Below is some important history you need to know so you can understand how America got to where it is today and how this war on America's traditional values was started. It needs to also be remembered that Barack Obama in six years has lived up to only one promise; the one he made back in 2008 to fundamentally transform the United States of America.
Some May Call It A Fairy Tale. I Only Wish It Were So. - Webmaster Research 2008
In the fall of 2011, after having watched the mainstream media become an extension of the secular progressive's attack on conservative values since the campaign of Barack Obama in 2008, I realized that the guarantee our founders had created over 200 years ago, believing an informed public would be needed to protect the foundation of the Republic, was quickly being eroded by liberal elitists.
That right to know is rapidly being consumed by a growing cancer, a progressive ideology that will eventually become so overwhelming that it could only be seen as a movement against the will of the people. America's national media continues to protect Obama at all cost, its passion not unlike the media that willingly served and fawned over the fundamental changes to Germany by the Third Reich, lying to its people to effect change.
A seed planted into our Fourth Estate started its growth in the mid 1970's with the formation of an organization called the America Society of Newspaper Editors (ASNE.) The ASNE basically began to attack a citizen's right to know by slowly gaining control on how newspapers wrote and reported on certain topics. Bernard Goldberg, former CBS news reporter and Emmy Award winner, wrote a book about this corruption that had metastases throughout the mainstream media in his 2003 book, Bias.
He was one of the first to let the cat out of the bag. I remember an interview with Goldberg where he reported members of the ASNE would walk into a managing editor's office and discuss how that newspaper was to report on minorities and radical ideas within the society. A similar complaint came from a book by William McGowan, also released in 2003, titled Coloring the News, how political correctness has corrupted American journalism.
I had personally discovered in the late 1990's that the ASNE, which also recommends the backgrounds of potential employees for newspapers across the country, had removed religion as an attribute for hiring a reporter. I wrote an e-mail to the ASNE, asking about its obvious discrimination, basically advising newspapers not to hire people of traditional religious faith, its removing religion as an attribute and replacing it with sexual orientation. I also took the issue up with a local Gannett-owned newspaper editor, his arrogantly telling me religion was under "other." The ASNE of course ignored me, knowing they had the high ground and could drop any outside inquiries into their circular file.
The seed grew slowly at first, almost no one noticing the subtle changes in the way their news was being reported. Then Kathy Renna of GLAAD went on the attack, claiming at her organization's 1999 annual meeting that the gay lifestyle now had the high ground with the media and bragging that gays were now working in over 1,200 news rooms across the country. But that didn't bother me.
What bothered me was the term the "high ground." It came from a group that had previously lived off the words diversity and sensitivity, attacking anyone that didn't agree with them as homophobic. But it turned out that diversity and sensitivity were only a means to an end.
Activist would soon go after a man and a woman who could conceive a child, sarcastically referring to them as breeders, "people that huffed and puffed to create a baby." Surrogacy was replacing natural biology. It all reminded me again how the Nazi's had treated the Jews. If they could reduce Jews to being seen as less than human in the society, it would be easy to later remove them from the society.
What was so stunning about Renna's arrogant claim was that she knew she would be making it only a few months after the horrific murder of 14-year old Jesse Diskhising. I was so disturbed by what Jesse's murderers had done to his body, I put up a Memorial page in his memory that contained the police report of his death. I had even called the police department in Arkansas to verify the report, someone then mentioning that FOX News was the only national media outlet to attend the trial of the teenager's murderers.
In fact it was actually FOX News, which was new to me at the time, that reported the entire national mainstream media was marching in rank step to bury the story of Jesse's murder as if being directed by an external source. I labeled it on my site as "the day the presses stood still." I reported that the elitists who ran the major newspapers and television networks across the nation had been encouraged to throw dirt onto Jesse's face again, as he lay in his grave. It was as if he was the one who had done something wrong.
There was also another child abduction reported, this one by NAMBLA members in 1997, a ten-year old murdered with his body dropped into a Tupperware tub and floated down a river. The mother later sued NAMBLA in the year 2000 to take down its Web site. But coming to the rescue against the mother was the ACLU, defending NAMBLA's free speech. At the Newark Star Ledger, according to their own archive, the only report on Jesse's death was a PR release from none other than Kathy Renna, this time calling anyone a homophobe who said his murder wasn't being reported by the press.
I had seen Renna's original claim of "the high ground" in no different terms than when my father served on Okinawa in 1944, where America was gaining the high ground. It meant if you won, you owned the high ground so that only your goals and values would be dictated to the loser. In other words, Kathy Renna and radical activist supporters like herself would now run the nation with a change in marriage laws on the horizon. In her favor, far-left activist Canadian courts were already defining marriage as between two beings to cover all bases.
So at the beginning of a new millennium that would define the world for the next hundred years, everything was suddenly up for grabs.
Basically, the media with their journalists promoting these issues changed the narrative, now reporting Christians were the evil ones, GLAAD and others pushing them aside as bigots and identifying them as hateful. What had started in 1999 would go full bloom with the candidacy of Barack Obama 11 years later.
Courts in America would follow suit in 2013 and 2014, one giving rise to marriage being between two beings. Radicals were now also showing the true intend of their attacks, saying that their gaining the high ground on marriage wasn't about marriage but about destroying marriage, as seen in the testimony in the video below.
But many Americans understood exactly what was going on, beginning to sense an anger at their rights and values being stepped on by radical movements racing across the country.
Lesbians Defining The High Ground
The rulings would also quickly lead to anyone with a private business that didn't want to service special requests, such as in photographic shoots or in the baking of cakes or supplying flowers, to be viciously and personally attacked by leftists and their supporters to destroy their businesses, even though they could have easily gone to another provider.
But the service wasn't their objective. Their objective was to shut down the business, which was owned by a Christian, a follower of Christ.
Yet the courts would never mention anything about the display of sexual acts performed in daylight at the annual Folsom Street Fair or the mocking of Christian religious holidays.
Radical pose for The Last Supper in 2008, sponsored by Miller Lite, then later pulled by the corporation
Within a year of these rulings by the courts, leftists took it upon themselves to even create new relationships out of thin air, that marriage between two people just wasn't enough, making the heads of our courts look like idiots.
Suddenly "throuples" were quickly born right under the noses of all those progressive judges. Leftists really did hold the high ground for determining social values, now from the hands of a few to control the many, the exact opposite of the intent of our fathers who put control into the vote of the people.
Then last week a U.S. court reinforced the issues of "beings" in marriage, now besides throuples opening up the door for marriage between whatever and whatever.
President Obama had sealed the deal by lying before the 2012 presidential election, saying marriage was between a man and a woman, well knowing what he would do after being ensured another four years in office to continue to work on his fundamental change to the U.S.
compliments MSNBC. |
"British woman marries
dolphin, tying the 'net' after 15-year courtship" - MSNBC |
But this issue, the one that laid the work for this road, would become just one of many that Obama would use to continue to fundamentally change the foundation of our country, keeping Christians at bay by calling himself one.
You can read the writing on the wall as the mainstream media, openly despising Christian values, leaves "Christian" Obama alone. They well understand his political objective, no different from Bill Clinton when he carried around that Bible in his hand while in office. Seen it lately?
In fact Barack Obama would use the murder of Matthew Shepard in Wyoming that occurred a decade earlier, to create a hate crimes bill in Congress. Obama knew full well in 2009 that Shepard was not murdered because of his lifestyle. Shepard was murdered because a friend who did meth with Shepard at parties was out of drugs that night, and in a rage because he thought Shepard had hidden them.
20/20 actually did an excellent report in 2004 on researching Shepard's death, discovering the new facts. It would be the first clue of Obama's game to never let a good crisis go to waste.
The Democrats have learned to keep power by showing one hand, and while the voter is distracted they do something else, usually the opposite of what was promised. In the end, they see the voter as stupid and valueless except to pull a lever every two years. But while looking at how so many Americans have been easily indoctrinated through social engineering, guaranteed through the subtle programming found for years on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NPR, CNN, and the FOX Television Network, Democrats may be on to something.
The FOX Television Network had run Sunday night cartoons mocking Sarah Palin's disadvantaged child. It also had a cartoon character involved in a sex act with a horse, while mocking those who served in Vietnam with a cartoon character calling the Vietnam Wall Memorial a "Score Board," pointing to one of the names and saying, I know that guy. When I killed him he cried like a *****. This was shown in millions of living rooms in America without a whimper heard from families across the country, already desensitized by the progressive's mainstream media's social engineering.
Obama is gathering his collection of millions of enablers from around the nation, from radical organizations that want to destroy the marriage provided by the Christian faith to radical illegal alien organizations that if allowed would move the border of Mexico north into America.
Obama has also openly supported Sharia Law in America, gathering another radical group under his Alinsky wings. Can you image an America where one man beats his wife and goes to jail while another man, a Muslim, down the street beats his wife and it's seen as a function of religion?
We can already see the fascism that developed from this social engineering in Sweden as Muslim gangs literally own their neighborhoods with police unable to control them.
In 2009 in Egypt, Obama would back this as U.S. President, saying Muslims had a right to practice their religion as they saw fit in western countries. Listen for yourself.
As President of the United States, Obama even bowed to a Saudi Prince and then in 2009 to the mayor of Tampa Florida, because she honored CAIR with an annual day of recognition.
Obama would also protect Jihad in America, renaming the act of radical Muslims murdering Americans, in this case unarmed soldiers in our military, as "workplace violence," the Jihadist shooting them like fish in a barrel. He even went so far to say if the victim's families of the Ft. Hood shooting were able to get Congress to pass a bill giving them "Purple Hearts," he would veto it. So under Obama a Jihad on American soil would now be the same act as if someone had been killed by a run-away garbage truck.
Obama, along with the Democrat Party, would force socialized healthcare on the American people in pure fascist fashion, making deals that would benefit Senators back home, political cartoonist Ramirez treating those Senators as well paid "Street Walkers" (see cartoon below.)
They had promised features that they could never guarantee, even saying families would see a $2,500 reduction in insurance premiums, when in reality they were up to double digits in some cases. Again, progressive Democrats saw the American public as stupid and unable to make decisions for themselves.
Of course with a compliant media lead by the New York Times and progressive TV networks, the public would be sure to stay stupid and uninformed.
Why? Because the public never demanded more from their mainstream media, giving up their rights to know believing, Oh, they wouldn't lie to us. We live in a Republic.
Well the media did, again and again, resulting in stunning on-the-street interviews like the one below on the left.
Now Obama has put a red carpet down across our borders, refusing to stop illegals from crossing while giving encouragement that, If you come here, you can stay here, millions having yet to arrive to assist the Democrat Party in staying in power in 2016.
We have already seen the devastation in Sweden over uncontrolled immigration where progressive multiculture fascist leaders threaten to put citizens in jail for complaining. Sweden is reported to be only 15 years away from becoming a Third World nation.
And the story repeats itself in Brussels, Norway, Denmark, France, England, Germany, and Spain, as the young in these countries begin to see their progressive leaders tossing their country's heritage away like smelly garbage in the name of multiculturalism. We see it happening even in the United States in this 2010 video.
As our American president, Obama has used the word collective several times, being trained in the Koran in Indonesia while later mentored by Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii. It had been reported that his communist grandparents had him attend a Unitarian church where SDS members hiding.
In 2011, the fascist culture of the progressive Democrats and their fawning media were taking control of America. So I could understand these events, I put together from scratch a module on Freedom Is Knowledge titled, Fascism Comes To America.
It contains seven parts to assist any American in discovering what these liberal / progressives believe in, their objectives, and how those objectives can easily change our Republic through the lies of social justice, social engineering, multiculturalism, and the damning of political correctness.
The seven parts, when read, will lead to the next section through links at the bottom of each page, overall documenting a dangerous journey for America in the future. This module has not been updated since 2011 because it doesn't need to be. Everything that has happened since 2011 is a reflection of what has already been written on the following pages.
Make a difference and learn what is going on around you. We are each a stick. Individually we can easily be broken. But bound together, we can make a difference like those before us who passed a formula for government that built the most successful country in the history of the world. It is understandable how Progressives, Marxists, Socialists, and Communist would want to tear it down, an embarrassment to their wanting to be adored and worshipped by a collective.
A Final Warning From One Who Knows - Tarek Fatah
Part 1: The Arrogance of Liberals |
If you build it, they will steal it.
Part 2: A Question Asked Behind Closed Doors |
If you want to know what Germany was like at the end of the 1920's, just step outside your front door. |
Part 3: How Hitler Came to Rule Germany: 1919 - 1938 |
A detailed study of Hitler's rise to power from 1919 to 1938, focusing on the tactics he used to gain power for his election to the parliament in March 1932. |
Part 4: Hitler's Rise Shown in German Home Movies |
Read how the free speech of Christians are being taken away by attacks in America by progressives and their media, not unlike the early days of the Jews in Germany. Then watch six segments of "The Rise" to see how a democracy allowed Hitler to gain power. |
Part 5: Fascism Comes To America |
A detailed journey of Barack Obama since his days in Indonesia with over 40 references from his time as an Illinois Senator until President up until November of 2011. (Updated.) |
Part 6: Grinding Down The Country |
Information from the book of the same name, on how progressives are grinding down our country. |
Part 7: Summary |
An overview of the takeover of America's traditional values by progressives, who have morphed into Fascists and demand their way or the highway. It includes their attempt to influence our Supreme Court to hand down rulings based on European judicial decisions instead of the U.S. Constitution, as demanded by our forefathers.
There is also an Addendum A for progressives and an Addendum B for faith-based Americans.
Grab a cup of coffee or tea, and begin your journey now starting with Part I. You can also go to the module's homepage at any time by clicking here.
True or False?
Do you know Obama's history before 2012? Click here to see how many you get right.