Date: January 14, 2015
What Most Americans Might Want Vs. What Is Handed Them
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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Progressive Media . . . "It Ain' t News Until We Say It Is!"
The Wonderful Enlightenment Of Truth . . .
Attitude Is Everything. Your destination for inspiration. - SimpleTruths |
Video Source: YouTube / SimpleTruths |
TKS for the heads-up to Len of Canada, eh? |
. . . Vs. The Bondage Of Progressive Lies.
A cheating entertainment media . . .
The Web of Lies: [ America's role models? ] - People Magazine |
Graphic Source: People Magazine, February 17, 2014, Page 29 - The Scoop |
. . . in bed with a lying government.
Top U.S. Officials No-Shows At Paris Unity Rally. Won't Show Solidarity Against Muslim Terrorist Attack in France - NYDailyNews |
The following quote is what one might expect from a Harvard graduate, raised by a family of communists. - Webmaster
"'Part of this job is the theater of it,' Obama said last summer amid criticism that he had gone golfing just minutes after speaking about the beheading of an American journalist in Syria. 'It's not something that comes naturally to me. But it matters. And I'm mindful of that.'" - Quote source: AOL |
2015: Year Of Impeachment? |

| The United States Flag: Federal Law Relating To Display And FAQs | U.S. Flag Code |
Looking around America today, George Bailey did get his wish.
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It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society - J. Krishnamurti
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Obama's 1990 article - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.” | Print Page |
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Western North Carolina
Defining The Low-Information Voter |
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Background photo source: President George Washington
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