1. And So It Begins? Like In Sweden, America's National Mainstream Media Bows To The Progressive's Multiculturalism And Buries News Story Of Seattle [Muslim] Man, Who Says He Killed To Gain Revenge Against The U.S. With Justice Killings. Note: One of those he murdered was a young black man. (Hmm, yet Missouri gets all the attention?! Watch video.)

Ali Muhammad Brown reports he was on a Jihad, completing 'Justice Killings' for America's bombing in the Middle East . . . King5 |
"A Seattle man who confessed to killing four people in Washington and New Jersey this year said each shooting was part of a mission of vengeance against the U.S. government for its actions in the Middle East, according to court documents released Wednesday.
Ali Muhammad Brown, who had already been charged in the targeted killing of a gay couple in Seattle and the point-blank shooting of a New Jersey college student, was charged Wednesday with the April slaying of 30-year-old Leroy Henderson in Skyway, Wash., according to the King County Prosecutor's Office.
Ali Muhammad Brown, 29, faces charges in New Jersey and Washington. (Essex County Prosecutor's Office) According to a criminal complaint filed in King County, Brown took responsibility for each shooting and told investigators he carried out the killings to gain retribution for lives lost during U.S. military action in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq." . . . L.A. Times
- The Jihadi Serial Killer No One’s Talking About (Plus Charging Documents) . . . MichelleMalkin
2. ISIS Message to Obama. But He's Out On The Links
ISIS Message to U.S. 'We are in your state, cities." . . . CBN |
"It's a frightening reality: Americans now live in a country that could be facing a terrorist threat worse than al Qaeda: the Islamic State. U.S. intelligence officials warn that ISIS has now gained momentum that will be difficult to halt in Iraq and Syria. They say the Islamic terrorists intend to prove their power far beyond the Middle East.
Intelligence warns the Islamic State may attempt a major terrorist strike in Europe or the United States to assert itself as the true leader of the international jihadist movement." . . . CBN
- Update: Chicago A Top Terror Target; Ominous Tweet Connects ISIS Threat In City . . . CBSChicago
- Islamic State: 45 Churches Desecrated And Converted Into Mosques . . . JihadWatch
- Fighters Abandoning Al-Qaeda Affiliates To Join Islamic State, U.S. Officials Say . . . JammieWearingFools
- ISIS Tells Imprisoned Christian Pastor Saeed Abedini In Iran They Will Kill Him Next . . . NowTheEndBegins
- America's Failed Raid To Rescue James Foley: White House Reveals U.S. Special Forces Stormed ISIS Camp Only To Find Hostages Weren't There, As Obama Goes Back To His Links . . . DailyMail
3. Christian Genocide By Boko Haram, Hamas, And ISIS. But The Group Names Don't Matter Because They're All Centered Under One Religion: Islam
"And now the fanatical Islamic State that stretches from areas of northern Syria through much of northern Iraq, just outside of Baghdad, is waging a systematic and utterly barbaric genocide of the area’s Christians. They are killing Muslims too. And what is the world doing? Virtually nothing.
The President of the most militarily powerful nation on Earth has dropped some “humanitarian” aid to thousands of Yazidis, an ancient, little known group driven from their homes in northern Iraq where they have lived for hundreds of years. Thousands of Christians were driven from Mosul. There has been an increase in U.S. air attacks on IS forces, but a far greater effort will be needed to destroy this evil entity." . . . FactNotFantasy
Boko Haram Kidnaps 97 Men And Boys In Nigeria . . . GatewayPundit
- Mosul Christian: Our Muslim Neighbors Drove Us Out . . . JihadWatch
- Biological Jihad In England Has Been Overwhelmingly Successful . . . NowTheEndBegins
4. Obama's Refusal To Put An American Embassy In Jerusalem, Bowing Down To Hamas, Encourages These Acts Against Jews In America: Swastika Flyers Placed At Jewish-Owned Businesses Near UCLA
"The store’s owner, who did not want his identity revealed, said he experienced a range of emotions upon making the discovery. I was…deeply very sad, and I’m thinking, ‘Calm down, think about it’,” he said. He then turned to Rabbi Boruch Cunin at Chabad House near UCLA for spiritual counseling and guidance, who said he was struggling to understand how such a thing could happen here in the Southland. 'In the center of Westwood to receive a leaflet with swastikas that says ‘Watch out’, ‘Be careful’, ‘You’ll see’, ‘Wanted’, and all of the rest of these threats,' said Cunin." . . . TruthRevolt
- Hamas Admits To Intimidating Foreign Press Into Biased, Anti-Israel Reporting . . . Breitbart
- Why I Support Israel . . . GatestoneInstitute
- Former U.S. Florida House Representative, Retired Lt. Col. Allen West, Declared President Obama An Islamist Intentionally Working Against The Security Of The United States . . . WesternJournalism
- Almost 8,000 Navy Chiefs Face Ax; Sailors Could Advance . . . USAToday
5. Christians Now Under Attack In America, Too! New Documentary 'Corpus Christi' Portraying Jesus As Gay Sparks Uproar
"Corpus Christi the play has now become Corpus Christi the documentary, and is being used primarily as a propaganda tool of the Progressive Far Left to indoctrinate LGBT values deeper into society. Where there once was outrage, playwright McNally now expects approval. He has good reason to think that way. Thousands of Christian churches across America, since 2012, have voted to approve and perform gay marriage ceremonies in their churches." . . . NowTheEndBegins
- On Two-Year Anniversary Of The Family Research Center Shooting, Encouraged By Southern Poverty Law Center's Web Site, Washington Post Cites . . . Wait For It . . . Southern Poverty Law Center's Continued Bashing Of The Family Research Center . . . NewsBusters
- See Inside One Of The U.S. Bible Belt’s Growing Number Of Atheist ‘Churches’ . . . NationalPost
6. There They Go Again: Univision and ObamaCare . . . Encouraging More Illegals To Violate America's Southern Border
"The California Endowment, whose logo appears in the ad, serves as a financial funnel for this partnership, and last year signed a $20 million deal with Univision for its 'multi-platform' ObamaCare enrollment campaign, as reported by Kaiser Health News. It has yet to be revealed whether or not the new ad series is tied to a fresh multi-million dollar deal between the two organizations.
Partiality in Univision’s news coverage of ObamaCare has been a chronic problem at the network, as documented by the Media Research Center's landmark April 2014 study Hispanic Media in the Balance. The content analysis of the network’s flagship news program, Noticiero Univision, found that over the course of four months, liberal advocates of ObamaCare were cited nearly five times as often as conservative opponents of ObamaCare." . . . NewsBusters
- In Poorest County In Texas, At Center Of U.S. Border Crisis, Brooks County Sheriff’s Deputies Go It Alone . . . TheMonitor
- In An Obama World, Texas Rancher's Biggest Fear Is Getting Sued By Illegals Trespassing On His Own Land . . . Breitbart
7. New Mexico Police Illegally Forcing Residents To Have Costly X-rays And Anal Searches
"Peru spent two hours searching Young’s truck and found nothing, so he called in the department’s canine unit. The dog didn’t find anything either, but the canine handler said that the dog hit on the driver’s seat of the truck. Since no drugs were found, Young was accused of hiding them in his anal cavity, so they handcuffed him and took him to a hospital an hour away. The hospital is in the neighboring county which meant that the deputies had no jurisdiction nor was their search warrant valid.
At the hospital, Young was forced to have x-rays which turned up nothing. Then he was forced to undergo a rectal exam which again turned up nothing. After being detained for a number of hours and undergoing the humiliation of a rectal exam, Young was finally released.
Young thought his ordeal was finally over, but days later he received a bill from the hospital for $614 for services the deputy forced him to undergo. You may think this was just a single incident of an overzealous deputy, but you would be wrong." . . . LastResistance
8. What's An Oxymoron? How About "Citizens For Responsibility And Ethics In Washington." (CREW)
"The best example came this year, when Reid was caught paying his granddaughter's jewelry business more than $31,000 from his campaign coffers. Despite having conducted a significant investigation into congressional nepotism – some of its best work – the group had nothing to say about Reid's spending, which he eventually reimbursed from personal funds.
A photograph of the stacks was published on a 'CREW Exposed' website, the group's retort to CREW's 'Berman Exposed' site exploring the firm's work. Richard Berman, the head of the firm, did not mince words when asked about Brock's ascension.
He said CREW’s merger with Media Matters proves what honest observers already knew: CREW was never an independent watchdog, but a liberal lapdog. CREW and its executive director Melanie Sloan made a business out of accusing others of a lack of transparency, while refusing to reveal CREW’s own donors—donors that no doubt benefited from the group’s disproportionate attacks on conservatives." . . . Breitbart
- Corruption At The FCC? TV Execs Donate To Democrat Lawmaker, Get Million-Dollar Rule Exception . . . DailyCaller
- Newly Announced Numbers Of People On Obama Welfare Is Mind-Boggling . . . WesternJournalism
- The New Shame Of The Democrat's Cities . . . FrontPage
- Sharyl Attkisson, Emmy Award-Winning Journalist, Teams Up With Judicial Watch To Sue Health & Human Services (HHS.) . . . Judicial Watch
9. Common Core Standards Drastically Losing Support
"A new survey shows that support for the federal education standards known as the Common Core is slipping. Education Next, an education journal from Stanford University's Hoover Institution, surveyed 5,000 respondents (including a number of educators) and found that just 40 percent of teachers back the Common Core compared to 76 percent just a year ago.
At the same time, teacher opposition has tripled from 12 to 40 percent. The survey finds that support among the public is also slipping. In 2013, 65 percent of the general public favored the standards compared to 53 percent today." . . . CBN
- Florida School Board Wants Multiculturalism Taught In All Classes . . . TruthRevolt
10. Liberal Dershowitz 'Outraged' By Perry Indictment
"'We don't settle political differences with indictments in this country,' the Republican governor said in a brief news conference Saturday afternoon. 'It is nothing more than an abuse of power — and I cannot and will not allow that to happen.'
Perry's supporters are backing his decision, saying that he was well within his rights under the state Constitution to veto the funding, while opponents say it's another example of how he abuses the power of his office. 'This is another example of the criminalization of party differences,' said Dershowitz, a prominent scholar on United States constitutional law and criminal law who writes the 'Legally Speaking' column for Newsmax. 'This idea of an indictment is an extremely dangerous trend in America, whether directed at [former House Majority Leader] Tom DeLay or [former President] Bill Clinton.'
Further, Dershowitz said, such indictments are something that's done in totalitarian countries and should not be done in the United States." . . . NewsMax
- In Covering Perry Indictment, AP Mischaracterizes Tom Delay Case's Result, Focuses on Cost of Defending Him . . . NewsBusters
11. How Facebook Can Manipulate The November Election
"Professor Zittrain calls this 'digital gerrymandering,' which is when a website disseminates information in a way that promotes its own political agenda. Any site can do this, and it’s quite insidious because Web users will generally be unaware of the manipulation.
After all, would you know it if a social network simply didn’t send you a voting graphic that a certain targeted group received (I rarely even view my Facebook page)? Zittrain’s article title says it all: 'Facebook Could Decide an Election Without [sic] Anyone Ever Finding Out.'
But political Internet manipulation has long been occurring without anyone, or at least without most everyone, finding out. Years ago already, Google censored sites such as The New Media Journal, Michnews.com, and The Jawa Report from its news search — a traffic-hobbling move that can send a site to a virtual Siberia — after accusing them of 'hate speech' for criticizing Islam.
Social commentators Dr. David Yeagley and Amil Imani had their MSN Hotmail accounts terminated for the same reason. And Google’s subsidiary YouTube once deleted an Islam exposé by commentator Michelle Malkin and has pulled or suppressed the traffic of other politically incorrect videos — all while purporting to be an open marketplace for ideas.
So will the next election be won via social-network sleight of hand? Tragically, you may never know." . . . . TheNewAmerican