - Read More

- Do They Know What America's Muslim-Raised President Is Doing To America?! Majority Of British Jews Believe They Have No Long-Term Future In Europe . . . TruthRevolt - Read More

- Franklin Graham: America's ‘Culture of Death’ Stems From a 'Sinful, Godless Worldview That Rejects Christ’ . . . CNSNews - Read More

- More Than Franklin Realizes: Proof College Students Support Post-Birth Abortion . . . TheCollegeFix - Read More

Merkel Condemns “Hate,” Then German Newspaper Burned

"Police in Germany have detained two men suspected of an arson attack early today against a newspaper that republished the cartoons of French weekly Charlie Hebdo. The newspaper Hamburger Morgenpost said on its website the overnight arson attack destroyed several files in its archive, but didn’t injure anyone.

Hamburg police said it had detained the two young men near the newspaper building. Police spokeswoman Karina Sadowsky told the AP that several stones and a Molotov cocktail were found in the newspaper’s archive in the basement of the building. She didn’t identify or give any further details about the suspects." . . . PoliticalOutcast - Read More

- Germany Bracing For Islamic Terror . . . GatestoneInstitute - Read More

- Al Qaeda In Yemen Commander Claims Responsibility For Charlie Hebdo Attack . . . FOXNews - Read More

Another Copenhagen Christian Couple Beaten By Gang Of Muslim Youth

"Apparently, Mads’ decision to respond to the heckler set him off. Nanna says that after Mads spoke, the cyclist got off his bike and jumped on her boyfriend then hitting him on the head with a bottle. At the same time several other black men came up out of a basement area holding iron chains and joined the assault on Mads." - Eagle Rising

"A Christian couple were viciously beaten by a gang of young Muslim men on Christmas Eve in what may have been a racially/religiously motivated attack. This didn’t happen in the “Islamic World”. It didn’t happen on the streets of an Iraqi town or near a Christian enclave in Egypt. It happened in the city of Copenhagen, in Denmark.

On Christmas Eve, a young Danish couple, Nanna Woodsman and her boyfriend Mads, were heading home from celebrating Christmas with his family. It was late, near midnight, and the couple was tired from their holiday merriment. They had not gone far when a young man of 16 – 17 years old, who appeared to be Somali, rode up on them on a bicycle. The couple says that they immediately realized something was wrong and that the young man was acting 'confrontational.'” . . . EagleRising - Read More

Christians Couple, Parents Of Four Children With Mother Pregnant, Burned Alive By Muslim Mob In Pakistan . . . Because Of A False Blasphemy Accusation

"Bibi, a mother of four who was four months pregnant, was wearing an outfit that initially didn't burn, according to Javed Maseeh. The mob removed her from over the kiln and wrapped her up in cotton to make sure the garments would be set alight." - Gatestone Institute

"In Pakistan, 'A mob accused of burning alive a Christian couple in an industrial kiln in Pakistan allegedly wrapped a pregnant mother in cotton so she would catch fire more easily, according to family members who witnessed the attack,' reported NBC News:

Sajjad Maseeh, 27, and his wife Shama Bibi, 24, were set upon by at least 1,200 people after rumors circulated that they had burned verses from the Quran, family spokesman Javed Maseeh told NBC News via telephone late Thursday. Their legs were also broken so they couldn't run away.

'They picked them up by their arms and legs and held them over the brick furnace until their clothes caught fire," he said. "And then they threw them inside the furnace.'" . . . GatestoneInstitute - Read More

Radical Islamic Jihadi Army Carries Out The Second-Deadliest Terrorist Attack In History

"There are reports that the jihadi army is now using young girls as suicide bombers. Their barbarism and despicable tactics know no bounds." - Charismanews

"As the world has watched the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris, France, last week, as radical Islamic jihadis murdered over a dozen innocent civilians and struck at the very heart of freedom, another terrorist group carried out what is being called the "second-deadliest terrorist attack in modern history."

Boko Haram, a radical Islamic jihadi army similar in its barbaric tactics to ISIS—the Islamic State—which I've written about many times, literally exterminated an entire city in northern Nigeria. They slaughtered an estimated 2,000 innocent human beings.

In an indescribable killing spree, Boko Haram destroyed the city of Baga, burning Christian churches and murdering thousands. One individual who escaped the massacre told international media, "I escaped with my family in the car after seeing how Boko Haram was killing people ... I saw bodies in the street. Children and women, some were crying for help." . . . Charismanews - Read More

- America's First Lady Must Be Really Upset That Brave Hashtag She Made Last Year Wasn't Paid Attention To By Muslim Kidnappers. While She Was On Christmas Vacation In Hawaii Boko Haram Was Forcing Little Girls To Be Human Bombs For Killing More Christians. But Don't Worry. Your Husband's Media Is Being Sure Few Americans Will Know . . . GatewayPundit - Read More

- Muslims Slaughter 1000s Of Blacks In Nigeria. Anyone Seen MSNBC's Sharpton? . . . ClashDaily - Read More

Then Back In the U.S. Atheists Force North Carolina City To Remove Sculpture of Soldier Kneeling Before Cross

FOXNews8 Reported The Story.

"Until a few days ago, a war memorial in a public park in North Carolina included a metal sculpture depicting a soldier kneeling in prayer before a cross. But city officials voted to remove the sculpture to settle a lawsuit claiming the artwork promoted Christianity.

King, a small city of about 6,000 people 15 miles north of Winston-Salem, dedicated the memorial about a decade ago. But the statue was removed Tuesday night, immediately after The King city council voted 3-2 to end the lawsuit. Now, an empty hole can be seen where the statue once stood." . . . MinutemenNews - Read More

- It’s Called A ‘Snaketivity Scene,’ And It Was On Display At Michigan's State Capitol Just In Time For Christmas . . . TheBlaze - Read More (Watch video.)

- Crotch-Salute President, Obama, Allowed Payment Of $5 Billion And Released 5 Taliban Prisoners For Deserter Bergdahl . . . GatewayPundit - Read More (See video on right.)

- Bradley Cooper Responds to Arrogant Lefty, Anti-War Criticism Of ‘American Sniper’ . . . DailyBeast - Read More

- However David Barton Wins Million-Dollar Defamation Suit . . . WND - Read More

- And More: Indiana Joins Growing Number Of States Pushing Civics Exam To Graduate High School . . . DailySignal - Read More

New York Police Barred From Vacation Until Arrests Increase

"Across New York City, policemen are being put on notice by higher ups, get back to business as usual, or no vacations, or sick days, according to reports. And borough commanders want to see the proof. 'Throughout the city, precincts are being ordered to hand up to borough commanders ‘activity sheets’ indicating the number of arrests and summonses per shift.'”

Said one union source, according to the New York Post, 'Police officers around the city are now threatened with transfers, no vacation time and sick time unless they write summonses.'” . . . Breitbart - Read More

- Liam Neeson, Mr. Shoot Them Up, Pushes For More Gun Control In U.S.?!. . . TruthRevolt - Read More

- D.C. Mayor Proudly Proclaims She ‘Hates Guns,’ Promises ‘Most Restrictive’ Policy Possible . . . WesternJournalism - Read More

- Democrat Presidential Candidate Frees Crackhead Who Beat 78-Year Old Woman To Death From Death Row . . . FrontPage - Read More

Retired Professor Turns Whistleblower On Climate Change

"While much of the debate over climate change surrounds whether or not it is occurring, one glaciologist and retired professor says the real issue is that the topic is being used as a political pawn to siphon money and votes.

Dr. Terry Hughes, in an interview with The College Fix, said researchers want to keep federal funding for climate change alive, and politicians want to earn environmentalist votes, and both predict global pandemonium to that end.

Hughes, a professor emeritus of earth sciences and climate change at the University of Maine, said for years his colleagues urged him to be in lockstep with former Vice President Al Gore – 'the drum major in the parade denouncing global warming as an unmitigated disaster,' he told The College Fix.

But Hughes – who believes global warming is actually a good thing because more carbon dioxide is good for the environment in many ways – said he does not want to march to that beat." . . . TheCollegeFix - Read More

- Earth’s CO2 Levels Pass Global Warming ‘Milestone’ . . . And Nothing Happens . . . DailyCaller - Read More


- Click on bottom right icon for full screen. Use 'esc' to return -

Progressive Snaketivity Scene
"Courtesy of the Detroit Chapter of the Satanic Temple, the curious alternative to traditional Nativity scenes features a snake twisting itself around the Satanic cross and offering a book called 'Revolt of the Angels' as a gift." - TheBlaze (Video URL)


This just ought not to happen in the United States?
"A good man – a husband and father and grandfather -- was fired from his job because his boss objected to his religious beliefs." - FOXNews (Video URL)


Senator Marco Rubio . . .
". . . speaks out about breakdown of the American family" - FOXNews (Video URL)


Trey Gowdy . . .
" . . . just gave a speech for the ages." - EagleRising (Video URL)


Obama Threw Away $5 Billion Taxpayer Dollars For Deserter Bergdahl
"Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer, author of The Last Line, and Ret. Col. David Hunt joined Bill O’Reilly to give an update on the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap. Lt. Colonel Shaffer told Bill the Obama administration paid $5 billion and released five top Taliban Gitmo detainees in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl." - GatewayPundit, December 22, 2014 (Video URL)


Dakota Meyer, . . .
" . . . Metal Of Honor Recipient, denounces Obama Administration - PopularMilitary (Video URL)


Brigitte Gabriel, . . .
. . . a moderate Muslim, is concerned in this FOX Interview why Obama protects radical Islam. In this article, MediaMatters uses this video to protect Obama again, this Internet news org totally ignoring Obama's promise in his Cairo 2009 speech that Muslims should be able to practice their religion (Sharia) as they see fit in "Western" countries. (Note: Western countries = U.S.) - MediaMatters (Video URL)


Representative Zeldin Asks . . .
"Where was my president?! - FOXNews / JudgeJeanine (Video URL)


America's Progressive Media At It Again

What, Europeans objective to brutal Muslim murders and the American progressive media thinks that's offensive? It seems progressives would prefer those murdered to first lie down and then not complain when they're shot but instead say thank you. - Webmaster

"MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell on Wednesday highlighted "the rise of the right-wing" as one of the most serious threats facing Europe in the wake of France's terror attack. She also lectured viewers about why MSNBC wouldn't be showing the cover of the new Charlie Hebdo issue featuring Muhammad." - MRCTV (Video URL)


America's Progressive Media At It Again
"CNN Editor Blames France for Attacks, Compares Muslims in France to Blacks in Ferguson." - TPNN (Video URL)
Wonder if George Soros also throws money at CNN, too? George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action - WashingtonTimes - Read More


NBC And MSNBC News . . .
Surprise, surprise, boys and girls: "Report Exposes Political Bias at Comcast-Owned NBC & MSNBC News." - TruthRevolt (Video URL)


While Muslim Terrorists Kill Real Journalists, Wonder Why They Leave American Progressive Apologist Alone?

"The Soviet Union under Stalin or the Nazis under Hitler or the Stasi in East Germany – what do they control? They control information. And who do they try to eliminate? Journalists or people who speak the truth," he said. - CBN (Video URL)


Germany's Angela Merkel . . .
" . . . joins Pro-Nazi Muslim Brotherhood at German Rally - GatewayPundit (Video URL)


Ben Shapiro . . .
"Fracking Saved the Obama Economy." - TruthRevolt (Video URL)


When OPEC Gets Angry, You Know We're Doing Something Right!

"OPEC wants to crush Fracking!" - PriceOfOil (Video URL)


OMG, More? Lena Dunham . . .
. . . claims she stopped using Twitter because of 'deranged Neocons'" - MRCTV (Video URL)


Seahawks’ Promote . . . Obamacare!
"In a new ad for the Obama Regime, Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson and cornerback Richard Sherman are urging viewers to 'make the right call' by signing up for Obamacare, Obama’s tyrannical takeover of the healthcare industry." - ClashDaily (Video URL)





"THE KING'S DREAMS: Obama's inner thought world and what it portends for his final 2 years as president." - WhistleBlower, January 2015

"Get special discounts on quantity purchases of your favorite Whistleblower issues. For more information or to order at quantity discounts, please call WND Customer Service toll-free at 1-800-496-3266 (1-800-4WND-COM) or email [email protected]." - WND (Video URL)





An American NOT In Paris

A Message From The Trifecta - PJTV

Source: PJTV (Video URL)

OMG, This Is So Damn Embarrassing. And One Percenter, Kerry, Is To Out Of Touch He Doesn't Even Get It! Kerry Brings James Taylor to Serenade French With 'You've Got a Friend' . . . WeeklyStandard

The Real Scandals Of The Paris March - FrontPage - Read More


"Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino blasted President Obama’s decision to blame security concerns for his decision not to attend an anti-terrorism rally in Paris." - MinutemenNews

Just Playing Through, Again?

Thanks for the heads-up to Bill of Florida

Obama Chose Sports Over Historic Anti-Terror Rally - TruthRevolt - Read More

“Does He Take Responsibility for ANYTHING?”: Former Secret Service Agent Blasts Obama - MinutemenNews - Read More

America's Military: A Conservative Institution's Uneasy Cultural Evolution - Military Times - Read More

Apparent Islamic State Backers Hack U.S. Military Twitter Feed . . . Reuters - Read More



- The Tool Of Impeachment -


Obama's hand placement during the playing of the Naitonal Anthem at a 2007 Democrat summer fundraiser in Iowa has been named by some in the military, "The Obama Crotch Salure."

Obama signals progressives in 2007:
Their messiah had arrived.
Watch actual event during the playing of the National Anthem

| The United States Flag: Federal Law Relating To Display And FAQs | U.S. Flag Code |

Looking around America today, George Bailey did get his wish.

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Louis Fox's Free Range Studios, which produced Grocery Store Wars, has produced over 70 issue-related shorts. His 'virally' popular 2003 hit, 'The Meatrix,' won awards at the Webbys, SXSW, Ottawa Animation Festival, and Holland Animation Festival among others. Fox lives in San Francisco.

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Western North Carolina




Defining The Low-Information Voter

This domain collects news stories each week to help make it easy for anyone to learn what's going on around them. Either we wise up or we give up.

Too many of the Americans in this May 2013 video had a problem understanding what a Benghazi was, maybe a new popular drink at a local bar near Times Square? It proves that the mainstream media has morphed into the useless media, one that Washington, Jefferson and Adams would have probably spit on.

Why? Because with today's information technology, our media has no excuse for not having the details of a news story that would help educate the general public with their right to know the truth. Video source - FOXNews (Video URL)



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What will America look like under a second Obama presidency?  If you don't have a clue, you better find one! Check alpha by state/city where this film is playing before November 6, 2012. Unofficial bio of Gerald R. Molen. A picture is worth a thousand words!  This photo was not actually aT the White House, but, regardless of WHERE it was taken, the fact is that he cancelled the National Day of Prayer, said that we are no longer a Christian nation, and has no problem taking part in Muslim prayer.  U.S. President Barack Obama bows to Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio at MacDill Air Force Base on January 28, 2010, in Tampa, Florida.   Iorio had honored CAIR annually in Tampa with its own day in November 2008, acknowledging the large amout of Muslims living in the area. "Ayers, now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, claims to abhor nostalgia ("Nothing is more boring than some old person going on and on about the way things used to be"). But he has been thinking lately about the past—both his and the country's—and soon he will likely be engaged in what he calls "a dialogue" about the sixties, the antiwar movement, and the radical life he led. The spur for this dialogue will be the publication of Fugitive Days (Beacon Press, $24), a memoir Ayers has written about the trajectory of his life, from a pampered son of the Chicago suburbs to a young pacifist to a founder of one of the most radical political organizations in U.S. history."  Allow video to download and start in Window's Media player. “The North American jet that flew Obama and his traveling crew around for much of the primary season was refurbished with new seats and power for each passenger a must on the campaign trail. And the plane that once had an American flag on its tail now sports the Obama ‘O.’”