Date: October 15, 2014
What's The November 2014 Election About?!
From: Freedom is Knowledge
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This Is What It's About! |
It's about a crotch-salute president voted into office in 2008, who then immediately appointed socialist Czars to ram his ideology down the throats of Americans. Did you forget their make-up? Scroll down after clicking on this link from Judicial Watch and read the stunning backgrounds of these radicals.
Do you really need more? Watch the video on the left of how a regional manager viewed making Americans comply to regulations out of fear of the EPA, not unlike Obama's IRS, which the U.S. House seems unable to bring to justice. |
Four Warnings About Democrats And Their Fawning Support of Barack Obama's Leadership That Citizens Can Take Into The Voting Booth
1.) From Ryan Houck:
"If I wanted America to fail." - YouTube |
2.) From Bill Whittle:
Bill Whittle: Where do you live Mark Zuckerberg? - TruthRevolt |
3.) From Glenn Beck / Kitty Werthmann, Survivor of Fascism:
4.) From Dr. Srdja Trifkovic, Political Dissident and Survivor of Communism:
Former Yugoslavian dissident, now living in America, says western world more tyrannical than Communist Eastern Europe . . . and why. (2010) - YouTube
"Some may call this a Fairy Tale. I only wish it were so." - Webmaster
| Fascism Comes To America (2011) | It Doesn't Matter?! (2012) | America Facing Evil (2010) | What Privacy? |
| 1990 interview with a radical youth: - “We’re Going To Reshape Mean-Spirited Selfish America.” - Barack H. Obama | Print Page |

| The United States Flag: Federal Law Relating To Display And FAQs | U.S. Flag Code |
Looking around America today, George Bailey did get his wish.
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"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - J. Krishnamurti

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Freedom is Knowledge
Background photo source: President George Washington