Obama Listens To Castro, Changes American Foreign Policy Without Consulting Congress [See photo below of lawyer's office wall.]
Do you still really not believe that President Obama thinks and acts as if he is some kind of banana-republic dictator? . . . EagleRising |
Video Source: WashingtonExaminer |
Stunning 2008 Report That Progressive Media Hid From The American Voter: What Barack Obama Learned From The Communist Party. - American Thinker
Another Obama surprise? Not really: Communist Che Guevara and Fidel Castro photos are on Alan Gross' lawyer's office wall . . . TruthRevolt |
Surprise, Surprise! Hillary Clinton, Obama In Pant Suits Who Did Her College Thesis On The Socialism of Saul Alinsky, Interviewing Him, Now Praises Obama's Cuba Deal
"Former Secretary of State and probable presidential candidate Hillary Clinton praised Obama's deal with Cuba late Wednesday night. Clinton sent out a statement expressing her 'support' for the shift in U.S. policy towards Cuba.
'Despite good intentions, our decades-long policy of isolation has only strengthened the Castro regime's grip on power. As I have said, the best way to bring change to Cuba is to expose its people to the values, information, and material comforts of the outside world,' Clinton said. 'The goal of increased U.S. engagement in the days and years ahead should be to encourage real and lasting reforms for the Cuban people. And the other nations of the Americas should join us in this effort.' . . . TruthRevolt
"That Didn’t Take Long. Charlie Rangel Is First Lawmaker to Do Live [Obama's MSNBC} Interview From Havana." - GatewayPundit |
2004 Report Released: North Korea Planned Attacks On U.S. Nuclear Plants
"North Korea dispatched covert commando teams to the United States in the 1990s to attack nuclear power plants and major cities in a conflict, according to a declassified Defense Intelligence Agency report. The DIA report, dated Sept. 13, 2004, reveals that five units of covert commandos were trained for the attacks inside the country.
According to the report, the 'Reconnaissance Bureau, North Korea, had agents in place to attack American nuclear power plants.' The document states that the North Korean Ministry of People’s Armed Forces, the ministry in charge of the military, 'established five liaison offices in the early 1990s, to train and infiltrate operatives into the United States to attack nuclear power plants and major cities in case of hostilities.'" . . . FreeBeacon
Sony Executive Begs For Forgiveness From Al Sharpton
"The Reverend Al Sharpton met with Sony Entertainment co-chairwoman Amy Pascal Thursday after Pascal’s leaked emails revealed that she made fun of President Obama. Pascal apologized to Sharpton and National Urban League president Marc Morial for an hour and a half.
Pascal’s leaked emails, exposed by hackers working for the North Korean government, highlighted liberal Hollywood’s shrugging disrespect for Obama. Pascal and producer Scott Rudin expressed their reluctance to go to a breakfast with Obama and exchanged jokes about whether Obama liked movies like Django Unchained and black entertainer Kevin Hart." . . . DailyCaller
Congress Quietly Ends Federal Government's Ban On Medical Marijuana
"Tucked deep inside the 1,603-page federal spending measure is a provision that effectively ends the federal government's prohibition on medical marijuana and signals a major shift in drug policy.
The bill's passage over the weekend marks the first time Congress has approved nationally significant legislation backed by legalization advocates. It brings almost to a close two decades of tension between the states and Washington over medical use of marijuana.
Under the provision, states where medical pot is legal would no longer need to worry about federal drug agents raiding retail operations. Agents would be prohibited from doing so. Bloomberg's Olivia Sterns reports on the New York Times' advocacy of the legalization of marijuana.
The Obama administration has largely followed that rule since last year as a matter of policy. But the measure approved as part of the spending bill, which President Obama plans to sign this week, will codify it as a matter of law." . . . LATimes
Adding Insult To Injury: Obama Paying For Illegal Amnesty With Fees Paid By Legal Immigrants
"Another slap in the face to legal immigrants and Americans who follow the law. Barack Obama is paying for his illegal executive amnesty with fees from legal immigrants. Katie Pavlich at Townhall reported:
The funding for Obama’s executive action is coming through the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, a fee, not tax based agency under the jurisdiction of Homeland Security. Who is paying these fees? Millions of legal immigrants are paying these fees, which are now being reallocated by the executive branch to legalize millions of illegal immigrants who have been living in the United States for years while failing to go through proper and long established legal channels to obtain citizenship or other legal status. From the USCIS.gov website:" . . . GatewayPundit
Everytown's '100 School Shootings' List Includes Non-School, Non-Existent, And Accidental Shootings
On December 9, Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety released a study claiming '100 school shootings' had occurred since the heinous Sandy Hook attack on December 14, 2012. The problem is their list contains non-school shootings, shootings that did not occur, and accidental discharges of firearms that were legally possessed on campus.
Yet outlets like the Huffington Post and gun control proponents like Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, quickly bought the list–hook, line, and sinker. Gross even took part in a Huffington Post panel, where Rick Camilleri used the words “massacre” and “mass shooting” to set the stage for discussing the 'recent analysis by Everytown for Gun Safety, [which shows] there have been almost 100 school shootings since Newtown and absolutely no major change in gun policy.'
Such an introduction makes it easy to expect to turn to Everytown's '100 School Shootings' and find 100 mass shootings or 100 massacres. The careful reader, however, will find an incident the Annapolis Patch described as occurring at a 'non-school related private function,' on a house boat “at St. John's College” in Maryland. In this incident, a bullet grazed someone, who was treated for non-life-threatening injuries, then released." . . . BeforeItsNews
Sign Of The Coming Times: Muslims With Dead Baby In Trunk Allowed To Drive Away By Tennessee Cops For Fear Of Offending Muslims
"On Wednesday a glaring case of sharia occurred in Tennessee. A police officer allowed a car full of Saudi Arabians to drive away with a dead baby in the trunk so as not to be “disrespectful” towards Muslims. The vehicle, which had paper tags and a registration violation, contained three Saudi Arabians with Saudi drivers licenses, who told the officer that they had a dead child in the trunk, prepared for an Islamic burial at a mosque in Franklin.
Millersville Police Chief David Hindman told News 2 that the officer, “not wanting to be disrespectful to the men or their faith, let the car drive away without checking the trunk to see if their story was true.” The cop also failed to take the names of the Saudi men or any information from their identification documents. It was also subsequently confirmed that there isn’t even a mosque in Franklin." . . . FreedomForce
- Why Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste: ISIS Cashes In On Human Organ Trafficking . . . WND
Germans Rise Up Against Islamization
"Thousands of German citizens have been taking to the streets to protest the growing 'Islamization' of their country. The protests are part of a burgeoning grassroots movement made up of ordinary citizens who are calling for an end to runaway immigration and the spread of Islamic Sharia law in Germany. The guardians of German multiculturalism are fighting back: they are seeking to delegitimize the protesters by branding them as 'neo-Nazis' and by claiming that the Islamization of Germany is a myth contrived by misinformed citizens.
But there is a mounting public backlash over what many perceive as the government’s indifference to the growing influence of Islam in German society. This backlash represents a potentially significant turning point—one that implies that the days of unrestrained German multiculturalism may be coming to an end. The latest protest took place in the eastern German city of Dresden on December 8, when more than 10,000 people defied freezing temperatures to express their displeasure with Germany’s lenient asylum policies." . . . BreakingIsraelNews
Estimated 15,000 People Join ‘Pinstriped Nazis’ On March In Dresden . . . TheGuardian
Concordia University Graffiti: 'Jews Are F***ed Up People'
"Campus advocates of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement often attack Israel and the Jewish State in an insidious manner. Hiding behind mantra of 'human rights' and “pursuing social justice,” students level a variety of false allegations going as far as to accuse Israel of being a genocidal enterprise like Nazi Germany under Hitler.
The anti-Israel students at Concordia University in Canada aren’t subtle in the slightest. In a telling Op-Ed, Jonathan Mamane, a leader in Concordia United Against BDS, highlights the outright anti-Semitism emerging on campus." . . . TruthRevolt
- [Diverse] Harvard University Dining Service Claims Lapse In Boycotting Israeli Company . . . TruthRevolt
Fundamentally Changing America: Police Officers Across America: 'By Defending Myself, I Could Be Condemning Myself.'
"As the flames of Ferguson continue to rage through out the country, police in every state have to wonder, what does it mean for them? What are police officers supposed to do when they have their hands tied behind their back? When the rules of engagement have no bearing because they will either die or their life will be over.
Author, reporter, and journalist, Bob Lonsberry wrote an emotional piece that asks 'What Ferguson means for Cops?' In the piece he discusses the aftermath that Darren Wilson faces but more importantly the one thing that every police officer across the country is thinking and that is “it could have been me.” . . . TruthRevolt

Hmm, An Inconvenient Truth? Blacks Commit 25X More Violent Assaults Against Whites Than Whites Against Blacks
"The most common gun violence, by contrast, is drearily predictable and is the source on average of nearly ten thousand homicides a year. Such violence occurs overwhelmingly in certain locations of cities—over the past 30 years in Boston, for example, 75 percent of the city’s shootings occurred in 4.5% of its area, whereas 88.5 percent of the city’s street segments experienced not a single shooting.
Urban shootings are retaliatory or the product of the most trivial of slights. They are committed by handguns, not assault rifles. Victims and perpetrators usually know each other, absent bullets going astray. Reforming the involuntary commitment laws and beefing up mental health services are largely irrelevant to these shootings, since though the shooters have serious problems with impulse control and are clearly a danger to themselves and others, few would be deemed mentally ill." . . . GatewayPundit
As The Swedes Go, So Goes Europe
"'The winner,' ABBA advised in 1980, 'takes it all. The loser has to fall.' But not in Swedish politics, where proportional representation has created a smorgasbord of parties and has now contributed to a crisis of democracy.
Why should Americans care about Sweden, one of the many faraway countries of which we know little? Because where the Swedes go, Europe follows. Lightly burdened by war guilt, Sweden was the first European state to declare itself the moral monitor of the world. Sweden’s folkhem, or 'people’s home,' was the gold standard of welfare states; it was also the first to run out of money. In the ’70s, Sweden pioneered the anti-Zionism that has become the only coherent element in the EU’s foreign policy.
Today Malmö, Sweden’s third-largest city, is becoming the first city in postwar Europe to expel its Jewish minority through mob violence. And last week, Swedish democracy broke down. The causes of the breakdown can be seen in every European state. As ever, Sweden leads the way. After last September’s election, Sweden ended up with a minority government, a 'red-green' coalition of socialists and environmentalists." . . . WeeklyStandard
New Rules: Cyprus-style Bail-Ins To Take Deposits And Pensions
"Rather than reining in the massive and risky derivatives casino, the new rules prioritize the payment of banks' derivatives obligations to each other, ahead of everyone else. That includes not only depositors, public and private, but the pension funds that are the target market for the latest bail-in play, called 'bail-inable' bonds.
'Bail in' has been sold as avoiding future government bailouts and eliminating too big to fail (TBTF). But it actually institutionalizes TBTF, since the big banks are kept in business by expropriating the funds of their creditors.
It is a neat solution for bankers and politicians, who don't want to have to deal with another messy banking crisis and are happy to see it disposed of by statute. But a bail-in could have worse consequences than a bailout for the public. If your taxes go up, you will probably still be able to pay the bills. If your bank account or pension gets wiped out, you could wind up in the street or sharing food with your pets." . . . HuffingtonPost
Buffett’s Burlington Northern Among Pipeline Winners
"Warren Buffett’s Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC is among U.S. and Canadian railroads that stand to benefit from the Obama administration’s decision to reject TransCanada Corp. (TRP)’s Keystone XL oil pipeline permit.
With modest expansion, railroads can handle all new oil produced in western Canada through 2030, according to an analysis of the Keystone proposal by the U.S. State Department.
'Whatever people bring to us, we’re ready to haul,' Krista York-Wooley, a spokeswoman for Burlington Northern, a unit of Buffett’s Omaha, Nebraska-based Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (BRK/A), said in an interview. If Keystone XL 'doesn’t happen, we’re here to haul.' The State Department denied TransCanada a permit on Jan. 18, saying there was not enough time to study the proposal by Feb. 21, a deadline Congress imposed on President Barack Obama." . . . Bloomberg
German Renewable Energy Keeps Blacking Out! Supply Often Less Than 2% Of Wintertime Demand
"My last post featured a commentary by renewable energy expert Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt, who forcefully conveyed the folly of Germany’s mad rush into renewable energy, and the country’s hysterical obsession with its suicidal fast-track shutdown of its stable base-electric-power generation.
What follows are German electrical power supply charts that clearly illustrate in no uncertain terms Prof. Vahrenholt’s points. To show just how unreliable wind and sun really are, the first chart (click on URL) shows Germany’s power production, broken down according to the respective sources, over the last 3 and half days:
Note how there has been a virtual blackout by sun and wind since December 3 as Germany’s weather has been dismally gray and windless over the period. Such conditions are not uncommon in Europe and can persist for 2 weeks or more.". . . NotricksZone
65 Percent Of Children Live In Households On Federal Aid Programs
"The Census Bureau reported in a study released this week that 65 percent of American children lived in households taking aid from one or more federal program as of the fall of 2011.
'Almost two-thirds (65 percent) of children,' said the Census Bureau, 'lived in households that participated in at least one or more of the following government aid programs: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Medicaid, and the National School Lunch Program.'
How to be dependent on government is now one of the earliest life lessons America is teaching nearly a supermajority of children." . . . CNSNews
Did You Know That Global Warming Skeptics Are Now Racists?
"Progressive conspiracy theorist Naomi Klein has come up with a new one: People who are skeptical of the climate change hypothesis don't care about climate change because it will only damage countries where people of color live.
Writing in The Nation, Klein says: What does #BlackLivesMatter, and the unshakable moral principle that it represents, have to do with climate change? Everything. Because we can be quite sure that if wealthy white Americans had been the ones left without food and water for days in a giant sports stadium after Hurricane Katrina, even George W. Bush would have gotten serious about climate change.
Similarly, if Australia were at risk of disappearing, and not large parts of Bangladesh, Prime Minister Tony Abbott would be a lot less likely to publicly celebrate the burning of coal as 'good for humanity,' as he did on the occasion of the opening of a vast new coal mine. And if my own city of Toronto were being battered, year after year, by historic typhoons demanding mass evacuations, and not Tacloban in the Philippines, we can also be sure that Canada would not have made building tar sands pipelines the centerpiece of its foreign policy." . . . TruthRevolt
Court Upholds Public School’s Ban Of American Flag
"On May 5, 2010, Assistant Principal Miguel Rodriguez of Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, California ordered several students wearing t-shirts emblazoned with the American flag to turn them inside out or leave school. Rodriguez claims he acted out of concern that Mexican students would react violently because the patriotic shirts were worn on the day the school was celebrating Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican holiday. Two of the students chose to leave rather than disrespect the American flag. Ironically, and to his credit and that of his parents, one of the students was of Mexican descent.
Richard Thompson, TMLC’s President and Chief Counsel, commented, 'What happened in Live Oak High School is emblematic of what is happening in public schools across our nation – multiculturalism is trumping allegiance to America.'
As a result of Live Oak High School’s ban on the American flag while allowing displays of the Mexican flag, the Thomas More Law Center and California attorney Bill Becker filed a federal lawsuit against the school and school officials on behalf of three of the students in June 2010. A subsequent lower court decision in favor of the school was affirmed by a divided panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals." . . . ThomasMore