"Even after eyewitness accounts bolstering police officer Darren Wilson’s report and his exoneration by a grand jury, rioters in Missouri and beyond continue to portray Michael Brown’s shooting death as evidence of institutionalized racism among law enforcement. Exhaustive evidence, including an autopsy of the 18-year-old Brown, supported Wilson’s assertion that the robbery suspect attacked him while he was in his squad car and attempted to grab his service weapon.
While no two cases are the same, the events leading up to Johnson City, N.Y., police officer David Smith’s death earlier this year offers a startling glimpse into what could have happened had Wilson not taken decisive action in his fight with Brown.
In March, Smith found himself face-to-face with an unstable man who punched him as he began to exit his vehicle. The man was then able to grab the veteran officer’s pistol and shoot Smith multiple times, leading to the 43-year-old’s death.
The reported details of these two cases are shockingly similar, though their ultimate resolutions were very different. By comparing the two incidents, many have come to the conclusion that Wilson’s quick response to Brown’s threat saved his life. “Once Officer Smith was down,” a police spokesperson confirmed, “then the suspect shot him two more times.” - WesternJournalism
- Leaving An 11-Year Old Son Behind, 19-Year New York Officer Killed After Crazed Man Snatches His Gun From Holster While In His Car - NewYorkDailyNews
- President Barack Obama Is Inciting People Toward Violence In Light Of Racial Tensions Stemming From The Death Of Michael Brown In Ferguson, Missouri - TeaParty
- Rocker Ted Nugent’s Response To Ferguson Causing Outrage Across The Internet! - EagleRising
- SCUM: What Ferguson Protesters Did To A Slain Police Officer Will Piss You Off - ClashDaily
- Ferguson And Islamic Holy War Against America — On The Glazov Gang - Frontpage
The NFL Refuses To Throw The Flag . . . It's Own Rules Tackled By Political Correctness With Unnecessary Roughness
Irony: St. Louis Rams Player With “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” Gesture Has Lengthy Arrest Record
"In case you missed it Sunday, five idiots who play for the St. Louis Rams showed their solidarity with Mike Brown by mimicking protesters before their game with the Oakland Raiders. One of them, wide receiver Kenny Britt, is all to familiar with putting his hands up after numerous run-ins with the law during his days with the Tennessee Titans.
Tennessee Titans wide receiver Kenny Britt was arrested on three charges Tuesday afternoon after a car chase in his hometown of Bayonne, N.J., FOXSports.com has learned. A Bayonne police spokesman told FOXSports.com that Britt was charged with eluding a police officer, lying to an officer/hindering apprehension and obstructing governmental function. Eluding an officer is a third-degree felony; the other two charges are misdemeanors.
A passenger in the vehicle with Britt also faces three criminal charges. Jerel Lord, 23, of Bayonne was charged with marijuana possession, resisting arrest and obstructing governmental function." - JammieWearingFools
"Nothing typifies the current Propaganda Regime more than the recent attempted railroading of Darren Wilson by the Left and the liberal media outlets. Attorney General Eric Holder and the Obama administration have sanctioned rioting and chaos as they perpetuate the lie that police officer Wilson shot an innocent teenager who had his hands raised in surrender.
Autopsy reports and video cameras showing that Wilson was assaulted by a man weighing at least 290 pounds, who had just stolen from a convenience store. The fight ended with a final lunge at Wilson by the thief, as Wilson fired the lethal shot in what he saw as a kill-or-be-killed situation. Refusing to accept that a white policeman shooting a black man can be anything but a premeditated murder by a racist, and spurred on by irresponsible media reports, mobs mobilized to take over in Ferguson, Missouri and other cities and burn and otherwise vandalize their communities.
Attempts by Marxist rabble-rousers to turn the mobs’ anger into the Left’s pet projects of protesting Wal-Mart because they aren’t unionized failed, but the lie that an innocent kid was killed by a cop in a premeditated racist attack will continue to be perpetuated by people like Al Sharpton, who make a living off of playing on people’s fears of racial oppression. Six years of exercising their power while having large sectors of the media acting as their personal propaganda machine has only emboldened President Obama and his partners in deception. And America suffers while the ideologues dither." - CanadaFreePress
This Is Your Elected CBC Officials In Washington D.C., Pushing Obama's Alinsky Rules For Radicals: Throw The Bums Out!
How Marxists Make Sausage
"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." - Rahm Emanuel, Obama's close friend.
Reality Check: Katy Perry, Cher and Macklemore All Lie About Ferguson. - TruthRevolt |
"Guided by Alinsky principles, post-Communist radicals are not idealists but Machiavellians. Their focus is on means rather than ends, and therefore they are bound by organizational orthodoxies in the way their admired Marxist forebears were. Within the framework of their revolutionary agenda, they are flexible and opportunistic and will say anything (and pretend to be anything) to get what they want, which is resources and power." - Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution The Alinsky Model, David Horowitz, ISBN 1-886442-68-1, Page 9. |
Twelve Minutes In Ferguson Race Riot - YouTube
Saul Alinsky's Name Is Written All Over Ferguson's Rage, Chiseled In By Chicago Community Organizer Barack Obama
"Obama was a fan of Alinsky realistic streak.
'The key to creating successful organizations was making sure people's self-interest was met,' he told me, 'and not just basing it on pie-in-the-sky idealism. So there were some basic principles that remained power then, and in fact I still believe in.'
On Barack Obama's presidential campaign website, one could see a photo of Obama in a classroom "teaching students Alinskyan methods. He stands in front of a blackboard on which he was written, 'Power Analysis' and 'Relationships Built on Self Interest, ...'
Until he became a full-time elected legislator in 1996, the focus of Obama's political activities was the largest radical organization in the United States, ACORN, which was built on the Alinsky model of community organizing. A summary of his ACORN activities was compiled by the Wall Street Journal.
Source: Moonbattery |
Obama meets with ACORN members in Chicago in the late 1990's, elected to the Illinois Senate with help from the Communist New Democrat Party. |
'In 1991, he took time off from his law firm to run a voter-registration drive for Project Vote, an ACORN partner that was soon fully absorbed under the ACORN umbrella. The drive registered 135,000 voters and considered a major factor in the upset victory of Democrat Carol Mosely Braun over incumbent Democratic Senate primary.
Mr. Obama's success made him a hot commodity on the community organizing circuit. He became a top trainer at ACORN's Chicago conferences. In 1995, he become ACORN's attorney, participating in a landmark case to force the State of Illinois to implement the Federal Motor Voter Law. That law's loose voter registration requirements would later be exploited by ACORN employees in an effort to flood voter rolls with fake names.
In 1996, Mr. Obama filled out a questionnaire listing key supporters for his campaign for the Illinois Senate. He put ACORN first (in a non-alphabetical list)." - Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution The Alinsky Model, David Horowitz, ISBN 1-886442-68-1, Pages 14, 15.