Mission Derailed
1. Military Now Just A 'Social Experiment'
"'Underpaid, under-equipped and under-appreciated.' That's how many members of the U.S. military feel, according to a new survey by the Military Times. The survey of 2,300 active duty troops found morale has declined sharply during the last five years, and most servicemen and women believe things will only get worse when it comes to their quality of life.
'Most people that join the military join on the recommendation of somebody who has already been in the military,' CBN News reporter and former Army Ranger Chuck Holton said. Do many troops feel they no longer have a mission? Holton talks about this and more with CBN News's Mark Martin." . . . CBN
- Ticking Time Bomb: ‘Moderate’ Muslims In The U.S. Military . . . ClashDaily
- Chaplain Punished: Shared His Faith In Suicide Prevention Class . . . PolitiBrew
- ISIS Cites Quran To Justify Child Rape . . . WND
- Muslim Organizations Keep Obama And Holder In Line! Holder's Federal Justice Department Sues New Jersey Town Now Forced To Pay Muslims $7.75 Million For Its Trying To Stop Mega-Mosque That Interferes With The Town's Traditional Neighborhoods . . . NowTheEndBegins
- World's Biggest Children's Book Publisher, Scholastic, Erases Israel From Map . . . TimesOfIsrael
2. More Social Engineering From Obama's Election: Political Correctness Rears Its Ugly Head, 5th Grader Suspended For “Typical Little Boy Behavior”
"In the wake of several high-profile attacks, public school administrators across the nation have attempted to remove any potential threat from campuses. In doing so, however, it has become increasingly clear that zero-tolerance policies often serve only to punish kids guilty of nothing more than typical childhood behavior.
Though these rules generally apply to acts of perceived violence, students are routinely reprimanded for transgressions many see as innocuous. A trio of kids, for example, was recently handed a 10-day suspension for possessing a particular candy their school classified as a dangerous drug.
According to reports, a Massachusetts fifth-grader was the latest recipient of such swift justice. The assistant principal at Stacy Middle School concluded Nickolas Taylor acted in a threatening manner when he pointed his finger toward two other students during lunch. His father received a letter explaining that he had been suspended for making a gun motion." . . . WesternJournalism
- ABC Family Of 'Walt Disney Network' Orders Transgender Docuseries To Be Produced by Ryan Seacrest. [It Follows Boy 'Whose Father Is Turning Into A Woman.' Disney Family Channel Now Fits Its Rebranded Title Of, A New Kind Of Family.] . . . HollywoodReporter

- Public School Tells 13-Year-Olds They Can Have Sex And Choose Their Gender . . . EagleRising
Vomit Bag Warning: The Genderbread Person v2.0
- Catholic Bishops: Obama's 'Gender Identity' Regulation 'Serious Threat To Freedom Of Conscience' . . . CNSNews
3. OMG! RINO Boehner Omnibus Gives Social Security Benefits To Illegal Aliens Under Obama Amnesty
Photo you would have not seen before the November 2014 election
Crownibus: Unrestrained spending - HumanEvents |
Photo Source: Drudge |
"Pages 958 and 959 of the 1,603-page omnibus spending bill from House Speaker John Boehner include a provision that gives Social Security benefits to illegal aliens under President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty.
The seemingly wonky legislative language in that relevant section reads:
None of the funds appropriated in this Act shall be expended or obligated by the Commissioner of Social Security, for purposes of administering Social Security benefit payments under title II of the Social Security Act, to process any claim for credit for a quarter of coverage based on work performed under a social security account number that is not the claimant’s number and the performance of such work under such number has formed the basis for a conviction of the claimant of a violation of section 208(a)(6) or (7) of the Social Security Act.
Right after Obama’s executive amnesty announcement, the White House confirmed to the Washington Post that illegal aliens who get amnesty from Obama—paid for by Boehner, and any Republican who votes for this omnibus bill—will have access to Social Security benefits." . . . Breitbart
- Billionaire Bloomberg Must Be Jumping Up And Down With Joy. Wonder If RINO Boehner Knows That?! - BloombergView
- Sheriff Joe Scores Victory Against Obama's Amnesty. But Did Boehner Beat Joe To The Finish Line, Aligning With The Democrat Party's Ideology? (As I said to my wife when voting in the 2008 November election, "Which Democrat do we vote for?) . . . WND
Too Late: Boehner Gives Away The Farm! . . . LewRockwell
- Surprise, Surprise! RINO Boehner Broke Pledge to Give Americans ‘At Least 72 Hours’ To Read Every Bill . . . CNSNews
4. Attkisson: I’ve Been On Receiving End Of Obama Official’s Profanity-Laced Tirades
"Appearing on 'The Steve Malzberg Show' Monday afternoon, author Sharyl Attkisson responded to former ABC News correspondent Ann Compton’s claim that President Barack Obama and his officials routinely direct profanity-laced tirades at reporters. Attkisson told Malzberg she has been on the receiving end of those conversations in the past, and others, specifically The Associated Press, have been subject to scorn at the hands of Obama officials.
'Maybe this is just me or a personal opinion that a profanity-laced conversation with professionals in the press by the president of the U.S. is probably inappropriate,' said Attkisson. 'That’s not surprising to me,' the former CBS investigative reporter told Malzberg. 'There have been profanity-laced discussions on their part with members of the Obama administration that they’ve talked to me about similar things, thinking that a cover story…was not warranted or fair.'" . . . DailyCaller
5. Leftist Lynch Mobs: From Ferguson To Rolling Stone
"Did you bury a teenage girl alive after shooting her? Are you on death row after a string of crimes too gruesome to describe? Or are you just a member of Al Qaeda dedicated to destroying America?
If so progressives will fight for you. Just dial 1-800-IAM-VICTIM and the leftist waiting to take your call will insist on your presumption of innocence. Its activists, reporters and lawyers will exploit every pretext to get you off the hook and they will call that justice. The judicial process, they will say, matters more than public safety, public outrage or the victims.
When the crime wave set loose by their own activism flooded the country they clung to Blackstone’s formulation of 'It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer.' As murders, rapes and robberies rose, the value of that formulation went up from ten to ten thousand. But it had to be the right ten thousand." . . . FrontPage
- Wisconsin Police Ask Residents To Volunteer For House Gun Search . . . TruthRevolt
- Disgraced Rolling Stone Writer Trashed Michele Bachmann For 'War On Gay Teens.' . . . NewsBusters
- Notre Dame 'White Privilege' Class Promises Personal Transformation Taught By A Radical Progressive . . . TheCollegeFix
- Fears For Children, As Google Moguls Target Under-13s . . . IndependentUK
- D.C. Council: Religious Schools Must Adopt Its Views On Sexual Morality . . . NationalReview
- Jesse Jackson Resumes Skakedown Of Industries . . . SuckersOnParade
6. Obama's Foot-In-Mouth VP, Biden, Dared To Lecture Ayaan Hirsi Ali . . . On Islam
“Wherever [Islamists] gain power, you see exactly what they do: The first thing they do is they chase women out of the public space, force them to cover up, beat them up, rape them, sell them into slavery,” said Hirsi Ali.
The purpose of her organization is to expose reality such as this, particularly to Western liberals, who she said must 'review their thinking.' But getting the left to do so is no easy task, as Hirsi Ali’s encounter with Vice President Biden exemplifies.
At a dinner in Washington, Biden attempted to correct her perspective on relationship between the Islamic State and Islam, saying, “ISIS had nothing to do with Islam.” When she pushed back, Biden said, “Let me tell you one or two things about Islam…”
'I politely left the conversation at that,” Hirsi Ali said. “I wasn’t used to arguing with vice presidents.'
As the Examiner outlines, Hirsi Ali’s knowledge of the realities of Islam is rooted in her own traumatic experiences." . . . TruthRevolt
7. And Don't Forget This Bad News From May 2014: Don’t Ignore these Warnings; Attacks on the Dollar are Accelerating
"In fact, a World Bank report suggests that the Chinese economy could pass that of the United States as soon as this year when adjusting for currency differences.
This is a huge change since 2005 when the Chinese economy was only 43% of the size of America’s using the same measure (see table below). China is estimated to surpass America this year. [It actually did this month.] India’s economy has virtually doubled its share when compared to the U.S. as well over the same time period.
Of course, despite losing relative size, America is also viewed as a source of stability, especially during a crisis. Unfortunately, that is eroding as well. One proof that this is eroding is that despite the seriousness of global issues, Russia’s invasion of Crimea and other unrest, the dollar has not strengthened this year as expected. From The Wall Street Journal Blog:" . . . GlobalEconomicWarfare
8. Obama Media Forgets To Report American Labor Force Participation Remains at 36-Year Low
"The labor force participation rate remained at a 36-year low of 62.8 percent in November, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The participation rate, which is the percentage of the civilian noninstitutional population who participated in the labor force by either having a job during the month or actively seeking one, was 62.8 percent in November which matches the percentage since March 1978.
In November, according to BLS, the nation’s civilian noninstitutional population, consisting of all people 16 or older who were not in the military or an institution, reached 248,844,000. Of those, 156,397,000 participated in the labor force by either holding a job or actively seeking one." . . . CNSNews
- L.A. Poverty Rate More Severe Than California, U.S. . . . Breitbart
9. Ground Beef Climbs To Another Record High, $4.15 Per Pound!
"A year ago, in October 2013, the average price for a pound of ground beef was $3.389 per pound. Since then, it has climbed 76.5 cents, or about 22.6 percent in one year.
Five years ago, in October 2009, the average price for a pound of ground beef was $2.177, according to the BLS. The price has since climbed by $1.977 per pound, or 90.8 percent.
The overall Consumer Price Index measures the relative change in the prices of a basket of goods and services relative to a basis of 100. Subordinate indexes measure the relative change in price for individual goods or services or categories of goods and services." . . . CNSNews
- What's Covered In New Menu Labeling Rules . . . DailyMail
- Obama Children Eat Like Royals, As America's Students Eat Trash . . . TruthRevolt
10. Welcome To TotCare: Obama’s Into EveryThing. But That's How You Transform A Society To Your Socialist Demands.
"How could anybody be against tax-subsidized Pre-K for all, you say? Let me count the ways. Every one of these Big Babysitter boondoggles rests on 'progressive' junk science. The Obama White House asserts that 'studies show that for every dollar we invest in early childhood education, we see a rate of return of $7 or more.'
This discredited claim rests on results of the tiny Perry Preschool Project in Michigan, run at a cost of $19,000 per child more than a half-century ago, and a similar program in North Carolina called the Abecedarian Early Intervention Project. As David Armor of the libertarian Cato Institute noted in a thorough review of the scientific literature this fall, the 'groups studied were very small, they came from single communities several decades ago, and both programs were far more intensive than the programs being contemplated today.'" . . . Michelle Malkin
11. Chinese Hypersonic Strike Vehicle May Overcome U.S. Missile Defense
"Igor Korotchenko, Director of the Center for the Analysis of the World Arms Trade told Sputnik on Friday that China's successful testing of a Hypersonic Strike Vehicle (the HGV) demonstrates the country's potential to affect US national security in a serious way. 'US anxiety is centered on the fact that China is actively experimenting with weaponry that is based on hypersonic speed, which is nearly impossible to intercept using currently-available US missile defense systems,' Korotchenko told Sputnik.
It had been reported earlier that China had conducted another test of the HGV, dubbed the WU-14 by the Pentagon, an ultra-high speed vehicle capable of traveling up to eight times the speed of sound. Earlier tests of the vehicle had shown it capable of carrying nuclear warheads at a speed of over Mach 10, or 12,359 kilometers per hour." . . . SpaceDaily
12. The Senate CIA Report And Democratic Treachery
"This double standard puts the lie to Democrats’ seriousness toward the claim that the Bush administration engaged in 'torture,' illegality and human rights abuses in its mission to thwart terrorist attacks against the homeland. In truth, the campaign against tough interrogation is a political cudgel that Democrats have employed to bludgeon their political enemies, no matter the national security cost.
It amounts to nothing less than a revisionist effort to turn those entrusted with protecting the country in the immediate aftermath of the worst domestic attack in American history into pariahs, even as the war remains ongoing. As Gerson so rightly notes, the report’s release is an act of 'exceptional congressional recklessness' engineered by Feinstein, whose 'legacy is a massive dump of intelligence details useful to the enemy in a time of war.'
Our allies are equally appalled. 'Foreign leaders have approached the government and said, ‘You do this, this will cause violence and deaths,'’ warned Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI), Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. 'Our own intelligence community has assessed that this will cause violence and deaths.'” . . . FrontPage
- "Seriously? Brian Williams to Former CIA Director: 'How Are We Better Than our Enemies Morally?'” - GatewayPundit
13. Press Buries Stories That Don't Fit Their Secular Agenda . . . Where Is Your Right To Know The View Of Other Americas?
"Majoring in science in college, I began having my doubts about the scientific logic of evolution. The first organism that I learned about that was not explainable by evolution was the woodpecker. There is no way that it could have evolved with so many specialized organs. It could only be explained by being created with all of its specialized organs all at one time. It still took me about 15 years to come to the conclusion that God created the heavens and the earth in six literal days.
Christianity explains the basics of science – biology, chemistry, geology, physics, astronomy. They are all based on an orderly, predictable set of laws. And if life is ruled by these laws, then there has to be One who created those predictable sets of laws." . . . CreationMoments
- Grand Theft Auto Fans Call For Ban On Holy Bible . . . NowTheEndBegins
- Texas 8th Grader Arrested, Repeatedly Slammed To The Ground By Police After Refusing To Remove Rosary Beads At Football Game . . . ChristianPost
- Are We Really In The End Times? . . . CharismaNews
- The Danger Of Christian Celebrity . . . CharismaNews
- Scientists Create ‘Artificial Evolution’ For The First Time . . . ZMeScience
14. Nothing To See Here: Major Newspapers Sweep Gruber Off Front Page
"Three of the nation's major newspapers downgraded ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber's testimony to the U.S. Senate, keeping it off the front page. The Washington Post placed Gruber, best known for assailing "stupid" Americans, on A-4. The New York Times on Wednesday demoted the story to page A-20. After recapping Gruber's comments, Times writer Robert Pear related that the ex-aide argued:
I behaved badly, and I will have to live with that, but my own inexcusable arrogance is not a flaw in the Affordable Care Act. The A.C.A. is a milestone accomplishment for our nation that already has provided millions of Americans with health insurance. It wasn't until paragraph 15 that Pear offered in-depth coverage on Gruber's damage to the administration:" . . . NewsBusters
15. Hey Al Gore! Need Some Really Big Ice Cubes? Robot Sub Finds Surprisingly Thick Antarctic Sea Ice
"Antarctica's ice paradox has yet another puzzling layer. Not only is the amount of sea ice increasing each year, but an underwater robot now shows the ice is also much thicker than was previously thought, a new study reports.
The discovery adds to the ongoing mystery of Antarctica's expanding sea ice. According to climate models, the region's sea ice should be shrinking each year because of global warming. Instead, satellite observations show the ice is expanding, and the continent's sea ice has set new records for the past three winters. At the same time, Antarctica's ice sheet (the glacial ice on land) is melting and retreating." . . . LiveScience
- Fall Snow Cover In Northern Hemisphere Was Most Extensive On Record, Even With Temperatures At High Mark . . . WashingtonPost
- Global Warming As A Fabricated Moral Issue . . . CanadaFreePress
- How Green Activist Scientists Rigged An EU Pesticide Ban Costing Farmers And Businesses Billions . . . Breitbart
- Amid Climate Circus In Peru, [socialist] UN Says CO2 Regime Ss Done Deal . . . TheNewAmerican