To The Republican Winners Of 2014
Can You Show Us Your Light?
In the end could it be better to have a Democrat representative in office you know will lie rather than Republican who will say they won't? - Webmaster
I remember what Dr. Carl Mumpower of Western North Carolina went through in the election of 2008 with the local socialist media for his keeping a promise to honor our founder's principles when he was running on a Conservative platform for the U.S. House of Representatives.
Dr. Mumpower had refused to take funds from the North Carolina GOP because he believed its establishment political party was no different in its foundation than the DNC . . . those GOP members at that time already lovingly referred to as the RINOs.
2008 was also the year progressive American voters supported a candidate for the office of president, who had already given our National Anthem his personal crotch-salute, a middle finger to our patriots.
It would therefore be no surprise when this candidate, Barack Obama, was elected president he would later allow the outdoor WWII Memorial on the National Mall in Washington D.C. to be chained shut with approval of his liberal Democrats in Congress, or his calling our soldiers murdered in a Jihad on American soil victims of "workplace violence."
This was while the mainstream progressive media, from ABC to CNN, had done its part in getting Obama elected in 2008 through purposely burying from the public that this radical candidate had been raised around communists. This would later explain all the lies discovered from the media; from Obama actually knowing Bill Ayers quite well when Obama served as President of the Chicago CAC to Obama receiving help from the Communist New Democrat Party to win the Illinois Senate seat that would lead to his run for president.
The local Gannet-owned newspaper in Western North Carolina sneered at Dr Mumpower's values, being sure he would be mocked as having "NoPower" while the newspaper "that serves the mountains" supported a Democrat candidate showered with election funds dished out by Nancy Pelosi back in Washington D.C., that included donations from the socialist billionaire George Soros and that used fascist techniques against American businesses when they didn't go along with its Marxist agenda.
This was the same daily newspaper that had also allowed a local business group to be referred to as Nazis, so its move on Mumpower was not surprising. It was also Pelosi in 2008 who had told incoming Democrat so-called Conservative Blue Dogs, a name created to confuse the electorate, to either obey or the money would evaporate in the next two years.
Four years later in 2012 conservatives in Congress would get the same message as the Blue Dogs, but this time from Pelosi's counterpart, John Boehner, who in 2012 would purge some Tea Party members from committees for not obeying him, committees they had successfully served on:
"Three of the votes against Boehner came from the four members purged from committees; Reps. Tim Huelskamp, Justin Amash and Walter Jones. Veteran Reps. Louie Gohmert and Paul Broun voted for Allen West. Rep. Steve Pearce voted for Eric Cantor. Freshman members Jim Bridenstine, Ted Yoho and Tom Massie cast votes against Boehner." - Breitbart
In that election of 2012 America conservatives had enough of establishment politicians, being beaten over the head by a Democrat-run Senate that believed, You're all too stupid to run your own lives, so we'll do it for you.

Photo you would have not seen before the November 2014 election
Photo Source: Drudge |
Yet John Boehner would be elected again to Speaker of the House in 2015. This was as new Republicans surrounded him on the House floor, the ones who promised Americans back home they would undo the damage that had been done from six years of a radical progressive sitting in the White House with the support of establishment Republicans such as John McCain and guess who, John Boehner.
As an establishment Republican, Boehner had already proven he understood voters really had little influence in Washington once their elected officials had left the safety of their home state, Boehner placing them under his thumb as soon as they arrive one by one in Washington to (cough) serve the people. The move probably was not unlike the change in authority when parents leave their children in day-care centers.
In other words, if conservatives wanted to get rid of Boehner in 2017 they may need to vote Democrat instead in the election of November 2016, because unlike the weasel personalities of RINOs, Democrats do keep their word.
So below are four basic suggestions that can still allow conservatives elected in 2014 to provide proof to the people back home they really did come to make a difference and will honor what they promised to deliver in the election.
These suggestions are very simple to achieve and very basic to our freedoms. They can also be done very quickly. So let these conservative legislators show their light to the people back home through the glass windows of the capital building by making these four simple promises.
But I wonder how many of these four ideas will even make it onto the floor of the House in a new congress where the rule has been for too many years, The more things change the more they remain the same. - Webmaster
1. Pass an immediate bill that gives all the victims from the Ft. Hood shooting Purple Hearts, which Obama had promised to veto. And also rename it what it was, a Jihad, and remove the damning description of "workplace violence," as if our treasures were killed by a runaway garbage truck.
Veterans might like to see the names of the Democrats that would vote against this bill. Its passage would send a message to the Brotherhood and CAIR that they no longer run the country or influenced its military and FBI, the Brotherhood already kicked out of Egypt after recommended to the Egyptians by Obama and Hillary Clinton. |
2. Provide an apology on the record to our WWII Vets for allowing President Obama to close their WWII Memorial while at the same time allowing illegal aliens onto the mall, Democrats with Pelosi greeting thousands in earshot of the closed memorial with chained barriers. The people would also like to know why candidate Obama gave his famous crotch salute to the playing of their National Anthem, some saying Obama is the first president to really not give a damn about the country, only about his own personal amenities that come from it.
And how can we forget all those dumb Democrats with nodding heads who stood behind candidate Obama on camera in 2008 as he said in front of them that doctors made more money by cutting off the feet of patients rather then give them the medicine they needed. Or that elderly patients should take pain pills rather than receive a pace maker to improve their quality of life. Our new congress needs to apologize to our medical community for Obama's Marxist rhetoric against them. |
3. Close all of the country's southern border with Mexico before considering any amnesty for a single illegal alien. |
4. Call out the mainstream media, America's Fourth Estate, for purposely burying important news events from the American people.
One example was the passing of the unaffordable Healthcare bill, two of the major television networks waiting weeks in 2014 before reporting on Mr. Gruber, Obama's personal advisor in 2009, calling the American people stupid for being taken to the cleaners. Lawmakers should know by now that the Media Research Center (MRC) has all the documentation they would need to bring the mainstream media into accountability. The MRC records all the networks' newscasts annually so they can't lie about their transmissions and what they meant to say.
Boehner Takes Revenge - Politico